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Calling Out All Autocrossers and Wannabee's - V4


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An event has been added to the schedule. Details:



So... we were lucky enough last night to have the OVR Board approve our purchase of replacement timing sensors which I have taken care of today and which we will be using on July 1st. (these items were about 2k for a full timing system replacement as our old system was out of warranty and the repairs to the system could have run us pretty high as well) ... this is where race entry money goes after sanctions, insurance and lot rental fees are paid! To keep our equipment functional and be able to replace it when it's not!


We were also lucky enough to have July 1st @ OSU come up as an event date that we can use.


Based on these things, we are going to reschedule points event 3 to July 1st as June 9th was handled as a fun event.


We realize this is short notice, but hope folks understand the demands of getting lots, along with unexpected equipment failures and can be flexible, we do still have 10 points events, and you are still only required to run 6 of them to qualify for the points race.


Motorsportreg online reg is open:


This means we have five different days we are running at OSU in July.. it's gonna be intense but an amazing amount of seat time!


The schedule has been updated online:

there is another another date change that has been reflected, our September 16th date was recalled by NTR & traded for an 8/26 date due to scheduling on their end.


Thanks all!

So, once again fear will be struck into the hearts of SMS drivers by the lowly Civic.


(Think of the rabbit scene in Monty Python and The Holy Grail - http://youtu.be/oMdSaC5flOk)

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Registered for the 1st. See you guys there! I'll be in RTR (CS PAX) with the BRZ, stock tires too.


(I'll probably make a fool of myself. It's been 5 years since I've driven a RWD car consistently, and I've never AutoXed a RWD car.)

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