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GXP a/c problem


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Worked fine when i got the car. Turned it on one day and stunk blowing out the vents, next time i got in the a/c wasnt cold. Tried to recharge it but the psi read over 90. I released the pressure, didnt recharge it. Tried to recharge it the bext day and read over 90 without putting anything in the system. The compressor isnt spinning.
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I don't know if it's a common problem in the newer ones, but I know in my '98 the passenger side leaks like crazy during heavy rains sometimes and floods causing smell and the blower motor to eventually go out. I've replaced it probably 4 times since I've had it. It'll half-assed work, then just give out.
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So by "releasing the pressure"...... You are venting r134 refrigerant into the atmosphere? :megusta:



There are multiple things you can check on. But I always start with a correct evac and recharge. If compressor still doesn't turn on I check the relay/ jump it to manually turn the compressor on. And go from there.

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So by "releasing the pressure"...... You are venting r134 refrigerant into the atmosphere? :megusta:



There are multiple things you can check on. But I always start with a correct evac and recharge. If compressor still doesn't turn on I check the relay/ jump it to manually turn the compressor on. And go from there.


How do u jump the relay??

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I jumped the relay in my wife's 95 Regal back in the day by pulling the relay in the fuse box under the hood and sticking some wire from corner to corner thus making the compressor stay on constantly. Sorry not much deal. Been years ago since I did it. Compressor siezed up two days later and started seizing the belt.
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You are running in circles. If you jump the relay all it proves is that it works. If you have been venting the system which is illegal for shops to do btw, and still have pressure it is most likely air. You need to evacuate it which puts the system into a vacuum. Then recharge with proper amount. Once we know for sure the proper amount is in and the compressor still does not come on, then we can discuss electrical issues. Until then you are wasting your time. Edited by Crossle
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I got you Rocky, didn't really read word for word all the way down. Wasn't knocking on you or anything, I understand that you were simply answering what he asked. I think a lack of understanding how the system works isn't helping, as I could see him latching onto the electrical part of it as an "easy fix" then when it doesn't get cold another barrage of questions comes up because we didn't spend enough time with step #1.


I just helped a neighbor with his A/C and he insisted on using a can in an empty system. The directions were very misleading and mixed with not understanding enough of the system led to difficulty in diagnosing/repairing the problem for him.

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Sorry, my reply had nothing to do with your post... I was just replying to his "how do you jump the Relay."



Nothing good comes from people who dont know what they're doing.. Buying can's from autozone and over pressurizing the system. LOL

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Joe, definetly take it somewhere and have it evaced. Even if you charge it and fix what ever electrical problem you may have, if it has any air in the lines it will freeze up and not work. Start with the basics and go from there.
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