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RIP Rodney King


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I do the same as Tim. Even though Ive never had any tickets Ive been pulled over a few times. I respectfully decline to give any information about myself outside of basic stuff. Cops have always been nice to me outside of one that called my mom a bitch when I was younger. They usually tell me I check out clean and tell me to be safe. Since I stopped driving the TA as my daily that never happens anymore.
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Since I stopped driving the TA as my daily that never happens anymore.


Drive an Equus and gain even more respect. Cops will bow down before you and worship your mama.


Yeah, I make $145k and drive a Hyundai. Traded in my cougar for it.

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^^ this. Guy was in and out of the system and basically a non contributing member of society. He's in a better place.


I had to re-read your comment, i thought it was directed to me. I got all butt hurt for a second.

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