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Sprint phone users


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Recently I've been getting nearly no bars in my 4' below ground basement (I'm in a bi-level house) and randomly around my house in Gahanna. Generally I had no issues up until a few weeks ago. I talked to a friend who works at the Sprint store and he said they're taking the Nextel towers and converting them to something Sprint towers or something along those lines and it's messing with the signal strength around Columbus. So if you get almost no bars where you generally get full or near full bars this would explain it.


He said this will go on for the next 4-6 weeks around Columbus.

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I do not like Sprint. When I first got my phone it was a Nextel and I rarely had problems with signal. When I switched from Nextel to sprint I started having problems. I always buy good phones so I know thats not the problem. I always stayed with Sprint because I was a "premier account". They ditched the premier accounts and now I no longer can get a new phone every year. I have a little under a year left of my contract. When my contract is over I have every intention to switch to AT&T. I'm sure there are opinions here about AT&T but I get a discount through my work and my work phone seems to always have good service.
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Sprint "Network Vision" is a series of consolidations and upgrades designed to increase efficiency and throughput, across multiple spectrums and networks that previously required separate towers. We'll see if it works out. The only reason I'm still with Sprint is because of the unlimited data plans and decent Wimax coverage in cbus.


If you complain about the signal in your home they'll send you a femtocell device that allows your cell to operate on VOIP in and around your home. I received one a few years back(for free because I complained enough) at my old house, and it worked well. Of course if we are getting the Vision upgrades hopefully it's all operational soon.

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I am up for renewal on my contract at Sprint. However, I think I might go with AT&T because I am pretty much sold on the Note. I'll wait until they release the NoteII and pick it up. The current Note is still just a touch too slow for my liking.
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I am up for renewal on my contract at Sprint. However, I think I might go with AT&T because I am pretty much sold on the Note. I'll wait until they release the NoteII and pick it up. The current Note is still just a touch too slow for my liking.


Why not a GS3? It's nearly the size and is much faster.

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I won't leave Sprint because I am grandfathered in with the SERO plan. $50/month for unlimited everything, 4G, etc. I will say I'm not a fan of their network, but I only have issues in large buildings like where I work, and usually I can just switch to wi-fi for that.


Sprint would have to seriously fuck things up for me to switch to another carrier where I'd pay double the money for a data plan that isn't unlimited. No thanks.

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Sprint, LOL. The nation's slowest mobile network. But yes, iDen is done. All the Nextel iDen towers are being repurposed for LTE.



Yep that's what I wanted to say .


As for 3G? I could care less. I'm home 90% of the time and I just hook it up to my wireless network.

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Why not a GS3? It's nearly the size and is much faster.


The Note is still quite a bit bigger in comparison. From what I have seen of the new EVO in comparison to the GS3, I almost prefer the EVO. I genuinely gave the EVO a chance, but I picked up the Note more just because of the screen size. Though, the EVO and GS3 are both fantastic phones from what I could tell.


I'm still holding off for the release of a (hopefully) faster Note.

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