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NTR Friday night street fights.. any good??


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Ok. Think i'm heading to D42 then. It's closer and gamblers races


That's why it's dead everyone is going to things that actually have a payout or gamblers race. With Staff that don't cater to one certain groups needs all the time. It was dead this past Friday as well. It won't be long as we have talked about on past threads, I think without a buyer that track will be on it's way out.

Edited by TheMustangStampede
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That's why it's dead everyone is going to things that actually have a payout or gamblers race. That don't cater to one groups needs all the time. It was dead this past Friday as well. It won't be long as we have talked about on past threads, I think without a buyer that track is on it's way out.


Fixed. Sadly enough to say, this may actually be right. :(

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Fixed. Sadly enough to say, this may actually be right. :(


They have special event the next few weekends I think, but they have been slow all but one Friday night I was there and it was Holt Shootout night & NDAM trucks.


Whoever is balancing the books there has their hands fullllllll. Mostly with a red ink pen.

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They have special event the next few weekends I think, but they have been slow all but one Friday night I was there and it was Holt Shootout night & NDAM trucks.


Whoever is balancing the books there has their hands fullllllll. Mostly with a red ink pen.



How long will this continue before someone steps up and saves this landmark?

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Trails has been dealt 1 death blow after another for several years. However, they have been their own worst enemy and have brought these death blows on themselves. Spring Nats is gone, ADRL is gone. They dont have much to draw a big crowd anymore. I think this is a result of them just not caring. I have not seen them do anything to improve the track since they put the tower up and that was really the only improvement that I can ever remember.
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I ended up at Larue. It was the deadest I have seen it in awhile
Man if everyone would just show up on fridays that we are doing ODRA we could really have some great racing. If enough people show up they will let us race till the wee hours of the morning. Its happened many times and some people around here can vouch that. We had a blast before.


This year should be even better as we are having payout in a couple classes. Plus grudging into the morning with proper car count. come on people lets get together and all show up at the same time.


I will gladly drag any car down the track!!!!;)

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It is really sad that Edgewater can have 3k plus in attendance on Thursday Nights, yet trails is happy as hell to get 100 people on a Wednesday/Friday night. I have been pushing a lot of friends locally to get out to the track rather then the street. Tails does need improvements, why doesn't Jegs step up and help more like what Summit has done for Norwalk, or have they already done a ton that I am not aware of?
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It is really sad that Edgewater can have 3k plus in attendance on Thursday Nights, yet trails is happy as hell to get 100 people on a Wednesday/Friday night. I have been pushing a lot of friends locally to get out to the track rather then the street. Tails does need improvements, why doesn't Jegs step up and help more like what Summit has done for Norwalk, or have they already done a ton that I am not aware of?


Norwalk is what it is because of the Bader family, not really Summit. Norwalk was like Marion years and years ago and Bill Bader made it what it is today. But I agree, why would Jegs not stand up so that they had an awesome home track. I would guess that the current owners of trails (NHRA) probably have something to do with it all.

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Gotcha! I was under the impression that it was Summit who funneled in all the money to make Noralk nice. Jegs would be smart to put money into trail as you said, they'd have a nice home track to test on, hell even local shops such as IPS and Slowmotion would benifit from it too. Doesn't IPS take their Vette to Michigan for test and tuning? Honestly I think drag racing is on its way out not just here locally but nationally. No one cares about drag racing, unless you're a drag racer. The racer counts are down everywhere (atleast in the Import world) and sponsors don't want to invest anything into the sport.


Maybe they could lower the cost to attend/race. Maybe $5 for spectators would help get people in the stands. I know on Wednesdays there is never 100 people in the stands, hell I would prob put money on it being less then 50 people honestly. Make it $10-$12 to race, you'd be suprised how much $3 effects peoples decision to race or not.

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Gotcha! I was under the impression that it was Summit who funneled in all the money to make Noralk nice. Jegs would be smart to put money into trail as you said, they'd have a nice home track to test on, hell even local shops such as IPS and Slowmotion would benifit from it too. Doesn't IPS take their Vette to Michigan for test and tuning? Honestly I think drag racing is on its way out not just here locally but nationally. No one cares about drag racing, unless you're a drag racer. The racer counts are down everywhere (atleast in the Import world) and sponsors don't want to invest anything into the sport.


I am sure racing is down a bit but I do have to say that everyone I know that is half way fast goes to better tracks. They would rather drive 3 or 4 or more hours to go to a track that they can actually get down vs risk crashing on a track that is 15-30 min away. Well i guess Norwalk is just under 2hrs away but still. I dont think Drag Racing is going anywhere. Look at how much NHRA keeps growing and look at how popular ADRL has become. I think people are just going elsewhere and avoiding the crappy tracks.

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I hope it doesn't go anywhere and I seriously hope Trails doesn't either. I do agree that people are driving to better tracks, hell we're going to Maryland in a month just to see if we can go faster there compared to trails


Its sad to watch really. Lets hope that they are able to get it together.

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Its a revolving circle. shitty track, people go else where. people don't race local= shitty track because no money for owner to invest. back to shitty track =goes race else where.


I travel a lot and this area is funny when it comes to drag racing. Go north, south east or west and you will find some crazy car counts. I once went to cecil co drag way in MD and it was just a test and tune night. There was so many outlaw cars it looked like a $20,000.00 weekend event.


Go south and duck is putting on $60,000.00 races and people come from all over the u.s.


I never understood why it was so slow around here. As you all know i try my best to get people to come support racing around here but its always like talking to a brick wall.


Then everyone's reason, "it a shitty track"...see the circle?

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