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Thanks for robbing me on my wedding day you worthless peices of shit. I am sure Karma has some fun shit in store for you.



Sorry this happened to you and of all days ...


I have a couple computers (pc) that I dont use right now, one laptop and a desktop. If you need to borrow either one or both until you get replacements for your stuff you are more than welcome to them.

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congrats on getting married... that's a terrible way to start your new life together though. I hope things work out for you though, I know getting robbed is a terribly violating feeling. it never ceases to amaze me how little respect some people have for other peoples property.
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Congrats on the wedding. Sucks your shit got stolen. I would invest in some sort of security system after this. The same thieves know that you will replace the lost items and could potentially come back for round 2.


Yes ! This happened to a neighbor of mine a few years ago.

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mike, were they able to lift any usable prints?


4 useable prints, should take about ten days to get any results.




It has to be someone one we know or know well enough to make a time table. We left Wednesday morning and the wedding was Friday so their time table was short but long enough to get the essentials. My pillow case full of change and Anandas jewelry still on our bed makes me think they where coming back. My renter insurance will cover it all except my watches, I will get about two grand to replace them.

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I would get a web cam with recording capabilities or a deer trail cam and put it in a location that you will not trigger it often, but they will. These goofballs usually come back as they know you will replace the items.


I really hope they don't come back, on the other hand I hope they do and I am home :)

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It has to be someone one we know or know well enough to make a time table. We left Wednesday morning and the wedding was Friday so their time table was short but long enough to get the essentials. My pillow case full of change and Anandas jewelry still on our bed makes me think they where coming back.


Get copies of the prints and over the next few months get prints of friends from glasses, parties, etc. :)


If there were things still. In a pillow caseyhat tells me something spooked them to bolt. I mean if they had a vehicle why not grab it along with the other stuff? Did anyone know you were in route back at a specific time on Friday?

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Get copies of the prints and over the next few months get prints of friends from glasses, parties, etc. :)


This is some secret agent level shit right here. Get some shit on your hands that makes fingerprints very visible. Shake their hand.


Midway through the party ask people if they want refills or such. Grab glasses/bottles, and start identifying. Come back, and say you're going to play a game of Clue, and the first clue is the motherfucker murdered in the garage with a candlestick.

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I had a similar incident. I'm fairly certain it was a CR Member(s) who had been to my place before.


So it goes.


I've accidentally tested our security system twice and both times the police were there before I could remember my password.

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I had a similar incident. I'm fairly certain it was a CR Member(s) who had been to my place before.


So it goes.


I've accidentally tested our security system twice and both times the police were there before I could remember my password.


I can't think of any CR member that has even been to my house.

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I can't think of any CR member that has even been to my house.


I followed you the night you said we could drink natti light and play game cube... You bailed on me so your shit bailed on you. Have a nice honeymoon. How Lon will you be gone?

















Just kidding that really sucks no matter how it's cut up. Peace of mind cannot me replaced. I moved the gun from my car to the house for a situation like this.

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Get copies of the prints and over the next few months get prints of friends from glasses, parties, etc. :)


That sounds like something I would do haha.


Any of your friends/wedding party become suspiciously scarce afterwards? It would take a bold person to break into your house like that and still socialize with you.

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