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CR, please keep eyes open for possible murderer of my friend


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Fantastic idea. Perhaps you can start a grassroots campaign to repeal the Eighth Amendment so that taxpayers can save some money. In fact, a lot of those things in the Bill of Rights are getting expensive, maybe we could dump 'em all. :dumb:



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  • 4 weeks later...
They should hang him, horizontally, barely above the waterline with just his junk hanging in the water, then start slicing with a razor so the blood trickles into the shark tank below... here sharky sharky sharky!


Let these guys use him for bait.



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They should hang him, horizontally, barely above the waterline with just his junk hanging in the water, then start slicing with a razor so the blood trickles into the shark tank below... here sharky sharky sharky!


That's not personal enough, a good sturdy armchair, a roll of duct tape, smelling salts and a razor knife make a good statement.


For added length, you could use an IV so he doesn't bleed out.




Cement shoes, low tide and wait for the tide to rise.


Quick..... a tree mulcher


And make it a prime time event to deter future assbags from doing the same.

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