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Washington-Oregon Pics


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I am very fortunate to have to travel to the Northwest for work semi-frequently. I try to get out and explore once the work for the day is completed. This particular trip I 'had' to stay the weekend since I had to be in Seattle one week and Portland a few days of the week after. I have not edited everything but I couldn't resist posting a couple of teasers.


Mt. Ranier



Lighthouse on the Yaquina Penninsula


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moar. I will put numbers on them for comments. Also still have more coming. On this trip I stumbled on an unknown to me, museum. The Lemay auto museum opened in June of this year. What a treat. Will Post pics later.


1 Yaquina Penninsula lighthouse - different vantage.



2 Tillamook lighthouse about a mile off shore.



3 Indian Beach sunset with tillamook light house.http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c192/BertoBizkit/Fred%20Miranda%20Forum%20Entries/Berto%20Photography/Oregon/DSC_6447.jpg


4 Going Up!



5 got to see 3 Bald Eagles, first time I've seen them in the wild. This one was getting PO'd by a seagull. My lens did not have enough zoom so this is cropped.



6 More Beach



7 More Beach



8 Playing in the tide pools.



9 stumped!



10 Moss



11 Why can't our weeds be like these?



12 Just for Tim - Panorama from Larch Pt. You can see Ranier, St Hellens, Adams, Jefferson, and Hood. Labeled them (actually big text but the image is huge!)


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13 Cannon Beach



14 600+ ft tall Multnomah Falls.



15 More Multnomah, lower section.



16 Horsetail Falls



17 Columbia River Gorge at Sunset from Crowne Point was able to et some final color in the clouds.



18 Night Picture of Crowne Point


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  Murse said:
The panorama is that a post process stitch or were you using a special lens. Either way that looks awesome!


Post process stitch :). Although I was using my 10-20mm zoom on some of these that particular picture is huge, its almost an 180 Degree panorama.

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Great shots man. Funny how so many of them are from some of the same spots we go to. 3 of them are nearly exact.


I can't wait to move up there. We're kicking around a few options now to hopefully make that a reality sooner than later. One of the decision is to stick it out in our current home and not buy another nicer one here in Ohio but rather wait for the move.

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  • 2 weeks later...









In this one there is an older lady painting. I wanted to ask her for permission to get a few shots of her painting (closer) but by the time I got to her she was already packing up.


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  SilverAudiMike said:
What lenses did you use for the shots above?


Looks like a combo of the 18.0-55.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 & 10.0-20.0 mm f/4.0-5.6


Berto did some excellent work on these shots. My only insight is if they are RAW, to help recapture the highlights, especially in the falls. I did it easily with a web compressed jpeg so it should be a snap in a RAW converter.

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As Tim said I think most of it was with the 10-20mm. I am loving on that lens. I did switch to the 35mm F1.8 prime for a few shots.


Honestly brings up a good question, I have a real hard time picking what lens I want to be with. How often do you all switch lenses when out shooting. Sometimes I find myself not taking shots because....I don't feel like changing lenses.


With that said I am looking very closely at this macro lens. Anyone with good thoughts on it?


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  Berto said:


With that said I am looking very closely at this macro lens. Anyone with good thoughts on it?



Can't say I've any experience with it, but it seems to rate well. I've looked at Macro's and would say that a 60-100mm is a good range to consider only because you can be further from your subject thus allowing for easier lighting.

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