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Aaron Brown of Middletown Cycle...


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I just got back from Middletown Cycle. I spoke with the salesman that sold me the bike and the owner of Middletown Cycle, Aaron Brown. Now this thread might sting my reputation on Ohio Riders but Im gonna just come out and say it. After speaking to Aaron today about the situation reguarding my bike and his willingness to go out of his way to help me fix my bike and get me riding again, I want to apologize to Aaron, Middletown Cycle and all of you Ohio Riders. Yes I was very frustrated and beyond pissed off that the bike I just bought was so f'ed. And instead of trying harder on my end to have Middletown fix my problem I resorted to listening to what other dealerships had been saying about Middletown. So again to everyone I do apologize, especially to Middletown Cycle. Im taking the bike to them tomorrow and they plan on having an exact diagnosis for me in a couple days and of course I will keep you all updated on the situation. As for the other thread, seeing I cant PM atm (hit my limit earlier) Im gonna just come out publicly and ask Casper if he would be so kind to kill and remove the thread of bashing of Middletown Cycle. Thanks again for everyones support in the matter with my bike but its in there hands now, and I feel its the right thing to do, and I have mad respect to them now that there willing to go out of there way and get my bike back on the street.

Edited by FocusDave01
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good to hear that they are now deciding to work with you, and hopefully, they follow through and make this right.

wouldn't necessarily close or delete the thread until after they've fixed the problem (whether they do it on their dime or split the cost with you is between you and the dealer) and you confirm that everything is well.

for the dealership, i would suggest that this is a huge opportunity for them to show a large, local group of their target demographic that they are not just yet another dealership who doesn't give a crap about anything post-sale, whether it be new or used. no amount of marketing dollars can get you positive advertising like this.

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Personally until resolved I would leave the thread as is. As mentioned it could be the very presence of the thread that convinced them to assist.

In the event you determine they are genuine than the resolution can be posted and kudos to Middletown. If not, it will exist to steer others away.

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Glad to hear they are going to take of you. The other thread has been moved.

thanks cbr girl and yeah i have faith in them, i do want everyone to know that they are going to take care of it, we will know what the final verdict on whats wrong wth the bike prob towards the end of the week...saying a prayer its not major...

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That thread should never be removed. At most there should be an update by the OP once everything has been finalized without editing the first post and the thread locked.

i agree 110%....with the amount of riders, members, friends, friends of friends, and family middletowne could have just lost a bunch of clients. im guessing they are trying to make right to some degree on something that should have not ben wrong in the first place imho. id keep this thread open, and after they fix the problem correctly, and their time and dime maybe people as myself who have a preconcieved notion about them already, might change their minds. good luck, and i feel not only should they fix it, but throw in some huge discounts on gear parts or service. you got fucked from the start imho.:guitar:

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The fact that it seems to have taken this much to get them to look at it even says less of them. You even said they knew about your posts and that's probably the only reason they are helping you now. Your original review/complaint was removed so as my own personal reminder I'll never recommend their shop or do business with them ever again. :D

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It's getting to the point where the Ohio dealers are just going to start asking you if you're an OR.net member when you walk in the door... they'll know better what they can and cannot sell you on.

I like that.

Another reason to keep the site Ohio only.

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Aaron is a great guy and probably should have been told about this from the start or approached first. Usually, the owner is the last to know type of deal.

I know Aaron and he's a stand up guy. The thing with used bikes is that dealers are not put under the same guidelines as a personal owner. A private owner who would sell the same bike would get away scott free. A dealer has to do the right thing even if the bike is used and sold "as-is".

With used bikes, you can run a COMPLETE check of everything and never know the valves are shit in the bike. It may not show any signs under normal operating conditions that it is about to let go. Like the forks seals.

Fork seals leak at some point and the moment they started, could have been with the second owner. Same with the motor. Seeing the dealer is taking the OP's word that he didn't abuse the bike (I don't believe he did at all - just saying as an example), who is to know if he did or did not?

I think if Aaron did the right thing, that means something and means a lot about the integrity of the owner.

I am glad you got in there and talked with him. I also respect you even more for the apology and think you are a stand up dude. That takes balls and typically, when a dealer does do the right thing, their actions are never stated.... Good on you.

Good luck and I hope it turns out the way it should.

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Aaron is a great guy and probably should have been told about this from the start or approached first. Usually, the owner is the last to know type of deal.

I know Aaron and he's a stand up guy. The thing with used bikes is that dealers are not put under the same guidelines as a personal owner. A private owner who would sell the same bike would get away scott free. A dealer has to do the right thing even if the bike is used and sold "as-is".

With used bikes, you can run a COMPLETE check of everything and never know the valves are shit in the bike. It may not show any signs under normal operating conditions that it is about to let go. Like the forks seals.

Fork seals leak at some point and the moment they started, could have been with the second owner. Same with the motor. Seeing the dealer is taking the OP's word that he didn't abuse the bike (I don't believe he did at all - just saying as an example), who is to know if he did or did not?

I think if Aaron did the right thing, that means something and means a lot about the integrity of the owner.

I am glad you got in there and talked with him. I also respect you even more for the apology and think you are a stand up dude. That takes balls and typically, when a dealer does do the right thing, their actions are never stated.... Good on you.

Good luck and I hope it turns out the way it should.

recon and lizard thanks for the props as well.middletown deserves it.. and yes i wish i would have met aaron when i was in the process of buying the bike i saw him many times jsut never knew who he was lol. if i would have gotten ahold of him in the first place i never would have spouted off and been so angry he was a really cool guy and i look forward to dealing with thim casue i trust he is doing the right thing as have i..

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Aaron is a great guy and probably should have been told about this from the start or approached first. Usually, the owner is the last to know type of deal.

I know Aaron and he's a stand up guy. The thing with used bikes is that dealers are not put under the same guidelines as a personal owner. A private owner who would sell the same bike would get away scott free. A dealer has to do the right thing even if the bike is used and sold "as-is".

With used bikes, you can run a COMPLETE check of everything and never know the valves are shit in the bike. It may not show any signs under normal operating conditions that it is about to let go. Like the forks seals.

Fork seals leak at some point and the moment they started, could have been with the second owner. Same with the motor. Seeing the dealer is taking the OP's word that he didn't abuse the bike (I don't believe he did at all - just saying as an example), who is to know if he did or did not?

I think if Aaron did the right thing, that means something and means a lot about the integrity of the owner.

I am glad you got in there and talked with him. I also respect you even more for the apology and think you are a stand up dude. That takes balls and typically, when a dealer does do the right thing, their actions are never stated.... Good on you.

Good luck and I hope it turns out the way it should.

so when they take a trade in they dont test run it?

seems like if i took your bike down the road for a few miles i would notice the smoke billowing out from the exhaust, no?

..if they honestly didnt know, they should have been covered it cause it was their fault they didnt throughly examine the bike prior to the sale. so it takes numerous emails and post bashing them to try to correct the mistake?. it should have been dealt with right off the bat in my opinion. :guitar:

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so when they take a trade in they dont test run it?

seems like if i took your bike down the road for a few miles i would notice the smoke billowing out from the exhaust, no?

..if they honestly didnt know, they should have been covered it cause it was their fault they didnt throughly examine the bike prior to the sale. so it takes numerous emails and post bashing them to try to correct the mistake?. it should have been dealt with right off the bat in my opinion. :guitar:

yeah as me riding it i never thought to look behind me if it was smoking it wasnt until people followed me that i noticed it smoke and i only got on it 2-3 times jsut to see how much smoke came out and it is alot...as well as going through 1.5 to 2 quarts of oil in the process...

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recon and lizard thanks for the props as well.middletown deserves it.. and yes i wish i would have met aaron when i was in the process of buying the bike i saw him many times jsut never knew who he was lol. if i would have gotten ahold of him in the first place i never would have spouted off and been so angry he was a really cool guy and i look forward to dealing with thim casue i trust he is doing the right thing as have i..

No they don't. You shouldn't have to talk to the owner to get anything done. According to your first post in your other thread you called them and they weren't willing to help. A business is the sum of its parts not just the head of it.The fact that it took all this just to get them to look at it is ridiculous.

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