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hater thread


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Simple solution... Stop being a mod... But wait, that means you would have no authorita!!! You take this so seriously It's sad.


What is your paypal info? I would like to send you some money so you can buy a clue :lolguy:


I love ya phil but you really should go try to dig at someone else, maybe find another person who started a depression thread?


You really seem to forget that I was helping Anthony with stuff well before I was givein any "authorita", but please keep trying to raise laughs at my expense it makes me feel loved.

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I hate when people live in low income housing or a trailer park or something and drive a 50k+ car. get your priorities straight. buy a beater and get a house, buy the nice car when the house is paid off.

Don't be inconsiderate, they probably stole that car in the first place. :gabe:

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Breast cancer

OSU fans

Browns fans

People who only call you when their car is broke

People who don't know what year/make/model car they drive


Mashed potatoes

Guys who are fine chatting/sleeping with a married woman

People without common sense/morals

Impatient people

People who don't know how to use spell check

People who are intolerant against because of race

People who are for stricter gun laws


Toronto Maple Leaf fans

Canadian's who believe all NHL teams should be relocated to Canada

Soccer fans who try to say hockey is just like soccer


Anyone who sat in line for hours at Chick-fil-a to show their "support"

Friends who make no effort when you text or talk to them

Deadbeat dads/moms


People who throw cigarette butts out of their car or litter in general

Fat/inconsiderate people who can't walk their grocery cart an extra 20 feet to the corral

Overly religious people

Married women who try to hit on me or text me




It would probably take 15 hours or so to come up with everything I hate. I'd say just about everything for the most part.

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I love u


Wanger, if I see another grudge outlaw no one cares about racing 5 minute youtube racing compilation post on fb, I'm deleting you.


Cool story.


Fucks given factor of potato given.


Why do you even come to this site?



Don't worry Jones I won't take any of Kyoto horrible pictures using your cars as subject any more.

It is obvious my skills are not worthy of your cars...

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People who seen something, aka 90% of CR.

People who point over the glass to every fucking topping they want on their burrito, fuck you.



Poo that smears on the bowl after you flush

Having to restart my poo after forgetting my phone

Car salesman who take the fucking car im working on then put the keys back in KeyTrack or their pocket


Forgetting to close my tab and having to find it the next day at the bar that isn't open on Sunday

Rumble strips

Driving to Dayton every fucking day

Car salesman

Wet grass

Tire pressure


Oversize loads (excpet those 96 wheelers or whatever the fuck they are, those are cool)

Blown tires all over 70

People who grind gears

My fucking transmission when it grinds

Wheel bearings

Gas caps

Travel stations

People who have dinner at Whole Foods

Flat head screws

Ice machines that are out of ice at gas stations when there's a giant fucking cooler full of ice outside

People who don't use periods


KY caps that open when your flipping the tube around trying to get the last bit

Radio towers fucking up my XM



Car window stickers

VIN numbers

Mowing around a tree

Gas filler tubes with a 90 degree bend that turn the pump off every half fucking gallon


Kerry Automotive


Hits 1

Chip/Combo/M&M bags that open all the way down the fucking side and go EVERYWHERE

Rapper names

Warm pillows



Jack Daniels

Argon tanks

Money orders

Address changes

Fax machines



Pans that aren't non-stick

People that have to pay for gas

Cars that get 400 miles per tank. It fucking better, you have a 30 gallon tank asshole

Empty cans

Gas cans

Empty gas cans

Trash, all kinds


Quick & Easy online forms that require you to call 3 times because they never fucking work.

Call centers in India


Signs over bridges that say something like "Mad River" then you look and its a little fucking creek.

Walls over bridges that I can't see over

Salesman who ask where their cars are on the lot. You stand around all fucking day, I'm here once a week actually doing shit. I don't know. Fuck you, EAD

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