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LS240 Siezed up..... FML. Bigger and better


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Well the last installment of the worst shit luck in my world happened as soon as we started the car.


Heres the skinny.


I bought this motor together oil pan already on along with the heads that was it. By no means am I blaming the person who put it together at all. I should have listened to Rutan TA when he stopped over to my house and told me to break it down and check it before I go balls to the wall on this project but i did not listen.......



Lesson learned. If you buy something and its built by anyone but anyone who is less than a machine shop break it down for a a double reach around check and save yourself possibly...


So after I got the wiring all figured out and fixed up I ran into a couple problems like my power steering getting all crazy and needing to loop it and have no power steering witch does not bother me at all.


And I ran into some fitment issues with the front wheels. However Brandon Wright and Peanut at IPS helped me out got me squared away with some spacers and the machine shop next Door to IPS




The front wheels poke a little but once these 27x10.5s wear out the 28 will match pretty good up front with some 10mm spacers.




Well here is how it went down. Eric loaded up a base tune so I could let the car idle get it up to temp and burp the cooling system, I ran out of coolant so me and my buddy danny took her down the street to meijers to get some more coolant. Car drove fine ran like a top got on it and she skated around like we were on ice. checked the temp and on my ultra gauge and everything was legit got some fresh 93 and we headed back to IPS. On the return rd back to IPS I was like this is awesome lets do a burn out.


Stuck the car in first lit those brand new slicks up with ease considering the rear end has 4.10 gears.... what do you know both wheels locked up. it was a smoke show to put snoop dog to shame. Hit 2nd and released the brake to rll forward....


then she just locked up harder than Jon Linn's wallet when donating money to kids for cancer.


Danny said we might of hydro fuel locked it, I agreed since it was a base tune and erick said he put more fuel in it to be safe before we left.


Push it back to IPS and take out the first plug and I heard no pressure or smelled no gas. I stopped and told everyone its fucked they did not believe me. Took the rest of the plugs out put it in gear and the motor was so locked up when we put it in gear and tried to push the car to free it up. it rocked the motor back and forth..... :p


I pulled the dipstick and there were fine bearing/metal shavings in a the brand new mobil one oil i fed her before I dropped it off at the shop.


Oil starvation, We think and pretty much anything we could think of is that the pump failed and or the pick up sucked itself to the bottom of the pan.



Lesson today, Double check your shit if you buy it put together.


Shit happens but I swear I have the worst fucking luck.



So far the motor is in the car and when I break it down ill find out the culprit.


Also Found another motor and on the hunt for one big cam/drivability I dont really care ;)



Is it funny that when I walked into IPS that night to work on the car I had a brand new oil pressure gauge in my hand and when eric told me it was ready to idle i tossed it back in my truck? lol Just cause its a stock motor doesnt mean things will go wrong....






Must stay focused!

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That seriously sucks man.

It will just end up being fast as a result!


Hang in there!


I aint goin out like no bitch.


Down south is just a weekend trip away while everyone is up here freezing there asses off:masturboy:


this bitch will hit the track before the first of the year.

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Here is my theory....


You put wheels on the car that never belong on an S-chassis.....


And, like a new kidney, the car rejected it. In order to get even, it took it's anger out on the other big-bold-american thing you did.... the swap.


All joking aside, I hope you resolve the problem and are able to enjoy it soon!!

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Yes, you learned the right lesson. NEVER assume someone else did the work right. if you buy an engine, Always always always check it over with a fine tooth comb, and always replace all the 'standad' parts (seals, gaskets, oil pump, etc...) with new.



also, pm sent.

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Here is my theory....


You put wheels on the car that never belong on an S-chassis.....


And, like a new kidney, the car rejected it. In order to get even, it took it's anger out on the other big-bold-american thing you did.... the swap.


All joking aside, I hope you resolve the problem and are able to enjoy it soon!!



seriously lol!!!



But honestly they are Sexxay If only they came in 17's for the front.



God the haters at a stance car show next year that will come out =)

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