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I have room for 2 maybe 3 pieces of equipment to get me started what are the best single pieces of equipment to have? I am thinking a elliptical, a Rower (I like rowing and it is full body) and maybe a Airdyne air bike. Thoughts?


Also what is the best heart rate monitor out?

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Gym membership > *


This, because in a month, youre not gonna use the shit you buy. If you have a monthly membership you see keep coming from your acct, itll probably remind/spur you to go, and actually use it vs. paying for nothing. At least it did for me.

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Nope I despise going to the gym and have paid for a membership more than once for a year at a shot and went less than 5 times. I am putting equipment in place of my couch and tv and it will get used. This is WAY more than "Hey I should lose ten pounds I think I will buy a bowflex"
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weight bench, dumbbells, and whatever cardio machine you will actually use


I lost more weight when I had a weight bench in the house than I ever lost going to the gym. Sadly I didn't have room to keep it around. With that you can do bench press with dumbbells or regular weight bar, squats (not super easy without a squat rack but still very possible), bent over rows using dumbbells, deadlifts, curls, overhead tricep extensions. Most weight benches have an extension to do legs as well. With a weight bench you can do most of what you could do on machines at the gym. If I had more room I'd seriously think about getting an elliptical and weight bench and forget about the gym.

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I have room for 2 maybe 3 pieces of equipment to get me started what are the best single pieces of equipment to have? I am thinking a elliptical, a Rower (I like rowing and it is full body) and maybe a Airdyne air bike. Thoughts?


Also what is the best heart rate monitor out?


Personally, I have found having a trainer more beneficial then owning any equipment. Being "accountable" to someone seems to help.


Steven (2pointslow on CR) is who I am working with. Hit him up if you want to try it out!





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Great move, and commitment Scott. If you like the rower, go with that. It is full body and it feels great too. I do it for warm up and for 5 minutes after, on back day.

It comes down to get what you'll enjoy. I have an adjustable bench and dumbells that will get you almost everything for lifting you would want or need.

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A simple bench, maybe a bench press rack and some dumbells.


A gym membership is great until you realize you have to drive there every fucking time, and share the equipment. Plus if you pay $30 to $50 a month, you could have easily just bought weights for the cost of a years worth of memberships.


Hell, I just bought a bench, and nice squat rack combo, 2 olympic bars and 400+ lbs of weight for $350. Ill have it for life, and wil never pay for a membership again.


As for heart rate monitors, don't do it. The best guage for that is perceived effort. If doing cardio, just make sure you are at a conversational pace, meaning you could converse with someone if they were next to you. The key is just getting your heart rate elevated above your resting rate.

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Great move, and commitment Scott. If you like the rower, go with that. It is full body and it feels great too. I do it for warm up and for 5 minutes after, on back day.

It comes down to get what you'll enjoy. I have an adjustable bench and dumbells that will get you almost everything for lifting you would want or need.


+1, just remeber your body weight is free

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I'd try running and dieting for free before you spend a bunch of money on stuff you might not use.


Set a goal, like after each 10lbs, you can buy yourself some equipment.


That way you know you'll use it.


Just a suggestion.

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If you're set on building your own "home gym". I would suggest a power rack system w/300lb weight set. I nice set of selectorize dumb bells and a treadmill. If you are dead set on a rower they can be beneficial, i rowed for westerville crew in 9th grade.... possibly the best workout ever.
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I agree with getting weights. Hands down best way to lose weight and your muscle mass will increase at the same time.


Getting a single machine like a rower might get boring. Thats where the bench and dumbells come in handy. There are so many combinations of motions you can do to mix it up. I use a heavy bag for cardio plus it increases my striking power which is always a plus.


Only downside to a weight system is for me was that in 6mo I out grew cheaper sized weights and now I'd be paying quite a bit to keep increasing at home. This is where a cheap gym comes in handy.

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I thought about a treadmill but 2 reasons I don't is 1. with my weight and former knee ankles issues (mostly from HS football) I don't want the high impact. 2. At my weight I have to either buy a gym grade unit or plan on replacing in every year or so.

Weights will be added but I will most likely have to go to a gym at that point since most home gyms I damn near max out the avail weight not before I start working out.

I forgot to mention the elliptical I am getting for free so it is a given I think I will get a rower now and maybe add a bike later. Thanks for the input guys. My goal is 100+ by next June (Next power tour and it is going from Texas across the lower 48 aka the Swap ass belt)

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Elliptical for sure. You don't want to run if you're too heavy and have joint problems. You'll hurt yourself and stop doing it. Take it from me, I lost 90+ pounds using mostly the elliptical, some strength training, and a diet change. No running at all. Fuck running, I hate it. :)


Just remember: Being healthy is a lifestyle change, not a diet or something that's going to be temporary. If you're really serious about it, you have to change your whole life and be committed. Good luck... :nod:

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I don't even own or have room for a weight bench but I have 1 arm dumbbells. You can lay on the floor and use both at the same time without a bench. Works fine for me. I lost 20 lbs after my divorce by only lifting every other day and changing nothing else about my lifestyle/diet. Disc golf is nice too. Get out and walk around some parks or go hiking. Canoeing and kayaking are great ways to exercise too.
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you dont need any equipment...the best results you can yeild are from basic body resistent movements (push/pull/sit/dips etc) all can be done for free. Get the book "Convict Conditioning". This will teach you the essentials you need to eventually do a human flag without the use of any weights.


Someone mentioned crossfit also...do it. Check out Sealtfit.com or Unioncitymonsters.com for absolutely destructive workouts. I would challenege for most of you to be able to complete these "WOD's" without puking your face off. Some of those WODs do look for weights, but can easily be substituted for things you have around the house...bookbag with books in it etc. Once you get a solid base then buy some weights you know you will use.


I have been doing these WODs from both sites for a while now and I am finally able to do the Kokoro camp through Sealfit (check out the video archive and watch some of the evolutions of the camp). Its the first 50 hours of BUD/s Hellweek put on by active duty BUD/s instructors for SOF and BUD/s prep or for those who are up for the challenge.

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