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Fixed for now..


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So i was gonna post this up, just to give you people some ideas on what to do if you are in similar position.


While i was at the Newport aquarium last week, i had a nightmare happen. My camera started locking up. It started draining batteries, left and right. I was perplexed. I was frustrated, worried i was going to have to send it back to Nikon just days before i had 3 BIG shoots planned.


here's a video of the problem.. at 50secs, skip to 1:20.. Trisha dont video edit :p


Now for some of the simple solutions.

  • Discharged all my batteries- 2Nikon, 1 Chinese knockoff, and recharged them to full (the only way to do this, that i am aware of is to stick em in and use em till dead {thats what he said}, since they were mostly drained, i just stuck em in my D90 and ran em out on demo mode.)
  • Formatted both my memory cards
  • Reset camera to default settings

I dont know which of these solved the issue, but things seem to be in good working order now.


I will be sending it in to Nikon, for just in case purposes, but sometimes, simple things can help fix what might have been a big issue.

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Get some contact cleaner and clean the contacts for both your body and lenses and then your batteries. My money is on it being the battery contacts interfering with the cameras need for a consistent power supply while firing and writing that many images in a row.
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Get some contact cleaner and clean the contacts for both your body and lenses and then your batteries. My money is on it being the battery contacts interfering with the cameras need for a consistent power supply while firing and writing that many images in a row.


Midwest cleaned it all for me, they were baffled as well, suggesting to send it straight to nikon, and not a certified repair place.


It didnt always take that long to do it, either. Sometimes it would do that 3,4,5+ images in a row (video was done in demo mode)


I shot 500 images at Color Me rad on Saturday, with no problems.

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