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not shocked. Government/city departments need any reason to prove they deserve their ballooned budget. More proof that law enforcement is becoming more geared towards revenue generating then protecting the public.


I wouldn't be shocked if pretty soon the TSA agents are collecting money owed for traffic citations in states in order to travel by air.

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Yup seems fine to me, Im sure if the court ordered these fines to be paid to dispose the case then they can also place you in contempt of court for not paying those and you can get the 50 dollars a day time served paid while sitting in the licking county jail.


For most people lessons arent learned unless you hit them in the pocket, its unfortunate. Im sure if these people were having troubles making a payment the courts would set up a very low payment program or they could of asked for some community service if they are really low on funding. Just my .02 though, In the end the goverment always gets our money.

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I see no problem here. You dont pay a ticket, so now theyre collecting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And that is what our tax money is paying for? Its ok for our tax money to pay them to go collect ticket money to pay for their new chargers, while crimes are being committed? Thats the problem I have with the whole deal.

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And that is what our tax money is paying for? Its ok for our tax money to pay them to go collect ticket money to pay for their new chargers, while crimes are being committed? Thats the problem I have with the whole deal.


Tax payers pay for it either way.. If they dont collect the ticket money theyll try to get it through everyone else. It boils down to lazy fucks not paying tickets finally getting what they deserve. I see this in the terms of a repo, dont pay your debt, get it taken away.

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And that is what our tax money is paying for? Its ok for our tax money to pay them to go collect ticket money to pay for their new chargers, while crimes are being committed? Thats the problem I have with the whole deal.


well if you commited a crime and the punishment in lieu of the 90 imposed jail sentence was to pay a fine and you did not hold your end of the deal up and pay the fine isnt that a crime? Shouldnt they just take you to jail for the original offense of OVI after you fail to pay fines assessed.


If at the sentencing hearing, the judge says, you are found guilty of whatever charge and states that he is imposing a 90 day jail sentence but suspending the 90 days if you attend court ordered alcohol abuse classes and pay the court ordered fines. Next time just say, i dont intend on paying the fines and I dont want to goto the class and id rather not utilize the police resources on tracking me down, just take me to jail now.

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Tax payers pay for it either way.. If they dont collect the ticket money theyll try to get it through everyone else. It boils down to lazy fucks not paying tickets finally getting what they deserve. I see this in the terms of a repo, dont pay your debt, get it taken away.


You can't put everyone in to the "Lazy Fuck" category. Im not saying that not paying a ticket is ok but people fall on hard times and sometimes have trouble catching up or whatever the circumstance may be. But for us to be paying the cops to go round up their money is ridiculous. This is fine and ticket money. Its not like they are out of pocket on anything. What happens when the cops are chasing one person down for a long period of time and the payroll to track these fines down exceeds the value of the ticket? I think that manpower could be used in much better places. We have entire agencies closing their doors and leaving entire communities unprotected because they can't afford to operate and then we have agencies wasting manpower on debt collection? I just dont see how that is ok.


well if you commited a crime and the punishment in lieu of the 90 imposed jail sentence was to pay a fine and you did not hold your end of the deal up and pay the fine isnt that a crime? Shouldnt they just take you to jail for the original offense of OVI after you fail to pay fines assessed.


If at the sentencing hearing, the judge says, you are found guilty of whatever charge and states that he is imposing a 90 day jail sentence but suspending the 90 days if you attend court ordered alcohol abuse classes and pay the court ordered fines. Next time just say, i dont intend on paying the fines and I dont want to goto the class and id rather not utilize the police resources on tracking me down, just take me to jail now.


Thats the way it works in most places. You dont pay your fine or set up some kind of payment arrangement, then they file a bench warrant and you go to jail the next time you get stopped. And, yeah, you always have that option of spending your time in jail.

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I see no problem here. You dont pay a ticket, so now theyre collecting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


^^ This


And that is what our tax money is paying for? Its ok for our tax money to pay them to go collect ticket money to pay for their new chargers, while crimes are being committed? Thats the problem I have with the whole deal.


you shouldn't have a problem with the cops collecting the money, your beef should be with the cheap fucks trying to skate their responsibilities. If it wasn't for them not stepping up we wouldn't have to disptach the police to collect.


IMO they should be charged a 15% fee for us having to do so.

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You can't put everyone in to the "Lazy Fuck" category. Im not saying that not paying a ticket is ok but people fall on hard times and sometimes have trouble catching up or whatever the circumstance may be.


and their personal finance situation is our issue why? fuck that, again, personal responsibility. if they are so broke ass poor then they should be extra cautious and not fuck up their lives further by committing a crime and then to not pay for it. I have no empathy for dumb people.


But for us to be paying the cops to go round up their money is ridiculous. This is fine and ticket money. Its not like they are out of pocket on anything. What happens when the cops are chasing one person down for a long period of time and the payroll to track these fines down exceeds the value of the ticket? I think that manpower could be used in much better places. We have entire agencies closing their doors and leaving entire communities unprotected because they can't afford to operate and then we have agencies wasting manpower on debt collection? I just dont see how that is ok.


No, putting the cops on this is the wise thing to do. They are on the payroll and streets already and in a car with a position of authority and can handle collections of these fines quite efficiently.


Directly to your point about community agencies closing their doors, that's exactly why the city can't afford to not collect. Money owed needs collected. Again, I support putting additional fines in place too.


Thats the way it works in most places. You dont pay your fine or set up some kind of payment arrangement, then they file a bench warrant and you go to jail the next time you get stopped. And, yeah, you always have that option of spending your time in jail.


The last thing we need is more paperwork. Fuck arrangements. People have money to pay misdomenor fines. Don't for a minute think the average fuck on this list doesn't carry a cell phone, drink beer or buy smokes. Pay up and be done with it. No bench warrant bullshit or waiting for them to be stopped. The I certainly don't want them in jail as that only costs more money. I support going after them with the police.

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You can't put everyone in to the "Lazy Fuck" category. Im not saying that not paying a ticket is ok but people fall on hard times and sometimes have trouble catching up or whatever the circumstance may be.


You can call the court and setup a payment plan, like $20 a month. The people they're rounding up are the ones who ignore it altogether.

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You can't put everyone in to the "Lazy Fuck" category. Im not saying that not paying a ticket is ok but people fall on hard times and sometimes have trouble catching up or whatever the circumstance may be. But for us to be paying the cops to go round up their money is ridiculous. This is fine and ticket money. Its not like they are out of pocket on anything. What happens when the cops are chasing one person down for a long period of time and the payroll to track these fines down exceeds the value of the ticket? I think that manpower could be used in much better places. We have entire agencies closing their doors and leaving entire communities unprotected because they can't afford to operate and then we have agencies wasting manpower on debt collection? I just dont see how that is ok.




Thats the way it works in most places. You dont pay your fine or set up some kind of payment arrangement, then they file a bench warrant and you go to jail the next time you get stopped. And, yeah, you always have that option of spending your time in jail.



That is exactly what I explained above, thats how it works everywhere, the recourse for non payment of court decided action is jail time plain and simple. There are options whether it is a MM traffic offense or a ovi impaired M1 charge. Kudos to Pataskala PD for taking action to return revenue to the city for delinquent offenders.

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Lets give billions of tax payer dollars to failing companies, but lets go after john doe for not paying traffic tickets. Seems logical.


The common consensus is that people should pay their debt. I'm curious to know if the Pataskala police department has compared what it would cost tax dollar wise by adding the additional responsibility in additional man hours, court cost, daily imprisonment cost, and if it was smaller/greater than the debts they are owed by minimal offenses.

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Lets give billions of tax payer dollars to failing companies, but lets go after john doe for not paying traffic tickets. Seems logical.


Big companies pay a lot more taxes, employ a shit ton of people and generally contribute back to society. Now if the deadbeats not paying their fines would do so much....


The common consensus is that people should pay their debt. I'm curious to know if the Pataskala police department has compared what it would cost tax dollar wise by adding the additional responsibility in additional man hours, court cost, daily imprisonment cost, and if it was smaller/greater than the debts they are owed by minimal offenses.


I'm sure they did and figured the police are already on the clock, whether it's behind a desk or steering wheel. No doubt this is likely more profitable than writing a ticket.

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Its not tax collection... its serving a warrant. you dont pay your fines, you have a warrant put out, perfectly within the legal limits of hte law to arrest them on that warrant charge.



and to go with the above comment, I agree. Its not like they arent getting paid already, and now we have to pay them to do a job.... You think otherwise they are just sitting around the office, and not getting paid for it? You do know how a salary job works, right?

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IMO they should be charged a 15% fee for us having to do so.


I am all for adding additional penalties for not paying on time.


and their personal finance situation is our issue why? fuck that, again, personal responsibility. if they are so broke ass poor then they should be extra cautious and not fuck up their lives further by committing a crime and then to not pay for it. I have no empathy for dumb people.




No, putting the cops on this is the wise thing to do. They are on the payroll and streets already and in a car with a position of authority and can handle collections of these fines quite efficiently.


Directly to your point about community agencies closing their doors, that's exactly why the city can't afford to not collect. Money owed needs collected. Again, I support putting additional fines in place too.




The last thing we need is more paperwork. Fuck arrangements. People have money to pay misdomenor fines. Don't for a minute think the average fuck on this list doesn't carry a cell phone, drink beer or buy smokes. Pay up and be done with it. No bench warrant bullshit or waiting for them to be stopped. The I certainly don't want them in jail as that only costs more money. I support going after them with the police.


Its easy to say some of this stuff if you have never been down on your luck. Im not stating that is 100% the case in all of these situations but it may very well be in some of them.


So what your saying is that even though we are paying them to protect us from crime. Its ok if Mary Joe Victim is getting raped and murdered down the street while the local PD is collecting a 100.00 parking ticket fine from some single mom who was laid off from work 3 months ago and can't afford groceries for her kids.




yea well if you paid your fine then our tax dollars wouldn't have to go to the cops having to come collect.


And how many other PD's are playing collection agency?


Big companies pay a lot more taxes, employ a shit ton of people and generally contribute back to society. Now if the deadbeats not paying their fines would do so much....




I'm sure they did and figured the police are already on the clock, whether it's behind a desk or steering wheel. No doubt this is likely more profitable than writing a ticket.


So what your saying is playing a dual role is ok becuase they are already on the clock. Maybe its ok if the trash collectors start delivering babies since they are already on the clock too.




I just dont agree. If anything why not hire a collection agency to go after these people or some 3rd party agency and let the police officers do what they are supposed to be doing.


I am not saying that I think these fines should be forgiven or no attempt should be made to collect. I am saying that the PD should not be doing it. Their job is far more important than chasing around people who owe 100.00.


And on another note, What would your reaction be if the sales clerk at Blockbuster came barging in to your work to collect on your late fees for the video's that you did not return on time? Does that make you a scumbag piece of shit because you didnt pay those?

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Its not tax collection... its serving a warrant. you dont pay your fines, you have a warrant put out, perfectly within the legal limits of hte law to arrest them on that warrant charge.



and to go with the above comment, I agree. Its not like they arent getting paid already, and now we have to pay them to do a job.... You think otherwise they are just sitting around the office, and not getting paid for it? You do know how a salary job works, right?


you do know that other cities have tried and found it's cheaper to hire collection agencies right? Kenny is spot on about using collection agencies. Several towns that I know of will give the collection agency 10% of the funds they collect. Budgeting wise the cities know exactly how much it will cost versus having to expand there police forces to keep up with the demand. People act like the police have nothing else to do than to just sit around staring at walls.

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Its easy to say some of this stuff if you have never been down on your luck. Im not stating that is 100% the case in all of these situations but it may very well be in some of them.


My comments have nothing to do with my personal experiences, it's just a very basic business statement. Do we really expect or want our municipalities looking at people's personal situations when collecting on debts owed? There's no room for empathy only expectations of accountability. Don't get caught up in the drama of others, they wear big-boy pants when they do the crime, they need to man-up and pay the fine.



So what your saying is that even though we are paying them to protect us from crime. Its ok if Mary Joe Victim is getting raped and murdered down the street while the local PD is collecting a 100.00 parking ticket fine from some single mom who was laid off from work 3 months ago and can't afford groceries

for her kids.


We pay police to serve and protect and yes, collecting fines like this is serviing. It's not going to put them in any different position when it comes to responding to Mary Joe's 911 call. They are either running radar, investigating other crimes, cruising the roads, etc.....no different. They get the call, they will respond. Help me understand how an emergency call is going to be affected any differently by their actions collecting vs doing anything else?


Now if you still have a concern, go thank the dead beats not paying their bills. Don't be mad at those trying to hold them even further accountable for making their bad situation worse and costing all of us more money and wasted time.


And how many other PD's are playing collection agency?


Don't know. Perhaps if they have the resources they will.


So what your saying is playing a dual role is ok becuase they are already on the clock. Maybe its ok if the trash collectors start delivering babies since they are already on the clock too.


Yes. Dual role already outlined. Who better to go collect from a skipped out deadbeat.....an officer with authority and a gun for protection. Your anaology here makes no sense. Trash collectors have zero in common in terms of skills that makes them qualified or appropriate to devliver kids. A cop however is an excellent bill collector and meets all the requirements. It's no different than them serviing an arrest warrant only in this case the deadbeats are lucky they aren't and instead are just asking them to pay what they owe the city.


I just dont agree. If anything why not hire a collection agency to go after these people or some 3rd party agency and let the police officers do what they are supposed to be doing.


So you'll bring more people and paperwork and payroll into the mix thus eliminating the profitability in motion? Not smart. Again, police issue warrants all the time. This collection work is likely safer and easier and more profitable than the cops writing tickets on the freeway. Go to location, collect money, leave, profit.


I am not saying that I think these fines should be forgiven or no attempt should be made to collect. I am saying that the PD should not be doing it. Their job is far more important than chasing around people who owe 100.00.


90% of what a Pic-town cop does is revenue generation. Radar traps, parking tickets, etc....$100 from a deadbeat is no different.


And on another note, What would your reaction be if the sales clerk at Blockbuster came barging in to your work to collect on your late fees for the video's that you did not return on time? Does that make you a scumbag piece of shit because you didnt pay those?


ANYONE who doesn't pay a bill they are RESPONSIBLE for and KNOWINGLY skips out doing so is a fucking deadbeat or lazy ass or both. I personally pay my bills and any fines I get. Even if I fall on hard times, I won't skip out on my responsibilities. Like I said earlier, 99% of the deadbeats we're speaking of have cell phones, fancy shoes, watches drink or smoke. You can easily pick something for them to eliminate to pay the fines. They CHOOSE not to. Time for that shit to end.


Now if Blockbuster has police officers with legal authority and a gun to collect their customers late fees., then so be it. Last I checked they don't and the city does so the city in turn is using it's resources wisely and getting shit done. Good for all of us.

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Were all on the same boat the people need to pay their fines.


pdggp, here's an example. A police officer pulls a car over for speeding. Instead of writing a ticket and letting person move on, they now have to either drive the person back to the station or arrange for pickup which still takes another vehilce/officer off the roads. Even if it's a 5-10% drop in staffing to patrol neighborhoods, that is either a 5-10% drop in officers staying out there or facing an increase of 5-10% in staffing to keep up with the additional demand. That 5-10% will adventually end up being passed along as tax levies/increase in taxes. It will ultimately will end up to a huge tax debate of small versus big government. Why spend 1 million bucks when you are getting back 500k.


A possible median would be to make it easier for the collection agencies who are working with states/cites to take money from peoples pay check, allow the states to deduct the dues from the person federal tax income check, or EBT/food stamps until arrangements are met. People would still have to pay their debts and the police could continue with normal operations.

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