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My roommate Ross got me addicted to it, but he just told me one of there editors wrote a pretty bad anti-gun story on the MP7 and how civilians shouldn't be allowed to purchase it. Recoil has already lost a couple sponsors and are getting tore up online.
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While his retraction smacks of insincerity and +1 job saving-throw, given where he lives, the idea of "certain firearms only belong in LEO/Military hands" is probably, relatively, common enough, even amongst the firearm friendly. Though even as I disagree with Mr. Tsai and much of the populace about what I should and could have access to, there are weapons the public does not need access to. Say missiles, or nuclear bombs. I know there's a world of difference between those types of weapons, but if I claim to be in support of freedom, how can I also be against owning or being able to own any type of property? I also understand that this is how many feel about my ARs, or handguns. I'm likely being over-analytical but the hypocrisy still exists. I desire freedom of property, of association, and travel, yet I still have my own moral lines in the sand. As it pertains to Mr. Tsai, I believe his reasoning is similar, just on a different point of the scale.
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My roommate Ross got me addicted to it, but he just told me one of there editors wrote a pretty bad anti-gun story on the MP7 and how civilians shouldn't be allowed to purchase it. Recoil has already lost a couple sponsors and are getting tore up online.


The editors response to all of it was as pointless as tits on a toad. What I saw last night said that two of recoil's major supporters/sponsors have already cut ties with recoil.


Magpul just sent out an email saying they pulled their sponsorship and will not renew due to the editors article stating that the view of Recoil's editor does not match their own. Honestly i agree with magpul.

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Magpul just sent out an email saying they pulled their sponsorship and will not renew due to the editors article stating that the view of Recoil's editor does not match their own. Honestly i agree with magpul.


Just read Magpuls response as well.


How does this guy expect to keep subscriptions with content like that?

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Magpul just sent out an email saying they pulled their sponsorship and will not renew due to the editors article stating that the view of Recoil's editor does not match their own. Honestly i agree with magpul.


So what does magpul support. Being able to own anything or not. I read the post on facebook from Magpul but not sure what there actual stance is lol.


Edit: Re Read article. Please carry on.

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