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I'm recalling a cartoonist in Europe who had drawn a few funnies that many Muslims found offensive. At a protest a person held a sign that read something along the lines of 'let those who would call Islam violent be beheaded.' That's the level of stupid we are dealing with.


So what are you saying?

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I understand that, war is big money.


But we need to choose the wars we engage in wisely. Going to war that could potentially bring enemy troops to US soil is not a smart decision.


Mexico WILL back russia, russia will send ground forces to the US.


China just finished 2 HUGE ships, wonder what those naval ships are for?


No longer are we the only nation with a strong navy/ airforce. Going to war with any country that can mobilize their military is not a smart decision right now. Bringing war to US soil will certainly destroy our economy. Kind of going backwards from what war generally does. We send over our military, American citizens go to war and are comfortable here in the US away from war.






there is not enough reason to risk more lifes to prove a point. thats what it comes down to. is this mans life worth us putting american lives at risk to show how big our dicks are?

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So what are you saying?


Well it was in reply to Alex, so it's not really a stand-alone statement, but in the contextual point of view, I mean such events are not unprecedented. In a more general, broader way, simply that religious blinders often allow for cirque du soliel-esque bends of logic.

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Get our noses out of international affairs beyond trade. Lets do what's best for Americans for once. Not Israel, not the military industrial complex, not for destabilizing "democratic" nation-building. Democracy in lands full of insane, religiously-ignorant, pieces of excrement only creates a government full of elected officials that are insane, and religiously-ignorant. Hamas anyone? Democracy can only work for the people(more importantly, the person) confined by a bill of rights/constitution that limits government powers, and recognizes individual rights. Unchecked democracy is no better than a dictatorship, and these people aren't ready, and do not want it.


I disagree with nothing that you wrote there, but you omitted the need for a well-educated, critically thinking populace. Democracy cannot work without citizens who can separate social, religious, political, etc. issues and scrutinize them with the scientific method.

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I disagree with nothing that you wrote there, but you omitted the need for a well-educated, critically thinking populace. Democracy cannot work without citizens who can separate social, religious, political, etc. issues and scrutinize them with the scientific method.


Dude, our presidential candidates don't even qualify:



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What western civilization does not understand is that shithole Islam countries only behave when threatened with violence or their family disappearing. We are shocked at the behavior at the embassies but forget they do not have the capacity to have basic objective logical thinking skills.


Btw, Wagner for president

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What western civilization does not understand is that shithole Islam countries only behave when threatened with violence or their family disappearing. We are shocked at the behavior at the embassies but forget they do not have the capacity to have basic objective logical thinking skills.


Btw, Wagner for president


Cite Request:

Examples of when [Middle Eastern] countries behaved.

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Yep. We should devote our time and money to our own country and our own problems. Only time we should be involved is if they attack our country. Then fire the missiles and make some nice new craters :megusta:




I agree. We need to start minding our own business and focus on issues at home. Can you imagine how much stronger we would be if we pulled all of the resources that we have spread all over the world and put them in to our own country? I know there are some big drawbacks either way but all we are doing now is sympathizing with these nut job countries and putting our own people in harms way. And Obamas first reaction to this was to sympathize with them over the video that was released and then he condemed the killing of our people. REALLY!!!!!!!

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Oil is a global commodity. Unless you believe the US planned to socialize the commodity, that oil would be sold to the highest bidder. The high bid is determined by a commodities market that is influenced by global supply. The oil sands represents not only a drop in the bucket but it is not light sweet crude, it is sandy and difficult to refine.


How does it work in your world?


Supply and demand, the more that is drilled for and available will drive costs down. No pipeline means less comes out of Canada.

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An American embassy was attacked dumbasses, that is AMERICAN SOIL!!!


so we should start an all out war becuase a few were killed? this is why smart rational people make the choices. you are as bad as the people that did the killing if this is what you honestly think. ill see you outside with your islamic attire sat :nono:

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so we should start an all out war becuase a few were killed? this is why smart rational people make the choices. you are as bad as the people that did the killing if this is what you honestly think. ill see you outside with your islamic attire sat :nono:


Get bullied and do nothing you'll continue to get bullied, you think this is any different then elementary school? Those stupid fucks aren't any smarter then that. I never said to start an all out war, but it has to be shown that that shit will not be tolerated.

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