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Should people who receive welfare be forced to undergo mandatory sterilization?


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Well what do you think? Should people who receive welfare be forced to undergo mandatory sterilization?


Nope. Not right IMO. I also don't think anyone but them should pay for their birth control. Force them to give up the child for adoption. We need mandatory drug testing, need to force people to work to get benefits and limit their term for receiving support.

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Limiting duration also falls back on the govt themselves. I have been off work for nearly 4years and while I have qualified for welfare I have never tried to get it. With that being said I have been trying to get out from under the govts thumnb for nearly 3 years, I am forced to stay in my situation or sign away any rights I have regarding my injury. I cant see why they force me to stay on basically a govt program I dont want anything to do with. I should have signed up for welfare, I paid my taxes I should have used a program I helped fund.
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Speeders and racers pay for damage 10x over as police write more tickets per day than street race accidents occur. Hell they keep police employed, if there were no tickets, where would their funding come from?


With GPS tracking, tickets could be automatically issued. With fewer man-hours dedicated to sitting by the side of the road checking speeds, police work could be diverted to more socially helpful endeavors and funding, paid for by tickets, could be more effectively diverted to those who help their communities more, rather than just those who issue the most tickets.


GPS tracking wouldnt have to issue tickets for every infraction over the speed limit, rather it could just issue tickets for recklessness and prolonged high speeds.

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I bet you're thinking you'd be one of those lucky seven. :dumb:


So, here's the crux of you going down this line of logic. There might be a debate whether Not Brian would or wouldn't be one of the 7. There is no debate in anyone's mind that you definitely wouldn't be one of the 7.


I bet you're thinking I wouldn't :dumb:
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Actually the only people that should be on welfare are people who are disabled. My uncle is a great example. He was born with Neurofibromatosis. It gives him large non-cancerous tumors all over his face and body. There are so many tumors that one is covering one of his eyes and he is blind from it. He used to have a job at a factory making potato chips. He had that job for 20+ years. The company closed and he lost his job. Now no one will hire him because of how is face looks. Every time he is in public people stare at his tumors, especially younger adults and children. Because of this it is really hard for him to get a job. He stays home with his father and takes care of him and his house. He deserves money from the tax payers. Having kids and not working does not mean you deserve money.

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i'm sick and tired of the fucking baby boomers, tea partiers, and newly retirees screaming about how no one deserves to get assistance from the government.


these are the same people who are actually going to get social security checks, medicare, benefited from the 80s/90s economic boom, were able to go to college at a reasonable cost, buy a house at reasonable cost, getting a pension. these are the same people who want to end minimum wage, unions, and government assistance. these are the same people brainwashed by Faux News.

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So, here's the crux of you going down this line of logic. There might be a debate whether Not Brian would or wouldn't be one of the 7. There is no debate in anyone's mind that you definitely wouldn't be one of the 7.


I solved this riddle already, Jesse. Hence why you and I would be discussing this here, while they would be throwing rocks at each other on RaceClub.

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Mandatory work to receive benefits.


I think anyone who receives benefits from the government for not working should have to do some kind of public service work. This would be for programs like welfare and unemployment. You do a questionnaire about your skills and they match you up to a 'job' doing that. You donate your time doing that 10-20 hours a week and spend the rest of the time looking for a job. You’re an accountant, so you get thrown at some simple accounting task. You don't know how to do anything, so you get to clean up trash in the streets or mow lawns. You know how to watch kids, so you get to watch others kids while they do these other jobs or look for work.

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As for sterilization, everyone should be sterilized in a reversible fashion at birth or in youth. When you reach 18, you must pass a test. That test would include things like:


-drug screen

-how to develop and stick to a budget

-understanding credit cards and debt

-how to care for a child

-are you employed/employable?

-mental fitness test


if you're able to meet a certain baseline, congrats! you can reproduce.


I agree 100%.

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i'm sick and tired of the fucking baby boomers, tea partiers, and newly retirees screaming about how no one deserves to get assistance from the government.


these are the same people who are actually going to get social security checks, medicare, benefited from the 80s/90s economic boom, were able to go to college at a reasonable cost, buy a house at reasonable cost, getting a pension. these are the same people who want to end minimum wage, unions, and government assistance. these are the same people brainwashed by Faux News.


There were several recessions in the economic boom you're discussing. Housing is dirt cheap, and loans are at historically low interest rates. Minimum wage should be"whatever the least amount of money you're willing to agree to". This is how the business owner can provide the consumer the best possible deal, thus gaining a competitive edge. Unions, at least in the public sector, run antithetical to the entire idea of the public, as public entities should run as efficiently and cheaply as possible. If you think throwing money at crony teachers unions improves our children's educations, per our own governmental standards, or that police unions need more ticket writers, and drug abuser arrests to operate as they should actually operate (investigating actual crimes against the people and not crimes the state gets to make money on), you may be the one susceptible to media brainwashing. Government assistance is a blight on our society. Charity and compassion are beautiful, forcing someone to be charitable under threat of violence is not.


Just for the record, I am not a fan of Fox News, and while I am not a fan, per se, (fan being short for fanatic) of any major media news outlet, recognize that Fox is a particularly egregious offender in the realm of propaganda spin.

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because there aren't enough children without parents already??


Because having a bigger gov't get more deeply involved in someone's personal life is not what we need. Teach responsibility and accountability not force sterilization on anyone. There are plenty of people in our country and world to adopt kids.


i'm sick and tired of the fucking baby boomers, tea partiers, and newly retirees screaming about how no one deserves to get assistance from the government.


I'm a Gen X'er and here to say I too am sick of our system that gets milk by many. I'm not saying no one deserves support, but there are far too many that milk the system and make it a way of life. Those people need to be made accountable for their lives vs supported by all of us.


these are the same people who are actually going to get social security checks, medicare, benefited from the 80s/90s economic boom, were able to go to college at a reasonable cost, buy a house at reasonable cost, getting a pension.


We can clearly see the baby boomers and many others made a good life for themselves, despite fighting a loosing war, suffering through a gas crisis, dealing with segregation and discrimination and economic challenges of their own including interest rates and inflation not seen since. That said, what role do the people today who you support being supported via gov't assistance play in their own lives? What opportunities are they not seeing available that in some way have been removed from their lives?


[unions] these are the same people who want to end minimum wage, unions, and government assistance. these are the same people brainwashed by Faux News.



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Disclosure: I've only read the title and refuse to read through this thread's entirety and what I'm sure are many (but not all) ignorant ass comments.


That being said, my anwswer is "No". The thought is absolutely fucking ridiculous. You can justify it all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you are deciding to mutilate another person against their will so they may simply have help. Do I think there should be a limit enforced on spitting out kids when you're not financially viable? Yes. Demanding someone "get fixed" for some help is far overstepping the boundary.


Of course, this is all a matter of opinion. Mine, in this case. ;)

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