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Dayton's modern day John Wayne Gacy


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Cremated Remains of 56 Bodies Found in Dayton Home


DAYTON -- A contractor makes a gruesome discovery - the remains of more than 50 people found inside a Dayton home.


The house at 2121 Philadelphia Drive is in foreclosure. A contractor came to the house on Tuesday to clean it out and found the remains of 56 people.


Police say the remains are labeled and there is documentation that connects the ashes to McLin funeral home. And property records show the house was formerly owned by the funeral home's director Scherrie McLin.


McLin funeral home had its licensed revoked and was forced to shut down last year because it was suspected of violating state laws and regulations, including possibly burying someone in the wrong grave.


The remains were in small plastic boxes in a closet. The Montgomery County Coroner's office will contact family members.


"These remains were mishandled," Dayton Police Lt. Wendy Stiver said. "Families possibly paid to have remains disposed of another way. So there could be a serious theft or fraud issue here as well."


A neighbor wants the person responsible to be held accountable.


"It's horrible, it's horrible. Whoever did it needs to be prosecuted," Simone Stone said.


As of Tuesday evening, police hadn't made any arrests. They are still working to determine who brought the remains to this home and why. However they do say there is a definite connection to the McLin Funeral Home.




Apparently, she liked to take her work home with her.

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i mean if you were into nekrofelia and you were bringin bodies home to have your way with thats one thing BOW CHICKA WOW WOW... but i guess it never said remains being bodies or there ashes.




disclaimer i mean no disrespect to the dead and who are involved.

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Apparently, she liked to take her work home with her.




That's pretty twisted. Interested to hear the rest of the story. Also, it's not a modern day Gacy. Seems like this person was stealing.hoarding remains, not actually murdering people. None the less, distrubing.

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This sounds more like greed and not so much about psychopathy.


I enjoyed the way Paul murdered necrophilia.


I don't know, I can see parallels between a mortician who is lazy and disposes of burned remains incorrectly; and a creepy recluse who likes to dress like a clown and fuck little boys before he murders them. It's really close actually.




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