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Let me tell you a short story about my evening upon coming home today from a long day at work. Started off simply enough having my daughter come running outside as I got out of my truck to hug me and ask if she can go play with her friends, "sure" I say as she smiles and runs off. So I pick up some newspapers that are blowing into my yard and go around to my trash can to deposit them when I am startled by a medium sized racoon who appears to have eaten some of my trash and couldn't get back out of my trash can. So I stepped bck and pondered what to do next.

I decided that I couldn't shoot it without dealing with angry neighbors and possibly cops, so I decide that I'll tip the can over and he can go on his merry way to save me any further aggrevation. Well I go on about my bussiness figuring he'll just leave. I come back about a half hour later, I was wrong, there he sits at the bottom of the trash can. I pondered some more about what I should do about this. I begin to get concerned about this thing attacking my wife or daughter, or if it has some disease. I don't know what this thing will do, and I come to the conclusion that things will be better off if I end this animal's life right now.

I figure my best chance is to get my spade shovel and stab him puncturing his lungs. I stand over him for a minute just looking starting to wonder if I have the balls to kill it. I hesitate and start to shake a little with fear of what is about to happen and thrust the shovel into him as had as I can. "Oh shit he's pissed now!" I yelled, I struck too low and cut off a leg. The little bastard is screeching pretty loud as I'm holding him down with the shovel. "Fuck I'm past the point of no return now" I say to myself. This thing is pissed, not dying anytime soon, and nawing at my shovel, breaking his teeth off and bleeding from the mouth on the spade of my shovel. "God damnit...what the fuck?...why don't you just die mother fucker!" I say to it as it struggles. I'm pushing so hard the handle on the shovel cracks and starts to break. This bastard will not get away, I grab the 4x4 piece of wood I had standig by and proceed to bash him in the head repeatedy, the fucker is still kicking around. I put the wood over his head and push as hard as I can until he finally quits moving.

At last the racoon is defeated and I can sleep tonight without worry that he'll torment anyone else. I was impressed with the fight that came out of this little animal. Might not make much impact on the population of rodents and pests, but my neighborhood is a little safer tonight without this one.







and now for some pictures.



I'm too big of a pussy to move the trash around so I could get a better picture, but if you look he's in there.




and now I have a broken shovel, stupid little rodent :fuuuu:

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You should've just dumped the trashcan upside down and let him run away. It was only a racoon!




Really? :dumb:


Obviously you didn't read, I tried that at first, dumbass stayed there. Now dumbass is dead.

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Didn't have any guns here anyway, they're still locked in my dad's gun safe.


Sorry Paul I don't own a pellet gun.


if your afraid of your neighbors telling on you over a little gun then go get one from now on. make it quick and painless for the rodent not slow and painfull.


how woudl you like it if i chopped off your leg and bashed you in the head.



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if your afraid of your neighbors telling on you over a little gun then go get one from now on. make it quick and painless for the rodent not slow and painfull.


how woudl you like it if i chopped off your leg and bashed you in the head.




Well you're not bigger then me so that isn't going to happen, besides I don't need a fine for shooting a gun off in city limits.

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if your afraid of your neighbors telling on you over a little gun then go get one from now on. make it quick and painless for the rodent not slow and painfull.


how woudl you like it if i chopped off your leg and bashed you in the head.




Come on luap, your wife would NOT have let you shoot or kill an animal. :D

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I would have shot it with a .22 or even more. One shot doesn't draw too much if any attention. I live in the burbs have done it. Just shoot down and make sure you're over grass. True story....I have a hole in my trash can from a .38 and had a hole in my bird bath from a .22 pellet :no: Trash can was a raccoon and the bird bath was a squirrel that I nailed in mid jump as he was about to take off and run
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I have shot my .22 in Gahanna at a groundhog. And it was loud as fuck. No later than 15 minutes a cop was driving around the area.


BB guns rarely ever kill those things. If you were to shoot it point blank and it didn't die, you better run.


I personally would have left the thing turned over and he would have left tonight.

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You are a sick, disturbed, tormented FUCK!!!! LMAO!! dude, i know it was a rough day at work and all.. but bash Forrest in the head, not the innocent dumb raccoon that decided to cuddle with your trash! There was probably some good food in there that you were to picky to eat! Still find it very funny that you were so nervous and scared! lol
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Pick up some sub-sonic .22's. They're not much louder than a strong pellet gun, but still pack enough of a punch to kill a rodent. A single shot isn't going to alarm many people. Now if you fire off a 12 gauge then that's a different story.
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