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Pick up some sub-sonic .22's. They're not much louder than a strong pellet gun, but still pack enough of a punch to kill a rodent. A single shot isn't going to alarm many people. Now if you fire off a 12 gauge then that's a different story.


Subsonics are still decently loud. I'd you gad a gun to use, point blank with a cap only 22lr should have don't the job or at least knocked him out.

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Pick up some sub-sonic .22's. They're not much louder than a strong pellet gun, but still pack enough of a punch to kill a rodent. A single shot isn't going to alarm many people. Now if you fire off a 12 gauge then that's a different story.




Firing into a trashcan or something would make it sound like a airgun.

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Should've just poured some liquor into the can. From what I've seen just a small amount can knock out a full grown man, so the raccoon wouldn't have a chance.


:lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy: :fuckyeah:


Funny stuff read to be written. Those pics, this story......I wish I could write. Give Doc a few drinks some pics and an hour.

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I live in the burbs have done it...the bird bath was a squirrel that I nailed in mid jump as he was about to take off and run


So you shot at a squirrel mid jump with a rifle round (nevermind the caliber) in a suburban neighborhood? :dumb:


Mamma just chase 'em off with a broom stick




They're not much louder than a strong pellet gun, but still pack enough of a punch to kill a rodent. A single shot isn't going to alarm many people.


1) Raccoons aren't rodents.

2) I've seen raccoons take MULTIPLE head shots at a fairly close distance from a .22lr and still go crazy. What if the one shot doesn't kill it? Back to using broken shovels.


I'd you gad a gun to use, point blank with a cap only 22lr should have don't the job or at least knocked him out.


Only quoted for awesome grammar.


Should've just poured some liquor into the can. From what I've seen just a small amount can knock out a full grown man, so the raccoon wouldn't have a chance.


Elle. Oh. Elle.

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So you shot at a squirrel mid jump with a rifle round (nevermind the caliber) in a suburban neighborhood? :dumb:


Lucky mid jump shot from a tree to my birdbath to the ground. Put it through his eye and then through my bird bath. .22 cal. hunting pellet with a gas charged break-barrel gun.

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Should've picked it up by the neck and then cuddled with it. A raccoon makes for a great pet ...


Truth. I got a co worker who has a squirrel and a raccoon as pets. even brought them into work before. I've had a million chances to kill animals who come around my house in the country. I'll go out of my way to try and let them live. As long as I dont feel my life is in danger. BUT if you feel you're life is in danger with small game animals then :lol: I got a pack of coyotes that live below my house and another pack about 1/4 mile away. I'll give ya a flashlight and let you play hide n go seek with them at night. I've done it a few times with some liquid courage. Nothing like being deep in the woods below your house with it soo dark out you can't see your own hand and seeing eyes light up with the flashlight. Just better hope they are deer. I love the country.

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Well you're not bigger then me so that isn't going to happen, besides I don't need a fine for shooting a gun off in city limits.


I thought i showed you that size dont matter. Do you need workef over in anthonys front yard again or should some one post the video

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He just wanted to party with you...








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I don't mind raccoons that much, it's the possums that I fucking hate.


Yup...2yrs ago I ran over ne in the back alley while she was crossing really fast in front of me with babies on her back.


I broker her back and she pulled herself with her front claws to the side, with 1 or 2 babies still hanging on, the rest had been flattened. I'm like "great, what do I do now?" I hate them but don't want to see them suffer. I go back to the house, get my 1200fps pellet gun, drive back down the alley, aim the gun out of my window, and I put 2 in the back of her dome piece. The I finish the bother baby(s) as there is no way they are going to survive without their mom.


I took about 7 opossums out that night.

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Yup...2yrs ago I ran over ne in the back alley while she was crossing really fast in front of me with babies on her back.


I broker her back and she pulled herself with her front claws to the side, with 1 or 2 babies still hanging on, the rest had been flattened. I'm like "great, what do I do now?" I hate them but don't want to see them suffer. I go back to the house, get my 1200fps pellet gun, drive back down the alley, aim the gun out of my window, and I put 2 in the back of her dome piece. The I finish the bother baby(s) as there is no way they are going to survive without their mom.


I took about 7 opossums out that night.



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What a bunch of idiot shit. Creature had to suffer because you're too much of a fuckup to kill it properly.


But wait! It probably didn't even need to die. But you have tons of experience diagnosing wild animals, Im sure. :rolleyes: Seriously, it was too much for you to handle an animal in your trash and your best and brightest idea was your pathetic attempt at torturing and mutilating a living creature. Then, you have the troll audacity to post a thread with that title, you worthless fuck?


Not everyone will agree with me here, but they're not "pests". They're living creatures trying to survive in a place where we've taken away their ability to live as intended. Stop being so self-important. They don't want to live around frightened, ignorant humans, ie; the OP, any more than you want them in your trash and shit. (BTW, properly secure your trash and it won't be a problem.) Try to be understanding people. I really cannot even understand why people need this explained to them.


Oh, and leave the fucking skunks alone. Fucking A. How is it that they are hurting you or threatening you?! There has to be something mentally wrong with you. haha I have skunks around here all the time. Sometimes I photograph them, somtimes I just watch and enjoy them. Occasionally, they get a little too close to the garage opening or something and I simply shoo them away. Once, I had one chase me a short bit (I may've been too aggressive with my shooing. I laughed as I moved away. No part of me thought, oh shit, I need to kill it so I feel like I have control over some part of my life or Oh noes! It's coming to kill me! :rolleyes:


It's one thing if the animal is exhibiting obvious signs of disease, but that's what the information below is for. You shouldn't be engaging or improperly disposing of the animal if that's the case anyway.


Final bit of advice: There are mulitple organizations, both public and private, who will take care of any wild animal problems you have for free. That includes ME.


I'm sure I'll catch flak for this emotionally charged post. So be it.

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What a bunch of idiot shit. Creature had to suffer because you're too much of a fuckup to kill it properly.


But wait! It probably didn't even need to die. But you have tons of experience diagnosing wild animals, Im sure. :rolleyes: Seriously, it was too much for you to handle an animal in your trash and your best and brightest idea was your pathetic attempt at torturing and mutilating a living creature. Then, you have the troll audacity to post a thread with that title, you worthless fuck?


Not everyone will agree with me here, but they're not "pests". They're living creatures trying to survive in a place where we've taken away their ability to live as intended. Stop being so self-important. They don't want to live around frightened, ignorant humans, ie; the OP, any more than you want them in your trash and shit. (BTW, properly secure your trash and it won't be a problem.) Try to be understanding people. I really cannot even understand why people need this explained to them.


Oh, and leave the fucking skunks alone. Fucking A. How is it that they are hurting you or threatening you?! There has to be something mentally wrong with you. haha I have skunks around here all the time. Sometimes I photograph them, somtimes I just watch and enjoy them. Occasionally, they get a little too close to the garage opening or something and I simply shoo them away. Once, I had one chase me a short bit (I may've been too aggressive with my shooing. I laughed as I moved away. No part of me thought, oh shit, I need to kill it so I feel like I have control over some part of my life or Oh noes! It's coming to kill me! :rolleyes:


It's one thing if the animal is exhibiting obvious signs of disease, but that's what the information below is for. You shouldn't be engaging or improperly disposing of the animal if that's the case anyway.


Final bit of advice: There are mulitple organizations, both public and private, who will take care of any wild animal problems you have for free. That includes ME.


I'm sure I'll catch flak for this emotionally charged post. So be it.



I don't consider myself a Hippy or anything but I agree 100% with this.

Little dude was just trying to survive like you, but his life is 300% harder.


I just don't have it in me to hurt an innocent creature. A human burglar though..:dumb:

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I don't consider myself a Hippy or anything but I agree 100% with this.

Little dude was just trying to survive like you, but his life is 300% harder.


I just don't have it in me to hurt an innocent creature. A human burglar though..:dumb:





scott you are an idiot. Really? this animal is going to attack your kid and wife? im sure he has been in that area longer than you. not only did you do a shit job killing the animal, you made yourself look like an uneducated dumbass. if you see a homeless person digging through your trash can do you take a shovel to them? prolly not, if you see a stray dog, would you shoot it? prolly not... but we all know how scary racoons are. godamn glad you killed that one, it could have started the zombie attacks. NICE JOB SCOTT

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I don't consider myself a Hippy or anything but I agree 100% with this.

Little dude was just trying to survive like you, but his life is 300% harder.


I just don't have it in me to hurt an innocent creature. A human burglar though..:dumb:


I would have tried a little harder to get it to go away. Any sort of barrier will help when approaching an animal you may think is harmful to you. A broom, hockey stick, piece of 2x4 or even a sheet of plywood can help you shoo off any animal.


If the animal is either 1 charges you and shows aggression or 2 doesn't seem the least bit afraid of you then its time to do something else. Calling pest control would be number one, only in an immediate situation should you kill the animal.




I'm all for hunting and all for pest control, a raccoon trying to find a meal isn't a pest.

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scott you are an idiot. Really? this animal is going to attack your kid and wife? im sure he has been in that area longer than you. not only did you do a shit job killing the animal, you made yourself look like an uneducated dumbass. if you see a homeless person digging through your trash can do you take a shovel to them? prolly not, if you see a stray dog, would you shoot it? prolly not... but we all know how scary racoons are. godamn glad you killed that one, it could have started the zombie attacks. NICE JOB SCOTT


Generally they are more afraid of you, however a raccoon that is pissed off and not afraid of humans can inflict damage. (srs)


If you don't believe me, go catch one.

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