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Need advice fighting tow company


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If it were me, then when I called police I'd just try to make it sound like a simple misunderstanding (e.g., "Hey, they accidentally towed my vehicle - can I just have an officer meet me there for a second to help me get my car back? I don't want any trouble with the tow truck company"). Make it easier for the police to get involved (versus sounding all litigious on the phone and making it easier for them to be like, "Sorry, not our problem, call your attorney").




when i called and she acknowleded that they found the permit, i said " well can you tow my car back please ?"

her response

"no sir, why would we do that?"
































I dont think i acted very rational lol

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This same company I had a run in with some time ago. Anthony had gotten rear ended in his company car a couple blocks from home. He was told to park his van in the apartment complex's parking lot on Lancaster Ave. I was talking to Anthony on the phone and decided to walk down there to pick up the van and bring it home because he was going to the hospital. I get there, and there is a tow truck parked by the van, but the guy didn't have the van hooked up to the truck. I walk up and say "this is my car, i'm taking it home." He QUICKLY gets out his tow cables attaches it to the front of the van and says, "You owe me $50 because its hooked up." I said "BULLSHIT, it wasn't when I got here." A police officer shows up, I tell them what happened and they said they had seen the whole thing but couldn't get involved and to call their company. Meanwhile the guy now has the van on the truck. I demanded from him to talk to his manager. He grudgingly calls his boss on his phone as I was causing a scene in front of the cops and hands me the phone. After a rather heated debate, his boss talks to the police officer on the phone and then tells his guy to release the van without charge.


They are some incredibly shady assholes.

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Those companies don't exist to be nice to people. Phil, complain loud to your management, make sure your coworkers know their cars aren't safe from being stolen either, see if you can get your management to threaten to fire shamrock unless they return your car and promise to be more careful in the future. Go to HR if you have to.
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see if you can get your management to threaten to fire shamrock unless they return your car and promise to be more careful in the future. Go to HR if you have to.




Nothing will get your car back faster then your employer threatening to end their contract with Shamrock over the incident. (which IMO they should).

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If it was visible it surely is not visible now, they will slim jim it and get inside and move it, towing and repo companies are notorious for getting in vehicles and going through them.


They are on campus every saturday for OSU games, get em back on a saturday, continue discussion at later time......

Edited by OJdidit1738
mispelled words had to fix for CR grammar Nazis
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Well the cops are on the way because I came up here paid for the car on my cc/ they over heard me talking to my bank and after charging my card claimed they wanted cash only. Lol fuck em

Wow this is shady business.


I'd be pressing charges for theft of money and my car.

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After the cops showed up everything went bad. He went in and talked to them and came out. He explained that they have the rite to decline any type of payment. Even though they. Charged my cArd they did void the transaction. So I was forced to pay cash and he felt that they were fucking me at this point. His analogy was it was like someone going in your home, taking your tv, walking outside and reselling it to you in front of your home. I have no recourse to recover my money at this point. But wait it gets better...



So I finally exhaust all options, and pony up the cash. Well this is 45 mins later. Well I stand there there for twenty mins waiting for them to take my payment. Two squad cars show back up and head to the back.. 30mins later the same cop pulls up and ask to talk to me. He then asks me to place my hands behind my back. I start losing it but I finally do it as he was cool the whole time and he wasn't being a dick about everything. So I'm in the car and he turns around and asks me why I have a gun in the car. He said while they were looking for my permit they "discoverd" my mp40. Now I find that hard to believe because it was in my drivers door tucked behind some papers. He asks if I had a ccw and I chuckle( cause I don't). He asks if it's loaded and my guilty chuckle continues as I say nothing. He steps out of the car and comes back a few mins later. He looks at me and says this


"I got two options for you. A. You can go to jail at this point for carrying loaded weapon with out a ccw. B. I take the gun and confiscate it and you go home."


I took option B and went on my Marry way.


I get in my car, I find my permit on the floor and look for the gun to give to

Him. He says "it's on the passenger side " wait what? Why would it be over there???? Then I put my key in the ignition and it prompts me that my alarm was set off by the passenger door. Meaning what? Someone was inside my car.... I tell the officer and he says "you

Can file a police report if you would like" I said I will and my lawyer is going to have a field day with this. He shook his head and said that's up to you. Just remember you got off easy tonight. He took the gun and walked back to his car...


This whole experience has been shitty.

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