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What would be Romneys best move politically to have those on the edge get or regain confidence in him?? How does he get the female vote?


One thing he's left out is Veterans. They want to know their benefits and care are secured. He has slightly mentioned trying to un-fuck the VA system, but not touched on the benefits and continued care. If he addressed the college folks griping about student loans, he could possibly pick a few votes up too.


If any man figures out how to appease women, and get their vote, he should write a book.

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Strippers. Everyone likes strippers


I would vote for you. I was thinking weed and a gas card.



One thing he's left out is Veterans. They want to know their benefits and care are secured. He has slightly mentioned trying to un-fuck the VA system, but not touched on the benefits and continued care. If he addressed the college folks griping about student loans, he could possibly pick a few votes up too.


If any man figures out how to appease women, and get their vote, he should write a book.


I'm thinking a hard target on minorities and not just "giving" the vote to Obama. Just like the VA he touched on that demographic but needs to go all in. People assume that Obama is getting all the votes automatically which couldnt be further from the truth. Obama Care left a bad taste to anyone that hasnt lost their taste buds from too much government cheese,

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I read the actual letter, and i have to say i think he made a lot of VERY valid points in the letter.


I agree that Obama has to go as he, his administration and policies are ruining this country. However after just skimming this guys letter, IMO it's more about woes-me and pretty self serving and selfish. Kinda shows the character of the guy and he's not really someone I would respect or want to work for. Meh...such is the life he built for himself. Personally, there are many ways to get across those points that don't come across selfishly.

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I agree that Obama has to go as he, his administration and policies are ruining this country. However after just skimming this guys letter, IMO it's more about woes-me and pretty self serving and selfish. Kinda shows the character of the guy and he's not really someone I would respect or want to work for. Meh...such is the life he built for himself. Personally, there are many ways to get across those points that don't come across selfishly.


We agree!


Hiring and firing are functions of demand. If enough demand exists to necessitate staff you keep them, if it doesn't, you don't. You wouldnt idle factory machinery just because your taxes go up. The notion that business people hire employees out of the goodness of their hearts is one of the more bizzarre narratives lately of so called "job creators".

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I agree that Obama has to go as he, his administration and policies are ruining this country. However after just skimming this guys letter, IMO it's more about woes-me and pretty self serving and selfish. Kinda shows the character of the guy and he's not really someone I would respect or want to work for. Meh...such is the life he built for himself. Personally, there are many ways to get across those points that don't come across selfishly.


1. You don't think Congress had anything to do with this?


2. You would work for Mittens? You think Mittens would care about you?

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1. You don't think Congress had anything to do with this?


2. You would work for Mittens? You think Mittens would care about you?


The worst of the bills passed were in the democrat ran congress, so I would say congress and an unchecked president did the most harm...

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The worst of the bills passed were in the democrat ran congress, so I would say congress and an unchecked president did the most harm...


Since the only thing a president does directly is appoint supreme court justices? Everything goes through Congress, brosef.

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It's called a veto. If congress didn't hold a LARGE majority to overcome a veto, then a president can block a bill from becoming a law, broseff. Just like you can't give a president 'all' the credit/blame, you can't downplay his role either.
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Congress can override a veto. its tough, but it can be done.


When (or if) Mittens takes over, don't be surprised that nothing changes, or worse Corporations run rampant in the good ole' US of A. We'll have Dick Cheney getting on the tube saying again "Deficits don't matter."

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Which ones specifically are you referring to?


Really? I hope you're not trying to be a smartass, but whatever...



You know the big one: the start of ObamaCare, cash for clunkers (hey china can we borrow money to sell cars!), the kicking of the can in raising the debt limit, twice, the second stimulus, omnibus, first go at the jobs act... And the thank god it wasn't enacted cap and trade

Edited by JuicedH22
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Found the numbers... While the 111th congress was "productive" passing close to 400 pieces of legislation (the dems think most are successes). The added $3.22 Trillion in new debt.... That bothers me.


if you think Mitt won't increase the debt or tax the shit out of normal people, you are retarded or lying to yourself. i don't believe you are retarded.

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if you think Mitt won't increase the debt or tax the shit out of normal people, you are retarded or lying to yourself. i don't believe you are retarded.


Its not the president, its the congress + the president. If you think Obama wont "increase the debt or tax the shit out of normal people" YOU are retarded, or lying to yourself.

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