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Reason 1,234 to teach gun safety to kids. Nice job on her part to call 911 and defend herself. My only concern would be shooting without knowing could kill a parent or cop. I know both should identify as they enter but still.


Glad the bad guy got shot.

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It doesn't say, but one possibility is they had a practiced plan in place...


- Get gun

- Go to predetermined room

- Call 911

- Be aware enough to think where intruder is standing if he's holding door knob.


Or, she got lucky. :)


A lot of "what-ifs" here, but I would say the scariest one is what would he have done to a 12 year old if he had been allowed? Physical assault, sexual assault, abduction?

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And more reading shows...


"The intruder, 32-year-old Stacey Jones. Jones, was arrested in September 2011 for allegedly abducting a 17-year-old girl with a diminished mental capacity."



"It happened on Wednesday when the girl was home alone. She told police a stranger rang the doorbell, then went around to the back door and kicked it in. She called her mom, Debra St. Clair, who told her to get the family gun, hide in a closet and call 911.

During that time, the intruder made his way through the house. St. Clair's daughter told deputies the man came into the room where she was hiding and began to open up the closet door. That was when the 12 year old had to make a life-saving decision.

"And what we understand right now, he was turning the doorknob when she fired through the door," said the Bryan County Undersheriff Ken Golden."

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It doesn't say, but one possibility is they had a practiced plan in place...


- Get gun

- Go to predetermined room

- Call 911

- Be aware enough to think where intruder is standing if he's holding door knob.


Or, she got lucky. :)


A lot of "what-ifs" here, but I would say the scariest one is what would he have done to a 12 year old if he had been allowed? Physical assault, sexual assault, abduction?


As a family our 6 & 9 year included just got through practicing our fire safety plan after seeing the story on the news about ineffective smoke detectors. We also do the gun / intruder drills. Probably more so than even fire as IMO the likelihood is far greater that we would encounter crime than a fire.


I've not yet reached the stage with my son only being 9 that I would advise him to handle a gun without me there though. I was 12 when my father taught me thus I'm thinking 12-13 is time.


Good for the mom too. I can't imagine getting a call like that at work.

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I cant see trusting a kid that young to have access to a gun when adults are not there. In a lot of cases what we read is "Child accidentally killed while 12 year old is showing off dads gun". I want to be proud for the girl but it leaves me questioning the parents.
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A 12 year old had access to a loaded gun and shot blindly through a door


I cant see trusting a kid that young to have access to a gun when adults are not there. In a lot of cases what we read is "Child accidentally killed while 12 year old is showing off dads gun". I want to be proud for the girl but it leaves me questioning the parents.


cant think of it that way... too maany factors. What if that kid grew up shotting guns hell she could have more experince then you do, and when the parents todl her what to do she was trained to know how to handle it.

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cant think of it that way... too maany factors. What if that kid grew up shotting guns hell she could have more experince then you do, and when the parents todl her what to do she was trained to know how to handle it.


Yes/No. Brian's point is valid and one that I consider. However, as a parent I can't imagine getting a phone call like that and not being there. Not sure what I would do but FFWD 3 years to when my son is 12 and I'd likely tell him where the key to my gun safe(s) are and once it was in hand, I'd tell him to shoot the guy until he doesn't breath any more. Don't panic or worry, just keep shooting him and know that cops are on their way.


Again, don't know and likely won't as we don't ever leave kids alone and that transitional age is going to be challenging to do so.

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cant think of it that way... too maany factors. What if that kid grew up shotting guns hell she could have more experince then you do, and when the parents todl her what to do she was trained to know how to handle it.


Yenner and I were talking about that last night. Most people think they are ready to protect themselves just because they go to a range a few times a month. Then when real life hits you are breathing heavy and trying to shoot from your side in the dark.


Maybe she has done shooting under duress training. Maybe she saved her mom from a dear attack at 200 yards.. who knows. Kids + unsupervised access to loaded guns is the kind of thing I worry about as a parent. I'm not saying its wrong because in this case it saved a life. I'm just saying in my opinion I dont like the idea at all.


This is coming from a guy whos 13yr son can probably group better than half of the people on this board and does duress training as a hobby. Maybe in a year or two I'll give him the key/code but for now he better grab his phone and jump out the window.


Yes/No. Brian's point is valid and one that I consider. However, as a parent I can't imagine getting a phone call like that and not being there. Not sure what I would do but FFWD 3 years to when my son is 12 and I'd likely tell him where the key to my gun safe(s) are and once it was in hand, I'd tell him to shoot the guy until he doesn't breath any more. Don't panic or worry, just keep shooting him and know that cops are on their way.


Again, don't know and likely won't as we don't ever leave kids alone and that transitional age is going to be challenging to do so.



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