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last debate 10/22


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I'm tired of Romney not directly answering major questions. Last debate when asked by the woman about females getting equal pay...he come up with some BS about binders. Last night he was asked where he was going to get the money to implement his plan and yet again he danced around it.


He is answering the quesitons with the realistic answers. The gal who asked about women getting equal pay......his answer was spot on. Do you really think he doesn't feel they deserve equal pay? How do you think either Obama or Romney is going to answer that? What he went on to show and did so at the convention is that he hired more woman in higher positions than most states did and those woman came forth to show their support for his actions and behaviors at insuring they were more than fairly represented.


He didn't dance around the issue last night. What do you want him to say, that these are the exact areas they are going to cut exactly this amount? That's not realistic. Those cuts, where they are coming from and the amounts will need to be decided upon by congress and going in with a sharply defined plan that says this is how it is like it or not is setting yourself up for failure. Just ask Obama how difficult that is to do. Not the right way to do it either. Just ask any manager who influences others.


Doing so would only expose details that Obama and his team would then try and shoot holes in anyway. How about better yet they show their plan and details? We can't work with anyone to make shit happen so what makes any specifics of his agenda any more likely to come to a reality? Nothing.


As a leader you design a good framework, put filters in place by which you measure decisions and then you coordinate a united effort to address the details while together insuring they are within the framework of the plan and pass all filters in place. You don't go in guns-blazing thinking with the idealogy you're going to get done everything YOUR plan has outlined. That's the mentality of a rookie leader who has skills to manage but not lead.


Glad Obama make light of it saying "he should have used the last two minutes answering the question he was asked".


Obama and Biden, lots of sound bites, smart ass remarks, smiles and laughs but no tangible accomplishments. Just look at the last four years of our lives. They sound great but have yet to improve anything.


. The thing about the jobs that pisses me off is you can create 100 million jobs, but you can't force companies to hire people. There's 3.5 million jobs open right now.


No one is going to hire anyone or upgrade anything until the economy is moving again. The financial standing of this nation is in the shitter and Obama isn't going to fix it through taxing and spending. Hasn't worked over the past four years and it's not going to work in the next four. He has zero experience in the business sector so I'm not surprised. Again, if he was president of any company I know of, he'd have been fired and replaced long ago, let alone left to fail for four years and begging to fail our nation for four more.

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When was Obama "average to lower income"? Neither of these guys knows the plight of the common man from personal experience no matter what they try to sell you.


I disagree. IMO they both know the reality of the situation for any average Joe. They don't have to have lived it to know it. The key here is the average Joe family isn't their only concern nor can it be.


Pell grants will still be available and of course means to fund education are something both are going to work on. The difference is Obama's methodology is to borrow and spend and his funding programs are clearly adding to the debt whereas Romney is clear that's not the solution.


In the end, neither is going to please everyone and the debt we have isn't going away thus we are going to pay for it. The difference is Romney is more financially minded and doesn't believe in Big Gov't nor does he feel Gov't can manage our business. He's right too. We don't need Federally run anything more. Push it to the states to manage.

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I think I'm ready to sit back and watch the results, we've beaten our positions into the ground.


Everyone knows the flag you're going to wave, and approximately what I am going to retort. Let's see where democracy takes it...


True. The problem I have in your last statement is we've taken a very long and painful road to dumb down America and I have little faith in the public at large. The mere fact that we have what we have today through not just Obama but focused on his lack of results and yet nearly 50% of the people think he's the right guy is amazing. Again, if his performance happened at my company, I'd have a very hard time not firing him let alone putting him in for four more years. Results count and he's not delivered.


In the end you and I can regroup on the matter in four years regardless of who gets in. I knew the moment he was elected that the following four years would suck ass thus I'm not surprised and inside my family, we more than prepared for it. I also firmly believe if Obama is back in office for another four years it will get much worse. I just hope what we are doing is enough to prepare us for what's coming if that's the case.

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Results count and he's not delivered.


This is undoubtedly true; he's promised more than he delivered, and as someone who voted for him I find it disappointing. I could point fingers at an obstructionist minority, who stonewalled good sense ideas like raising the top income tax bracket 3% because it "wouldn't make a difference" while arguing that we should cut funding to PBS because "every little bit counts." And sometimes I do point fingers because, seriously, come on, guys. But at the end of the day this administration didn't do what it claimed it would do.


At the same time, why should trust a party who claims to be in favor of small government and cutting deficits, but then pushed Bush on us for 8 years? What credibility does the Republican Party have at this point? Clinton balanced the budget, Reagan (according to Cheney) proved that "deficits don't matter." Every Republican administration in my lifetime has grown the government and increased the national debt.


Why should I vote for Mitt Romney? Does he really mean it this time?

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Glad my posts got deleted...you know they might have seemed "retarded" to you, but they were actually making a point. Points that would have hit everything in response to what Tim is saying. Thanks a lot for ruining an e-battle between Tim and I.



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Why should I vote for Mitt Romney? Does he really mean it this time?


Every economist outside his white paper authors have concluded that his tax cut/austerity program while increasing military spending will run even greater deficits. His and Ryan's retort is just "Trust us" or "It'll take too long to explain". Bush enacted his tax cuts with the same line of bullshit. Why Tim believes that finally THIS TIME, it's actually going to work is beyond me.


Mitt's "Small Business" experience gives him as much credibility in macroeconomics as my ability to balance a check book gives me in running Bain Capital. Being a CEO is far different than being a President.

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This is undoubtedly true; he's promised more than he delivered, and as someone who voted for him I find it disappointing. I could point fingers at an obstructionist minority, who stonewalled good sense ideas like raising the top income tax bracket 3% because it "wouldn't make a difference" while arguing that we should cut funding to PBS because "every little bit counts." And sometimes I do point fingers because, seriously, come on, guys. But at the end of the day this administration didn't do what it claimed it would do.


and thus the point why Romney can't give the exact details because as Obama found out, those details have way too many variables and unless you have a leader that can coordinate and lead negotiations those details will change. I will say increase taxes isn't the answer though. that's a whole other point but the dems and Obama's mentality. Why shore up spending and budgets when you can continue to tax. No thanks. How about he focus on fiscal responsibility vs taxing more.


At the same time, why should trust a party who claims to be in favor of small government and cutting deficits, but then pushed Bush on us for 8 years?


I'm not party centric. I look at the candidate and their record and methodology more than party. Bush wasn't effective in his last four years either and IMO really was clearly didn't care. Sad really. He needed to go as bad as Obama.


What credibility does the Republican Party have at this point? Clinton balanced the budget, Reagan (according to Cheney) proved that "deficits don't matter." Every Republican administration in my lifetime has grown the government and increased the national debt.


Again, I don't look at party. Clinton IMO was useless and began the debacle with his NAFTA push and the whole boon to give everyone the American Dream to own a home. Mistake and a bust that will live for decades. Thanks Bill.


Why should I vote for Mitt Romney? Does he really mean it this time?


can't answer it for you. for me, he has a sense of business acumen that Obama doesn't. He has a track record of delivering success, he's proven to be able to work with the dems and generally succeed. I also HATE the ideas of Obamacare and having worked in the medical arena and now in both medical and insurance arenas I know what it's going to do to our system and it's not good. I lived in Canada and know this type of system too. Another no thanks.


anyway, dead horse beat. sorry to go on.

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Every economist outside his white paper authors have concluded that his tax cut/austerity program while increasing military spending will run even greater deficits. His and Ryan's retort is just "Trust us" or "It'll take too long to explain".


Both sides can debate study after study and justify it their way all they want. In the end Romney committed that his plan is based on not adding to the debt and I hold him to that and see no reason to believe he will deviate from that commitment. Obama on the other hand has proven the opposite in that he will spend until China runs out of money to give and will rack up debt until he can't add any more. His solution in turn involves more taxes. No thanks.


Bush enacted his tax cuts with the same line of bullshit. Why Tim believes that finally THIS TIME, it's actually going to work is beyond me.


Because Romney isn't Bush and his plan is not the same. Bush spent money and added to the debt like Obama just the same so no, I don't see them as the same thus why I feel the RR plan is more solid.


Mitt's "Small Business" experience gives him as much credibility in macroeconomics as my ability to balance a check book gives me in running Bain Capital. Being a CEO is far different than being a President.


We can debate the above all day long. Obama has no experience as a CEO, had no experience as a president of anything and his results are in line with both. Anyone surprised that the last four years sucked ass is blind to have not seen it coming. Call it a gamble either way, but I'll put my money on someone with more experience and focus on the areas that our nation needs vs someone with a losing track record and still no business skills and continues to focus on lowering the bar and spending and taxing.

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No, I knew this. However, being raised in Hawaii, going to private college prep academy, attending Columbia University and finishing at Harvard does not sound average to me. You?


In the end, these guys are simply not like you and me. I am not sure we want an average joe as a president anyway.


Then meet in the middle and vote for Johnson. :D.


I respect Obama for standing up to Romney last night about the whole world war 1 ship thing. Got a nice chuckle out of it.

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On top of that his national security foreign policy advisors are the same neo conservatives that led us into Iraq. No thanks.


and Obama has Hillary has his Secretary of State who is official responsible for foreign policy and she too supported the war in Iraq. The same Hillary that stood by the position that the recent Libya killing was a spontaneous reaction to a YouTube Video. :no: Love her work in Hati. Perhaps now we can work on America?

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Then meet in the middle and vote for Johnson. :D.


why? a vote like that just puts Obama back in office and is like pissing in the wind. make a statement of beliefs in a blog but don't piss away a vote.


I respect Obama for standing up to Romney last night about the whole world war 1 ship thing. Got a nice chuckle out of it.


he's a smug arrogant smart ass that makes people laugh and can talk a good game. perhaps if he gets put in office for a second term he'll actually accomplish something that doesn't cost our kids and their kids billions and in the mean time helps out those of use who have some time left on earth. someone needs to lean over and tell our President it's time to get shit done. Something more than a few laughs, sound bites and attacks on the other guy to shield himself from a true lack of accomplishments. I wish I could have chuckled at Romney telling Obama that attacks on him aren't an agenda. Problem is they aren't results or an agenda and a clear lack of both isn't funny.

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why? a vote like that just puts Obama back in office and is like pissing in the wind. make a statement of beliefs in a blog but don't piss away a vote.




he's a smug arrogant smart ass that makes people laugh and can talk a good game. perhaps if he gets put in office for a second term he'll actually accomplish something that doesn't cost our kids and their kids billions and in the mean time helps out those of use who have some time left on earth. someone needs to lean over and tell our President it's time to get shit done. Something more than a few laughs, sound bites and attacks on the other guy to shield himself from a true lack of accomplishments. I wish I could have chuckled at Romney telling Obama that attacks on him aren't an agenda. Problem is they aren't results or an agenda and a clear lack of both isn't funny.


So i can complain when neither president i want in office made it into office.


Thing is though, Romney was seriously just copying what Obama stated. There was one answer that was almost word for word. Let me see if i can find it. Nothing Romney said was original last night. And if it was, it was contradictory to what he said in the last debates.

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So i can complain when neither president i want in office made it into office.


will complaining make a difference? rhetorical question.


Thing is though, Romney was seriously just copying what Obama stated. There was one answer that was almost word for word. Let me see if i can find it. Nothing Romney said was original last night. And if it was, it was contradictory to what he said in the last debates.


it's political positioning. to the republicans the differences and arguments are beat to death. it's quite clear that they don't agree on many things. no need to waste another night showing that. Obama tried hard to fire up Mitt but it didn't work. Obama really could have used something like that but didn't get it. Mitt just needed to hang and not lose it. Mission accomlished.


last night was about showing where they do agree. last night was about letting America see that yes Romney is capable of staying calm, not attacking personally yet showing clearly where he feels Obama has failed, while also showing where similarities and agreements on decisions exist.


this election isn't going to be won or lost over foreign policy and they both know it thus why Romney kept going OT and Obama sat there with a pissed off, just finish it up already look when he did so because he too knows his record sucks. No one needs to tell Obama his record sucks anymore. He knows it and has for a long while. I generally think the public knows it too.

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The real debates are on tonight, you'll see actual debating, as opposed to the pre-determined question, preplanned reaction, cowardly exchange we saw last night. The "you're wasting your vote" and "helping the other guy" arguments will only work as long as you let them. The only way you can truly waste your vote is to allow someone else to scare/bully you into voting for someone/something you don't believe in.
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why? a vote like that just puts Obama back in office and is like pissing in the wind. make a statement of beliefs in a blog but don't piss away a vote.




Logic like this is poisonous.


agreed, i typically vote republican and traditionally lean to the right. however lately i've been drifting farther from party lines and embracing aspects of each party.


I feel there is more than enough room in the system for third party candidates who I feel if given a fair shake at things would actually garner more votes than people think.

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My opinion from reading this.. Some of you have put your presidential choice on too high of a pedestal. You cant excuse everything they do wrong Accept their weaknesses and speak to strengths. Dont excuse a weakness or point to the other candidates having more weaknesses. Own it and move on.


My 2 cents

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Just a reminder the EU is on fire, we are marching towards a fiscal cliff, wall street is tanking, and Q3 earnings are coming in lower than expected for a lot of companies.


Who gets the blame? Current President’s policy, House/Senate for their lack of ability to do jack fuck? Maybe trying to hold on to outdated political party ideals and not fixing issues at hand?


To me the two main offerings on the ballet can't and won't do much of anything to fix issues. I think come 2016 we will be in a far worse place.


I will hang up and listen…

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When was Obama "average to lower income"? Neither of these guys knows the plight of the common man from personal experience no matter what they try to sell you.


Well I'm sure he can relate to me a lot better than Romney can. Obama was closer to the middle class than Romney. $15 million a year is just filthy rich. His kids have no idea of a work ethic more than likely. Watch some of Romneys hiccups when he is talking to the "hometown crowd." It's pathetic. Obama may studder, but at a minimum he still makes it sound like he can relate and makes an attempt. I never said I liked Obama, just like him a lot more than Romney.

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Well I'm sure he can relate to me a lot better than Romney can. Obama was closer to the middle class than Romney. $15 million a year is just filthy rich. His kids have no idea of a work ethic more than likely. Watch some of Romneys hiccups when he is talking to the "hometown crowd." It's pathetic. Obama may studder, but at a minimum he still makes it sound like he can relate and makes an attempt. I never said I liked Obama, just like him a lot more than Romney.


You really need to read up on him a bit, where he grew up and how he achieved what he has earned. Just saying.

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