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Interesting "Candidate-Agreement" site...


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Quiz/Poll site to show you which candidates you agree with on some of hte major issues...


And my results:








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Someone i know made an interesting comment... Instead of having voters go in and just pick the candidate... have them go in and take this quiz first, then the ballot choice would be made based on your viewpoints. Put a filter on it so if two candidates are within a certain percentage (10% or something?) then you choose between those candidates.... Or if you really really really still didnt agree, then you could go ahead and vote for someone else, since it is your right... hell it could fill the whole ballot for you, for seats as well as issues/bills.... Only in a dream world!
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It's amazing to me at all the places I have seen this, Johnson is the leader... Makes me think if he were in the news and at the debates, he would have a landslide win...


I said this before about the Libertarian in disguise, Ron Paul...

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I'm not surprised, I took this a month or so ago and got similar results. After watching the third party debate yesterday i'm even more for Gary Johnson, guy is the real deal. I would have loved to see him included in the debates with obama and mittens




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one thing that made me think Gary Johnson is a not good for the US he wants to cut the R&D budget of the military, and get rid of Drones.

I can see cutting our involvement in the world, but boost R&D and use more drones to protect more soldiers....I might have voted for him if he was Prolife as well, as that is a big issue for me.


also Sherrod brown is the biggest cocksucker of them all, can't stand that guy, and his grumbly voice, one of the biggest douchebags in the senate.

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I agree with Mandel but saying he is a cocksucker is even an insult to the word cocksucker.


^^ this. I watched their debate and he is quite possibly the worst public speaker I've ever seen. I think my 9yr old could have come across better.

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Wonder if anyone here took the quiz planning to vote for one of the major two bjt quiz says theyre more aligned w/ the other, and if so, if they plan on switching


I consider myself an Independent, and I am voting for Obama.....again.

Mine came out pretty much as i expected. Damn near split down the middle.


81% Mitt Romney

76% Barack Obama

with a surprising 77% for Gary Johnson


after seeing this, I am STILL voting for Obama as he and I agree on my biggest/most important issues.

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Candidates you side with...



http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962406.png Gary Johnson Libertarian


on economic, healthcare, immigration, domestic policy, science, and environmental issues



http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962427.png Mitt Romney Republican


on economic, social, immigration, and domestic policy issues



http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/7750797.png Virgil Goode Constitution


on economic and domestic policy issues



http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962388.png Barack Obama Democrat


on social, science, immigration, and environmental issues



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what is that, keeping the unemployment rate above 8%?? :gabe:


or doing absolutely nothing yet claiming to be America's Hero of Hope and Change. A future of Moving Forward to more and more debt for our kids to pay off......

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