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so....I quit drinking....


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big whoop right? Thousands of people have done it not a huge deal. I did it on my own accord,I just felt it was starting to be a problem since i was going to work hung over and missing work because of it. Plus i have a little girl now. problem is now I'm finding myself to be pissed off all the time at just about everything. on the drive home from work I'm on kill mode. In fact the only thing that calms me down is my little girl. I just wasn't to know if any one has had the same problem and what they did to help besides start drinking again
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Ok, serious post. Congrats on owning your priorities. Brian is right, moderation is key, however, if it takes a long break to be able to get that mindset in place, I hope you do well. If it takes quitting the sauce forever, then good luck to you.


As far as your anger, if you were drinking a lot, and were harboring an addiction, being of an ill-mood is surely expected. It will calm down with time. Possibly filling "drinking time" with something constructive will help, and be cathartic.


Chemical dependencies are not to be taken lightly. Kudos to you for recognizing a problem and taking action. However if you experience physical or psychological side effects from withdrawls you should seek a professional.


The above is especially true for a serious alcohol dependency.

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people with a true drinking problem are incapable of drinking in moderation----period.


congrats op, you've made the right decision. now you need to get a (healthy) hobby to blow off steam. running, bike riding, working out, boxing, etc. also, get in to see a counselor---trust me, they can help.

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I've been trying to go to bed earlier to kinda off set the time that i would have been drinking but it seems i just lay there for hours. My fiancée is starting to see the change in my attitude, even with me trying to hold back my frustrations. I've even tried using tattooing and drawing to relax a little.
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people with a true drinking problem are incapable of drinking in moderation----period.


congrats op, you've made the right decision. now you need to get a (healthy) hobby to blow off steam. running, bike riding, working out, boxing, etc. also, get in to see a counselor---trust me, they can help.


That's been my problem. I have one beer, that one turns into 3. That 3 beers turn into a bottle of whiskey.....and that turns into me passing out at 4am and having to be up at 10.

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I've been trying to go to bed earlier to kinda off set the time that i would have been drinking but it seems i just lay there for hours. My fiancée is starting to see the change in my attitude, even with me trying to hold back my frustrations. I've even tried using tattooing and drawing to relax a little.



plenty of people who are in the same boat as you. the good news is, there is tons of support out there for you. what you described in the first post is without a doubt, signs of alcoholism. like i said, you need to find a healthy hobby---go out and run for 30 minutes, get a stationary bike, or a heavy bag at home---or shadow box in front of a mirror at full efforty for 60-90 seconds. sounds stupid, and gay as hell, but it works wonders. try reading before you go to bed. and absolutely, positively, get yourself to an AA meeting---massive support system with people going through the identical problem


good luck

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When I quit smoking roughly 9 years ago, my brain and body took a collective shit on my soul everyday it seemed. It does get better, and the goals you have in mind are more than worth it.


Dude i never though that it would be so difficult to stop drinking. But its so much harder than it sounds.

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You make me want a natty light......and i hate that beer


I don't drink to get drunk. yeah it's great... but I don't get piss drunk and start drinking hard stuff. Just a few beers and I'm much calmer when I drink as opposed to not drinking.


It just takes the edge off the day.. that's all.

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plenty of people who are in the same boat as you. the good news is, there is tons of support out there for you. what you described in the first post is without a doubt, signs of alcoholism. like i said, you need to find a healthy hobby---go out and run for 30 minutes, get a stationary bike, or a heavy bag at home---or shadow box in front of a mirror at full efforty for 60-90 seconds. sounds stupid, and gay as hell, but it works wonders. try reading before you go to bed. and absolutely, positively, get yourself to an AA meeting---massive support system with people going through the identical problem


good luck


Honestly maybe going to a gym would be a good thing. Lets face it I've got a beer gut to work off and i wouldn't have to worry about my roof caving in from a bag haha

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I commend you for quitting drinking. I had a close friend of the family pass away about a year ago due to liver complications from drinking. He knew it would eventually be the end of him as his father passed from the same thing, but he just couldnt quit. That said, i know how hard it can be, and I wish you the best of luck.
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big whoop right? Thousands of people have done it not a huge deal. I did it on my own accord,I just felt it was starting to be a problem since i was going to work hung over and missing work because of it. Plus i have a little girl now. problem is now I'm finding myself to be pissed off all the time at just about everything. on the drive home from work I'm on kill mode. In fact the only thing that calms me down is my little girl. I just wasn't to know if any one has had the same problem and what they did to help besides start drinking again


It is a big whoop and you should be commended. I also know someone who has a serious drinking problem and have seen what it can do. Think of all the positives that will come to you now and you will have a better outlook on life.

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