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Disney buys Lucasfilm for $4B


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I know the news has been dominated by Sandy, but this is a HUGE business deal in my book...




I will be very interested to see what Disney does with the Star Wars franchise. No doubt merchandising and amusement park $$$ to come...

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Just more proof that 1. Hollywood has completely ran out of ideas and 2. They refuse to let stuff die


Refuse to let stuff die? Star Wars is bigger than it ever has been. There are new Star Wars TV shows every Friday night. New toys and merchandise comes out every season. Why would they let things die when they are making a metric shit ton of cash. Every little kid my son is friends with is obsessed with Star Wars.


There's been rumors for a while that there is also going to be an hour long, non-animated Star Wars TV show with over 100 episodes coming out in a few years.

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Id like to see more prequels.....explaining how shit came to be in that story.

pick up the comic: Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi, its the beginning of everything


Prequels: Because the actors in the originals have gotten to old to act lol

after Return of the Jedi Lucas said he wanted to do 3 more movies about Han Solo and Princess Leia's kids, if they did that now it would make since seeing how all original actors are much older except that fact that Carrie Fisher is Batshit crazy now

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