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DUI Check Point refusals


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Great... Now every high school kid is going to watch those YouTube video and go to the local DUI checkpoint and do this... Take turns and post videos about it, holding up traffic just to "show" they know their rights. The new cool thing to do now days..
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Interesting? Annoying is more like it.


While I agree with the constitutional question-ability of DUI checkpoints, there is a time and a place to raise the issue and voice your concern. These people are intentionally trolling the officers trying to get a rise out of them. Harassing them while doing their job does nothing but get hits on YouTube. I would say the officers handled the situation very well.



It is also worth noting while I disagree with the constitutionalism, I appreciate the reasoning behind doing it, and them getting drunks off the road. Having been through a few, it's a minor inconvenience. A simple question and what should be an easy reply, and you're on your way. And this includes when I answered "yes, I had a beer and two 7n7s before and with my dinner." A couple questions later on that one, and I was on my way. It's not like they can't tell who should and shouldn't be driving.

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Never been through a checkpoint, but anybody dumb enough to go through a checkpoint drunk deserves to get arrested. As for these guys taking the law literally to give the cops a hard time I don't see the point, it's not like I think highly of any of the police's tactics when it comes to trolling for crimes.
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I too have been through several checkpoints and answered all questions.


I have lost friends to drunk driving. I believe the people working them believe they are doing "good".


It is also always good for everyone to know their rights.


^^ this. easiest thing to do regardless of your situation is to just find out where they are and avoid them.

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Now the new practice of going undercover in bars and arresting people before they have a chance or choice of even getting behind the wheel is a bit more questionable...


Do you have any more info about it? Thats the first I have heard about it.

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Why not just say no and move on to save the hassle? You would be inconveniencing yourself more by saying nothing and wasting every ones time.


because then you're on record providing information and that information WILL be used against you.


remember, ANYTIME you are stopped by the police they are NOT there to do anything that will help or benefit you. They are there to find guilt, period. I've only ever been through one once and I had nothing to drink so I'm fine saying no. However, even if I had one drink 6hrs prior I would refuse to answer. That way nothing can be used. Nothing. They have to make their decision based on trying to get you to talk so they can evaluate you. Simply do what this guy did, so no to any questions and ignore the repeated questions.


Demand to know if you are free to go as you would like to leave NOW. Make that NOW clear. They have to make a determination at that point.

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Why not just say no and move on to save the hassle? You would be inconveniencing yourself more by saying nothing and wasting every ones time.


They are inconveniencing you in the first place by having a DUI checkpoint. Return the favor. They're the ones wasting everyones time.

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They are inconveniencing you in the first place by having a DUI checkpoint. Return the favor. They're the ones wasting everyones time.


Really? High school kids (attitude) like vid shown are the punks wasting everyone's time.. These officers are trying to save lives. DUI check points are a plus and I don't think there is enough.. It's always the drunk guy or the cocky teen giving the cops shit.. I guess everyone will grow up eventually but guys like vid shown just takes a little more time

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Really? High school kids (attitude) like vid shown are the punks wasting everyone's time.. These officers are trying to save lives. DUI check points are a plus and I don't think there is enough.. It's always the drunk guy or the cocky teen giving the cops shit.. I guess everyone will grow up eventually but guys like vid shown just takes a little more time


Do you just assume everyone is a "high school kid" just because they stand up to authority? I'll tell you something, my grandparents would consider you a kid and they both have clearly spoken out against how law enforcement treats people today AND DUI checkpoints. I have no issue with law enforcement, I wouldn't ever do this, but I do have something against people that don't respect people that are using their rights. You can honestly fuck off to Cuba if you like bending over to the man so much.

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The entire story was pretty interesting. They go even further.


thanks for the link. Since my computer is from the stone age it doesn't have the video format, but I will find it.

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because then you're on record providing information and that information WILL be used against you.


remember, ANYTIME you are stopped by the police they are NOT there to do anything that will help or benefit you. They are there to find guilt, period. I've only ever been through one once and I had nothing to drink so I'm fine saying no. However, even if I had one drink 6hrs prior I would refuse to answer. That way nothing can be used. Nothing. They have to make their decision based on trying to get you to talk so they can evaluate you. Simply do what this guy did, so no to any questions and ignore the repeated questions.


Demand to know if you are free to go as you would like to leave NOW. Make that NOW clear. They have to make a determination at that point.

If you have done nothing wrong you should have nothing to hide...


They are inconveniencing you in the first place by having a DUI checkpoint. Return the favor. They're the ones wasting everyones time.


I guess removing dangerous drivers from the road is a pretty big inconvenience.

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It's always the drunk guy or the cocky teen giving the cops shit..



Or......................... just exercising their ammendment rights and not allowing themselves to be forced into answering questions that they dont have to answer. Your comment reminds me of how people twist religious beliefs into rules.


See, that's the problem with do-gooders... YOU PEOPLE want to say "there's black and white when it coems to right an wrong.... Oh, and my opinion is also in that mix... and its right" because it's what you think is "the right thing to do".


Neither of those drivers did anything illegal and neither were intoxicated by the looks of things (but I could be wrong).



Its like telling someone to wear a jacket or YOU WILL catch a cold... when in-fact, cold weather is not a direct cause for becoming sick. It simply might affect your immunity levels.



All this "the cops are just doing their jobs" bullshit can stop now... thanks. We don't need cops playing boss/god/parents here kids. You know damn right that when you slight soemone human emotions turn to retaliation..... Hence why there's a sterotype (may or may not be my opinion) about how cops are ego-tripping losers who didn't get invited to any parties in high school....

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If you have done nothing wrong you should have nothing to hide...




I guess removing dangerous drivers from the road is a pretty big inconvenience.


so what you are saying is theat both of those drivers had something to hide AND they WERE cosnidered "dangerous drivers"..... because they chose to remain silent?




Again... see my last post ^^^^


Let me guess, strippers all must come from broken households... and need to go to church and repent for all their sins......................................... rolleyes....

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