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Pheasant season starts tomorrow


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From everybody I talked to, it's pretty packed and dangerous. I took my son last Sunday for the youth hunt and it wasn't too bad, but you were still all over other people.


I got one kicked up for my son, and he took so long to get the gun up and ready he never got the shot off lol. Then later that day he shoots a nice buck. So I guess he had a good day regardless of missing his pheasant.


If you go out, good luck! As soon as Rut is over, I'll have my dog up there running rabbits.


Btw, if you like pheasant hunting, go to one of the pheasant farms. And do the guided hunt with their dogs. It's a BLAST!! If you want someone to go with to split costs, I'd be down.

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Fk pheasant hunting in OH anymore. I LOVED pheasant hunting with my grandpa 15yrs ago, when wild birds were plentiful on private land. Now, private land is much harder to find to hunt on, public land is a zoo, and stocked birds are no challenge. I would love to do real pheasant hunting for wild birds on private property, but I don't see that happening ever again in OH.
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It's crazy out there the first morning. We get to our spot about 7:00am and that's an hour before hunting starts just to get the pole position at the field entrance. I swear last year about a half hour in I heard the first shot in the field next to us then a 5 second pause and I lost count at 12 shots fired at what had to be the same bird. We got another 300 yards and kicked up one then pushed it into that field next to us. I said to my buddy "that bird doesn't have a chance in hell over there." as I finished my comment the barrage of shots went off and we both just laughed. Don't know if they got it or not. Between others guys letting there dogs get to far off and goofing with our dog or I take a shot at a bird and the next thing you know there's 5 different people up your ass trying to get at your bird is what pisses me off at that always happens on the first day out.. The only reason we go to Delaware is because of the bird release there. I much prefer Deer Creek. Always have better luck there the second or third week of the season. One key to Delaware is walk the tree lines. They like to hid in the woods especially if its along a corn field..
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Fk pheasant hunting in OH anymore. I LOVED pheasant hunting with my grandpa 15yrs ago, when wild birds were plentiful on private land. Now, private land is much harder to find to hunt on, public land is a zoo, and stocked birds are no challenge. I would love to do real pheasant hunting for wild birds on private property, but I don't see that happening ever again in OH.


Agree nothing compares to walking the fence line of a cornfield to find them. I use to see male and female both on my property. Hell I use to jump them just walking to my mail box. Not lately though. I have no idea where they went.

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The habitat in ohio isn't what it use to be. So, the wild population has dwindled down to small pockets in a few parts of the state. ODNR doesn't even release female birds because they said they don't live.


I believe if you want a true pheasant experience, your best bet is public land in other states. Then if you don't have dogs, I'm not sure what your success rate would be?


Good luck this morning. Report back!

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shit if you all like them you need to go out to my boy home were i hunt deer them birds are every were i jump 15 or 20 every time i go out there


Serious? I'm all about going some where new and closer to home. Can ya PM me details Mike?




My day in Delaware was good. We started in a field off of Horseshoe Rd at 10am. Flushed 4 different birds within an hour or so of starting. I was able to get one of them and wasted 6 shots trying to get the other 3. I felt very rusty shooting at the first two birds. The third bird was out of range and I got the 4th with 1 shot. We talked to a group of 3 guys with a dog and they had kicked up 5 total birds in a short period of time unfortunately with no luck of getting any. They told us there wasn't nearly as many hunters out at 8am as usual and they think Saturday and Sunday it will be jam packed with hunters. I heard someone say there's another bird release there next Thursday evening but I have yet to confirm that. ALL the other hunters we encountered in the field today was courteous and kept their distance best they/we could.


Kudos to Milly the dog too!!! Aside from the 20 minutes it took to finder her after she chased a deer, she was a bird hunting machine!! And came out of the field white instead of red like last year.






Milly got all tore up by briars last year


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Agree nothing compares to walking the fence line of a cornfield to find them. I use to see male and female both on my property. Hell I use to jump them just walking to my mail box. Not lately though. I have no idea where they went.


Habitat, predation, etc.


Pesticides on farmland don't help the situation and really wet springs about 10-15yrs ago destroyed a lot of eggs. There is just a lot going against wild birds.


I vividly remember being like 12 or 13, so like 15yrs ago, just be and my grandpa going up this shallow gully on private land. Maybe 40 yards wide and 150-180 yards long. Kicked up 8 birds within an hour or so. Hens and Roosters. Tons of rabbits too. Heck once we got to the woods we would kick up grouse.



Then ish got bad. Pheasant all but disappeared, grouse have declined. This was all up in Ashtabula County.


You have to remember too, our grandpa's used to get paid by chicken farmers to shoot hawks. Now, shooting hawks is a major no no. So more hawks means more dead pheasant ha ha.


One thing that county has absolutely no shortage of...Deer and Turkey. I enjoy deer and turkey hunting, but no where near as much as pheasant and rabbit. If I ever acquire land some day I am going to try to get a wild population of pheasant an quail going.


Like I said before, for me, hunting stocked pheasant is like trout fishing a stream full of stocked fish. There is no challenge. It pretty much sucks. I got more enjoyment the last few years just hiking in the woods with my dogs and spotting deer,coyotes, turkey, eagles etc than I did hunting.


I look forward to the day I find an environment where I can get back to enjoying hunting though. I hold out hope for that day.

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