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PETA wants fish memorial


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5 hours ago ( 3:48 PM)

People need to see compassion in action...our world has so much violence and haters...I think it is nice to erect a memorial for those who did suffer needlessly and suffer greatly...I think it's odd not to remember the fish who suffered and died...why not remember them? what harm is there in a sign? or loving your fellow being?

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I don't blame you. My cholesterol numbers have never been better though. I don't care so much about animal's feelings; my decision to do it was strictly health driven. It's been 15 months now and I don't even think about it.

Congrats, sounds like a smart move.

How about a memorial for all the innocent pets they put down because they didn't even bother trying to find them a home?


I fucking hate PETA with a passion.


PETA is very much against people owning animals as pets.

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You want a memorial for some dead fish... Go ahead and waste your own money on it. Don't forget the animals and environment your impacting by making the memorial and installing it with your vehicle that is causing global warming, that in turn will kill the polar bears and penguins.
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