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60000 isint bad yes I have 3500 in wheels tires proably 30000 in diff motors trannys I'm shure but that's 19ys of it. if mark wants to let him tell u the budget for his car in a season including sponsors pay. I don't have any sponsors. Well my wife and kids give moral support!!..


I am still baffled that you brag about how fast your shit is, the fact that you got over $60k in it, then you complain about track prep yet don't want to do anything about it. IT's YOUR HOBBY! Gotta pay to play chief. That's why us slow asses are slow, we don't need to pay since our junk can't "hang" in your league.

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"The Method" - by STEVE COBRA (Corral.net)


The first thing that you have to understand is that your lady friend is going to be apprehensive about anal sex. It has been drilled in their heads, from a young age, that anal sex is a painful experience and it is to be avoided at all costs. Alot of potential candidates have been soured to the experience forever, due to the inexperience of a lover who just tried to jam their penis in their partners anus.


I learned my method through my many experiences in the country of Turkey. It seems alot of the chicks over there are taught that they must remain a virgin until they are married. They then proceed to only give blow jobs and partake in anal sex so that they can preserve their hymen. They get a taste for anal and begin to love the experience. The anus has more nerve endings than any other part of your body so anal sex can be more pleasurable than straight vaginal sex. This is the reason that the broads in europe will try to pop a finger in your ass while giving you oral.


I always start the method in the same manner: while partaking in doggie style sex. While in this position, the anus is clearly exposed to you. Like a painter with a blank canvas, you are ready to create a masterpiece. The most important thing that you need to understand before attempting any anal action is that the anus is a muscle. Like any other muscle in your body, it must be properly "warmed up" before partaking in any activity. It's the same reason we stretch our legs before we run a marathon. To prepare your body for the rigors of the task at hand.


So you are giving it to your female friend in the doggie position. You always want to wait until she is really excited before attempting to begin the method. It has been my experience that chicks will pretty much go along with anything when they are at a high level of arousal. At this point, make sure you have some sort of lubricant handy. Vaseline and KY are the best case scenario but in a pinch, I have used saliva or some of my partners love juice.


Slowly, and I do mean slowly, take your index finger and place it outside of her anus. Begin to play with the outside of her hole. A few droplets of wetness should occur in the area. Slowly, press your finger in her anus to your first knuckle, and no further. This is where you will need patience. Just leave your finger in there, as still as possible. This is the portion of the method that I like to call "Steeping like a cup of tea." Basically, your finger is going to allow for a natural relaxation of her anus. Once you have noticed her anus slightly loosening, begin to slowly move your finger around in a circular motion. Again, do not go past the first knuckle. At this point, it is safe for you to push your finger in to the next knuckle. Let it steep like tea again for about another minute until you repeat the process of moving it around in small circles. It is right about this point that your partner will start to get mildly excited about you playing with her *******. Don't overplay your hand, my friend. It might be your first reaction to pop your finger out and jam your penis in. This would be a big mistake. Slow and steady wins the race. Slowly place the rest of your finger in her anus. After about a minute, slowly begin to remove your finger from her anus. Whatever you do, and take it from a professional, do not look at your finger. I don't care if she just got out of the shower five minutes before you started doing her, do not look at your finger. Nothing good can come from it, trust me.


After you remove your finger, look down at your partners anus. It should close up slightly, but the opening should still not collapse completely on itself. If it stays open somewhat, you know that your are well on your way to her anus being completely relaxed. At this point, you need to make a judgement call. And you must be honest with yourself. This is the part where you must decide if you should begin to loosen her up with a second finger or begin the steeping process with your penis. If you penis isn't dramatically wider in diameter than two fingers, then you can skip this next step. A good rule of thumb is if your penis is over five inches in circumference, repeat the afforementioned steps with two fingers vice one.


At this point, you are ready to enter her with your penis. This is the tricky part. A basic rule in life is that the closest way between two points is a straight line. But not in this case. Before you attempt to enter her, drop a nice dab of KY right on her *******. She should have a pretty good idea of what is about to happen. Exit her vagina and place the head of your penis on the top of her *******. Apply slow and steady pressure to the top of your penis. It will slowly begin to enter her and eventually the head will pop into her anus. That is my favorite part, for whatever reason.....when the head of your penis plops in. Moving along, begin the steeping process in one inch increments of your penis until you are completely inside of her. Take a minute to gain your composure and get yourself ready for what is about to happen. There is no turning back for either of you at this point. Slowly begin thrusting. When i say thrusting, I don't mean that you start longstroking her. Begin moving your penis back and forth in the same one inch increments that you used to enter her. Once she is able to take your entire penis going in and out of her anus, you are pretty much free to do as you like. You can bear in and screw her as hard as you desire as you have properly prepared her anus for the rigors of anal sex.

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I am still baffled that you brag about how fast your shit is, the fact that you got over $60k in it, then you complain about track prep yet don't want to do anything about it. IT's YOUR HOBBY! Gotta pay to play chief. That's why us slow asses are slow, we don't need to pay since our junk can't "hang" in your league.


I'm taking care of it. If u rent it! Prep it ! They will come.

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