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Yeah Fuck Obamacare, most people doesn't realize that they will be paying the price for Obama Care. Especially the majority of working Americans with good health care benefits.

So it is pretty much a kick in the face for the Americans that worked hard all their life, able to work for a company that provides good health care benefits. Now their insurance premiums will go up and coverages will drop because someone has to pay for the subsidies implimented by Obama Care for families that can't afford health care coverage.


your fucking stupid. My cost of health insurance is EXACTLY THE SAME this year and my coverage has went up and preventive medicine is free.... Use FACTS instead of half assed generalizations. ( I work @ Chase and have the highest coverage plan they offer)



If you have private insurance the follow is true...

Can no longer waste your premium on CEO salaries and overhead costs

Must use at least 80 percent of your premium for health services and improving care

Has to justify any hikes to your premium before an independent panel—helping keep your rate down



And, insurance companies can no longer put a lifetime cap on the amount of care they’ll cover, or cancel your coverage over a mistake in your paperwork—and by 2014, no one can be denied insurance due to a pre-existing condition


Cancer Screenings are FREE

Womens exams free

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... My cost of health insurance is EXACTLY THE SAME this year and my coverage has went up and preventive medicine is free.... Use FACTS instead of half assed generalizations. ( I work @ Chase and have the highest coverage plan they offer)...


Lucky you. I work there as well and can tell you that my premiums went up quite a bit this year (2012 from 2011) and my out of pocket expenses were thousands more in 2012 than in 2011. Every one of my co-workers experienced the same thing from 2011 to 2012 with premiums and out of pocket expenses.

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Lucky you. I work there as well and can tell you that my premiums went up quite a bit this year (2012 from 2011) and my out of pocket expenses were thousands more in 2012 than in 2011. Every one of my co-workers experienced the same thing from 2011 to 2012 with premiums and out of pocket expenses.



Talk to any HR person and they will tell you most large companies are moving towards 25% minimum of the premium being paid by the employee. Our company is at 20% moving to 25% next year. However on the HSA plan like I've been on they fund it for us every year and there's no premium. :)


My company HQ is in Cali and that state is preparing for a huge hike in premiums under the move to state exchanges.


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your fucking stupid. My cost of health insurance is EXACTLY THE SAME this year and my coverage has went up and preventive medicine is free.... Use FACTS instead of half assed generalizations. ( I work @ Chase and have the highest coverage plan they offer)



If you have private insurance the follow is true...

Can no longer waste your premium on CEO salaries and overhead costs

Must use at least 80 percent of your premium for health services and improving care

Has to justify any hikes to your premium before an independent panel—helping keep your rate down



And, insurance companies can no longer put a lifetime cap on the amount of care they’ll cover, or cancel your coverage over a mistake in your paperwork—and by 2014, no one can be denied insurance due to a pre-existing condition


Cancer Screenings are FREE

Womens exams free


Look here retard, most of what Obamacare won't get into effect until 2014. No shit your premium didn't go up. Neither did mine since I work for a Huge Co. w/ about 80k employees. Smaller companies health premiums did go up, that is a FACT, it has gone up since preventive care has to be covered 100%. It isn't rocket science for anyone to figure out that Obama care is going to fuck over the middle class.


Answer this question, who is going to pay for the federal subsidies for people to buy private insurance? CBO estimate it will cost trillions of dollars to pay for these subsidies and extension of medicaid.




-You can no longer use your Flex Spending for over the counter medication.


-A 40% tax on "Cadillac Health Care Plans" starting in 2018. A ton of big companies will be effect by this. Mine will, we offer Cadillac Health Care Plans and great benefits to be competitive for talent in the industry. If this goes up, who is going to fucking pay for it? The employees. So a company gets penalized by offering great benefits to their employees.


-Taxing the insurance companies and taxing your health care providers/hospitals. Now who is going to get the short end of that stick? It isn't rocket science.


There is ton of other taxes involved as well.

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Man...all this bitching...how about i drop some positivity.


my job starting next year gives me options for 3 plans, all of which will cost me 0 dollars weekly, the top tier plan has like an $1100-1250 deductible, and then 90/10 up to a max out of pocket of 1750 for the year (deductible included). Sounds much better than the $33/wk im paying now, and a ~2k deductible before anything kicks in.


Yay obamacare.


So now maybe people will not go to the fucking ER for the sniffles, now you see that shit is expensive and now just go to fucking Kroger and spend $9 on NyQuil and go the fuck to bed. Instead of sitting in the ER holding up a bed for someone that just broke their fuckin leg that SHOULD be there. This is what new health care is teaching, sux that you just can't get the shit for free and give 0 fucks huh? Reality sux huh? I've chosen to have a HSA for years now, everyone should have one, at least it teaches and mandates you save some fucking money. You know that "responsibility" thing....

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Everyone bitching about new healthcare="dude it sux I can't live a shitty lifestyle and make someone else pay for it."


Make some fucking decisions like not smoking, drinking, eating like shit, and guess what? Your fucking health care will not be so expensive, and if you can do a HSA you'll have cash for a rainy day. And if your HSA gets too big over time because you take care of your self "like a boss" take some out of the account, pay some taxes and better your lifestyle with cash not a fucking credit card.

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So now maybe people will not go to the fucking ER for the:fuckyeah: sniffles, now you see that shit is expensive and now just go to fucking Kroger and spend $9 on NyQuil and go the fuck to bed. Instead of sitting in the ER holding up a bed for someone that just broke their fuckin leg that SHOULD be there. This is what new health care is teaching, sux that you just can't get the shit for free and give 0 fucks huh? Reality sux huh? I've chosen to have a HSA for years now, everyone should have one, at least it teaches and mandates you save some fucking money. You know that "responsibility" thing....


i dont know if you were trying to roast me, or didnt understand my post, or im reading yours wrong.


Im happy with having a HSA next year. I can put a little more than what i was paying in premiums into the HSA, and come out even. This current year, id have to meet like a 2k deductible, then 70/30 for another $1700 (or about 5k more in care), and this is on top of my (had to check and correct myself), $20/wk in premiums i pay.


In 2013, i can put $34/wk into an HSA, and by year end, 52 weeks of this will cover my max out of pocket for the year. 0 in premiums. Preventative is 100%. If im healthy all year, i stay away from doctors/er/etc, it costs me absolutely nothing (as it should) Sounds pretty easy to me.


Who was the comedian who said something about "insurance is 'just incase' shit, and if you dont have a just incase, you should get it back"

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I was just speaking in general to the public about new health care, the public has a hard time seeing the benefits because it takes effort now, the big deal with HSAs is now you are really invested with your health care, you are paying the bill, not signing a paper handing over a Jackson and sayin thanks!
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That sounds fair. :dumb:


So it's ok for a doctor to provide less quality work because he/she is being paid less?


So it's ok for valvoline to forget to screw in your drain plug after an oil change, because they are not the Dealer?


I get why Kirk is Mad, he realizes that his profession is taking a pay cut. It has to, gone are the days of Physicians driving a different GT2 turbo to work every day. They can't just bill a ins company 10k for surgery anymore because the consumer has to afford it too now.


Then you could argue well doctors will not take government health care.


Good luck operating on the 1%ers a couple times in your life. Or billing people who don't have the money and having them declare bankruptcy and still not get paid while the doctor stiffs the lawyer and then files bankruptcy on them. Sounds like a great business model....


Or guess what there are doctors graduating college every semester willing to get started working and earning money even if it's in the lower pay of today's current trend.


So yes provide a good service and take a cut, that is what the rest of Americans have done this millennia. Suck it up, my worlds tiniest violin is playing for doctors everywhere.


I question some doctors anyway, I have friends that are doctors, and the ONLY reason they went to med school is to be rich. They hate their work, but have the best of everything. Never would I let them treat my kid or family. They are still friends. Not sayin' all my doctors are bleeding heart liberals and work for free and are the best. But you can usually tell the ones that are into their jobs and generally love medicine. My wife is in the Medical profession and holy shit she'd do it for free as a hobby. I'm ok with the first kind I mentioned never going to med school now.


There are many teachers out there practicing their profession, going to school, all knowing they will not be paid shit, but do so because they want to enjoy their work. And they are good teachers, the problem with education in this country is parents. Before someone says education sucks in this country.

Edited by Benjamin
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I get why Kirk is Mad, he realizes that his profession is taking a pay cut. It has to, gone are the days of Physicians driving a different GT2 turbo to work every day. They can't just bill a ins company 10k for surgery anymore because the consumer has to afford it too now.




So yes provide a good service and take a cut, that is what the rest of Americans have done this millennia. Suck it up, my worlds tiniest violin is playing for doctors everywhere.






I'd like to add the same for insurance companies. But they're being told not to be douchebag dicks directly by Obamacare, so I'm good.


PS - I worked for insurance companies, consulted to the boards. They're all greedy dickheads who will fuck you over the moment they get a chance or excuse. They NEED regulated.

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So it's ok for a doctor to provide less quality work because he's being paid less?


I get why Kirk is Mad, he realizes that his profession is taking a pay cut. It has to, gone are the days of Physicians driving a different GT2 turbo to work every day. They can't just bill a ins company 10k for surgery anymore because the consumer has to afford it too now. Then you could argue well doctors will not take government health care.


Good luck operating on the 1%ers a couple times in your life. Or billing people who don't have the money and having them declare bankruptcy and still not get paid while the doctor stiffs the lawyer and then files bankruptcy on them. Sounds like a great business model....


You'll start to hear more about franchised locations as time rolls on. Obamacare isn't going to change the points you made above too much. The doctors I serve are already talking franchise models as is our company and even other insurance companies. Insurance companies already have the covered lives, they have the doctors as their retail locations, why not buy up the docs in the form of a franchise and go all in. Even employers are opening their own clinics. 3M, BP, Cisco, Panasonic, all have on-site clinics.


Picture this:


Primary care practices being to establish a fee structure outside the insurance framework. In the case Kirk could own practice and charge families like mine $XXXX a year plus a $20 scheduling fee to provide managing chronic diseases, standard exams and lab tests. He could offer other services as needed and charged accordingly.


One aspect of the future of healthcare to help keep costs down will be a direct pay model whereby employers offer a direct pay subscription to employees and in turn they would be exempt from the additional tax charged for not offering health insurance. That's being discussed and is a viable solution for many businesses.


What Kirk is referring to is happening today under the current insurance system. Docs are forced to see volume of patients just to get $.25 on the dollar return for their time. That's why you see your doc for all but maybe 5 minutes when you go to see him. Otherwise, their staff is the one who really cares for you. Patient Milling is nothing new.


The above is happening today in my industry. That's why so many doctor clinics and buying groups exist.

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So now maybe people will not go to the fucking ER for the sniffles, now you see that shit is expensive and now just go to fucking Kroger and spend $9 on NyQuil and go the fuck to bed. Instead of sitting in the ER holding up a bed for someone that just broke their fuckin leg that SHOULD be there. This is what new health care is teaching, sux that you just can't get the shit for free and give 0 fucks huh? Reality sux huh? I've chosen to have a HSA for years now, everyone should have one, at least it teaches and mandates you save some fucking money. You know that "responsibility" thing....


So are you talking about medicaid? Where lazy asses have nothing else better to do and have the time to go to ER for the sniffles. I don't see this happening with current insurance plans. Even the Caddilac Plans they are talking about, people won't have the time to go to the ER for the common cold.

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So are you talking about medicaid? Where lazy asses have nothing else better to do and have the time to go to ER for the sniffles. I don't see this happening with current insurance plans. Even the Caddilac Plans they are talking about, people won't have the time to go to the ER for the common cold.


Both, it happens more than you think. People are stupid and still think you should get antibiotics for viral infections they don't understand what antibiotics are for.

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I'd like to add the same for insurance companies. But they're being told not to be douchebag dicks directly by Obamacare, so I'm good.


PS - I worked for insurance companies, consulted to the boards. They're all greedy dickheads who will fuck you over the moment they get a chance or excuse. They NEED regulated.



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So it's ok for a doctor to provide less quality work because he/she is being paid less?


So it's ok for valvoline to forget to screw in your drain plug after an oil change, because they are not the Dealer?


I get why Kirk is Mad, he realizes that his profession is taking a pay cut. It has to, gone are the days of Physicians driving a different GT2 turbo to work every day. They can't just bill a ins company 10k for surgery anymore because the consumer has to afford it too now.


Then you could argue well doctors will not take government health care.


Good luck operating on the 1%ers a couple times in your life. Or billing people who don't have the money and having them declare bankruptcy and still not get paid while the doctor stiffs the lawyer and then files bankruptcy on them. Sounds like a great business model....


Or guess what there are doctors graduating college every semester willing to get started working and earning money even if it's in the lower pay of today's current trend.


So yes provide a good service and take a cut, that is what the rest of Americans have done this millennia. Suck it up, my worlds tiniest violin is playing for doctors everywhere.


I question some doctors anyway, I have friends that are doctors, and the ONLY reason they went to med school is to be rich. They hate their work, but have the best of everything. Never would I let them treat my kid or family. They are still friends. Not sayin' all my doctors are bleeding heart liberals and work for free and are the best. But you can usually tell the ones that are into their jobs and generally love medicine. My wife is in the Medical profession and holy shit she'd do it for free as a hobby. I'm ok with the first kind I mentioned never going to med school now.


There are many teachers out there practicing their profession, going to school, all knowing they will not be paid shit, but do so because they want to enjoy their work. And they are good teachers, the problem with education in this country is parents. Before someone says education sucks in this country.


you get what you pay for. the best doctors out there are cash-only, and accept no insurance what-so-ever. they are all over la, new york, chicago, etc, and make millions---and guess what?? they deserve every fucking penny. when dr's get paid less and less, they have to see more and more patients, do more and more surgeries. that means they spend less time with patients, use physician assistants more and more. that's a reality---you think its going to get any better considering the decreased reimbursement the obama plan has laid out for us??


the majority of my practice comprises medicare patients. ever since the '80's, the government has been steadily decreasing reimbursement for medicare services. name one job out there where the pay has decreased steadily over the past 30 years?? the procedure i do the most paid over $5,000 in the 80's. it now pays $1300. that pays for the preoperative visit, the surgery, seeing the patient for 3 days in the hospital, and seeing them for 3 months after the surgery. after i pay 40% of that for my overhead/insurance/etc, i'm left with $780. after uncle obama takes 30%, i'm left with $546. the government has twice come close to passing a law cutting medicare reimbursement by 28%---this will instantaneously FORCE most non-salary physicians to drop medicare.


would you put $550 in your dr's hand if he was able to make your mother/grandmother walk again??


next time someone makes a thread titled "pray for my ______, they had a heart attack", realize that cardiologists lose money when they perform a cardiac catheterization on a medicare patient. they are actually paying to help your loved one.

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