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legal marijuana? !


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Wait, don't you start threads about what beer you're drinking? So your legal, recreational drug is okay, but someone else's isn't?


Your next thread should be: "I'm a fucking hypocrite."




Paul is just being a troll so no one cares what he thinks.


Fact: weed is less harmful than alcohol, cigarettes and most prescription pain killers. Why shouldn't it be legal? I'd say put restrictions on it like alcohol or cigs. 21, only sell during certain hours, and tax it. Problem is people will grow their own at such a crazy rate the govt won't make what they think they will. I know as soon as its legal here I'm growing two plants myself. Until then, ill sit on my couch with cheez it's, Gatorade and family guy and be 100% content with my life. Shita cheaper than going downtown, and no shitty next day feelings. It's a total win win

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Paul is just being a troll so no one cares what he thinks.


Fact: weed is less harmful than alcohol, cigarettes and most prescription pain killers. Why shouldn't it be legal? I'd say put restrictions on it like alcohol or cigs. 21, only sell during certain hours, and tax it. Problem is people will grow their own at such a crazy rate the govt won't make what they think they will. I know as soon as its legal here I'm growing two plants myself. Until then, ill sit on my couch with cheez it's, Gatorade and family guy and be 100% content with my life. Shita cheaper than going downtown, and no shitty next day feelings. It's a total win win


My take on why it isnt legal yet is because of pharmaceutical companies. Think about how many different kinds of drugs there are out there for illnesses that can all be "cured" by smoking/vaping/eating marijuana. A lot of these companies would probably go under, which is exactly what the united states is trying to fight: Unemployment. By legalizing trees thousands of pharmaceutical employees would be without jobs.

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Disclaimer- I found this on the web.... No affiliation but its a good look :lol:


Exif data in the image points right at your house, dude. :lolguy:

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Paul is just being a troll so no one cares what he thinks.


Fact: weed is less harmful than alcohol, cigarettes and most prescription pain killers. Why shouldn't it be legal? I'd say put restrictions on it like alcohol or cigs. 21, only sell during certain hours, and tax it. Problem is people will grow their own at such a crazy rate the govt won't make what they think they will. I know as soon as its legal here I'm growing two plants myself. Until then, ill sit on my couch with cheez it's, Gatorade and family guy and be 100% content with my life. Shita cheaper than going downtown, and no shitty next day feelings. It's a total win win


Yeah but they way the law works here makes it so at some point ur paying tax on it. For 52$ a year im allowed 16 plants at a time and 7 oz on my person at a time. The plants cant cycle together, 8 have to be in veggie stage and 8 budding then your allowed to cycle. I do not grow to make money but if you follow the law you make money. Youre allowed to buy clones from the dispensaries, before you grow they can make sure what you grow is organic before and after. Me and my buddy will grow not in the city but on my familys sunkist farm outside of los angeles:lolguy: since im not allowed to transport over 7 oz the legal dispensaries will come and help harvest and take it away. They take it back ,weight everything after being cured, and cut checks, and store credit. You can do this year around.

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Yeah but they way the law works here makes it so at some point ur paying tax on it. For 52$ a year im allowed 16 plants at a time and 7 oz on my person at a time. The plants cant cycle together, 8 have to be in veggie stage and 8 budding then your allowed to cycle. I do not grow to make money but if you follow the law you make money. Youre allowed to buy clones from the dispensaries, before you grow they can make sure what you grow is organic before and after. Me and my buddy will grow not in the city but on my familys sunkist farm outside of los angeles:lolguy: since im not allowed to transport over 7 oz the legal dispensaries will come and help harvest and take it away. They take it back ,weight everything after being cured, and cut checks, and store credit. You can do this year around.


I'm gonna have to come visit you in may when I'm in San Diego . I'm ok with this process 100%

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Yeah but they way the law works here makes it so at some point ur paying tax on it. For 52$ a year im allowed 16 plants at a time and 7 oz on my person at a time. The plants cant cycle together, 8 have to be in veggie stage and 8 budding then your allowed to cycle. I do not grow to make money but if you follow the law you make money. Youre allowed to buy clones from the dispensaries, before you grow they can make sure what you grow is organic before and after. Me and my buddy will grow not in the city but on my familys sunkist farm outside of los angeles:lolguy: since im not allowed to transport over 7 oz the legal dispensaries will come and help harvest and take it away. They take it back ,weight everything after being cured, and cut checks, and store credit. You can do this year around.



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I'm all for the legalization of marijuana, and that has zero to do with my personal desire to use it. It should be legalized in all 50 states. The government should regulate it (i.e., become the world's premier producer of quality cannabis), place a hefty tax on it, and use the money to do something good, like build extra schools or fund cancer research or something.


Next up to be legalized should be prostitution. Again, this has nothing to do with my desire to indulge in the product. Rather, it has to do with common sense and the benefits outweighing the costs.


Just my humble opinion of what things would be liked if I ruled the world.

John For President?


I don't see why they haven't done this yet. It's proven safer then alcohol. When's the last time you heard of someone getting stoned and starting a fight??? +

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Just what we need, something legalized that makes more people lazy.

I personally dont thing it should be legalized, except for medical purposes, but I think the sentences should be lessened, for those caught, more of just a fine like a ticket, no jail time.


So should Liquor also be outlawed because it makes people







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Legalizing weed takes too much money out of the system. You won't see it happen on a federal level. Less money for the prison system, less money for the war on drugs.


Very true, washington and Colorado is still federally illegal, just like with californias medical laws. If youre not some dumb drug pusher, growing millions of $$ of product the cops do not give a fuck. The feds are after the people doing the shit illegal, not paying tax, growing in state parks ect. The people doing the shit illegal and being greedy are messing it up.

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Legalizing weed takes too much money out of the system. You won't see it happen on a federal level. Less money for the prison system, less money for the war on drugs.

How exactly is legalizing weed going to take money away from the prison system or the war on drugs?


Prisons are already overcrowded. If we're going to jail everyone that carries, smokes, and sells weed we're going to need more prisons and greater funding. By making it legal you are essentially lessening the burden on the prison system.


Also, provided the government controls and regulates the supply and sale of weed, legalizing it is the biggest action we could do for the war on drugs. You are taking the power and money away from the cartels and raking in tax money. I'm still confused how you think legalizing it will take money away from the war on drugs, though. Where does that money come from?


The issue I see is "high driving" has been shown to have the same effects as drunk driving. There needs to be a method available for police to test drivers and for work places to test employees. I also don't want our entire society to turn into a bunch of hippy stoners, so I'm torn.

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