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legal marijuana? !


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I looked around online but could not find the answer. What gets you high in that stuff/ like man made chemicals ?(


Yeah. It's sprayed on I guess. I don't remember what the chemicals are but eff all that. Smoke the real stuff. It's less than a traffic ticket if you get caught with less than an ounce. Better than dying, or thinking you are dying imho.

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Yeah. It's sprayed on I guess. I don't remember what the chemicals are but eff all that. Smoke the real stuff. It's less than a traffic ticket if you get caught with less than an ounce. Better than dying, or thinking you are dying imho.


Pretty sure all that spice/k2/whatever crap is part of the JWh family. JWh13, JWh(XX) for numbers, i heard everytime they tried to make it illegal, theyd just change a little shit around (Hence the diff numbers) and put it back out.

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Yeah. It's sprayed on I guess. I don't remember what the chemicals are but eff all that. Smoke the real stuff. It's less than a traffic ticket if you get caught with less than an ounce. Better than dying, or thinking you are dying imho.


Yeah fuck all that. Sprayed chemicals sound like a bad time lol

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Pretty sure all that spice/k2/whatever crap is part of the JWh family. JWh13, JWh(XX) for numbers, i heard everytime they tried to make it illegal, theyd just change a little shit around (Hence the diff numbers) and put it back out.


you're right. Now they are finally trying to go after the main precursors to the chemical families. Sort of like banning sassafras oil, which that leads to MDMA. It will work for sometime and someone will find a back door that is basically over the counter legal.

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  • 3 months later...
Yeah. It's sprayed on I guess. I don't remember what the chemicals are but eff all that. Smoke the real stuff. It's less than a traffic ticket if you get caught with less than an ounce. Better than dying, or thinking you are dying imho.


actually you can have 100 grams or less in Ohio and only get a $100 ticket. ounce=28 ish grams. now if you have paraphernalia you get 30 days in jail. you could even grow as long as its less then 100 grams and only get a 100 dollar fine.



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actually you can have 100 grams or less in Ohio and only get a $100 ticket. ounce=28 ish grams. now if you have paraphernalia you get 30 days in jail. you could even grow as long as its less then 100 grams and only get a 100 dollar fine.




Where they can get you though is paraphernalia. I mean, the baggy it's in can be counted is paraphernalia.

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actually you can have 100 grams or less in Ohio and only get a $100 ticket. ounce=28 ish grams. now if you have paraphernalia you get 30 days in jail. you could even grow as long as its less then 100 grams and only get a 100 dollar fine.




So what you're saying is papers > everything else.


Oh, and fake.

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The laws are so F***ed.. In 2 states now if you blaze.. No problem, In Ohio you can have like 7 ounces and all you'd face is a fine (talking straight plant no paraphernalia). In other states if you have ANYthing on you it's a felony!!!


I've met quite a few people who have Felony drug convictions on their records. Now they can't get a job or do shit anywhere. Can you imagine driving around at 18, 19 years old smokin a little bud, maybe at a concert or something then catching a FELONY!! for the rest of your life!? You wanna go on a vacation with your wife 10 years later to a different country.. NOPE not anymore FELON! You can't vote or have a gun, along with other limitations I'm sure. Meanwhile if you did the same thing somewhere else, you'd be fine. Now imagine people sitting in a jail for YEARS over the same thing.. The fact that penalties can be so drastically different is mind blowing. Considering we’re talking about peoples FREEDOMS and RIGHTS. I know it’s easy to have your opinions and want to pass judgment on people. If you DO DRUGS then you’re bad, “don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time”. But ask yourself, why is a plant illegal? Why is it illegal to sell the plant. When you turn on your TV’s you see drug dealers pimping their pills for restless legs, or sleepy hands, headaches, cramps etc. all the time. And that’s okay with you. Or you’re okay watching all the Budweiser commercials during your football game, while several football players have killed themselves and or others while drinking and driving… So why shouldn’t these folks who get 5 DUI’s be let off with a fine, why no felony? Why are major medical companies allowed to sell drugs to hundreds of thousands of people right in front of you knowing that a side effect could be DEATH!?!?


It's crazy that a PLANT. That anyone can grow can have such a negative impact on people’s lives. And it's not even the plant causing the problems; it's the "laws" and BS people passing judgment. Until you can show me how my plant violates others rights and freedoms or how it threatens those rights and freedoms, I say back the F up and let me roll one up!

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State code says paraphernalia is a MM now. Local jurisdictions can still be an M4. Drug offenses can sometimes lead to a drivers license suspension.

Even for the "$100" charge, it's left to the judge's discretion to suspend your license not to mention the addition of "court costs", etc. Believe me, they will still bend you over. I've seen and heard it happen.


So what you're saying is papers > everything else.



Oh, and fake.

Yes, it's all about the old school joint rollings. Smoke the evidence!


Get you some of these, use a roller, and your set. lol



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I quit drinking and all I do now is smoke. My back is royally fucked from the Marines and doctors give me 90 pills of oxycodone a month. I much rather smoke as it makes my back feel better then getting addicted to a bad pill. If I moved to cali or arizona i would get medical marijuana in a heart beat. I just love Ohio and dont want to move out. Yes, old fashioned joints are the way to go if you are smoking on the move or in a car.
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if you drink alcohol you are as bad as bath salt users. alcohol kills brain cells, its addictive, and it has all types of bodily damage.... , enjoy your buzz fellas.


Just playing devil's advocate. Not defending potheads per se, but everybody should be able to do whatever they want to do with their own bodies. Even if it's not such a great idea.

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Just playing devil's advocate. Not defending potheads per se, but everybody should be able to do whatever they want to do with their own bodies. Even if it's not such a great idea.


so coke, herion, meth, bathsalts, huffing, ect ect should all be legal? is that what you are saying? its a good thing you dont make the decisons cause we would all be roided out pot heads :gabe:

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maybe at the next cr meet i'll hand out some k2 to all of you then we can film a new harlem shake video.


cr should make a new section called the "smokers corner" and just group all the potheads together and see how funny the threads would be. prolly wouldnt get more than 5 threads cause they are too lazy

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so coke, herion, meth, bathsalts, huffing, ect ect should all be legal? is that what you are saying? its a good thing you dont make the decisons cause we would all be roided out pot heads :gabe:



Absolutely, people should be free to make their own decisions, and be responsible for the consequences of those decisions.

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Keep in mind the alternative is passing laws to restrict the products a subset of a culture is incredibly willing to pay for thus creating a black market for violent criminals to become rich exploiting, using tax dollars to pay for more police to enforce the laws, paying for courts and judges for trials, as well as jails and prisons to house offenders in, all while marring their employ-ability for a lifetime due to a possible felony record.


Hey, that's what we've been doing and so far we've only spent about a trillion or so dollars.

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