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Social media friend removal and discontinuation of followers at an all time high.

V8 Beast

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I dont think anyone deleted me nor did I delete anyone but I assume I was removed from some news feeds. I find myself trying to explain basic concepts to some people and really surprised how ignorant alot of people seem to be on even simple issues. I dont begin to think I know as much in depth info as alot of whats being discussed in the other thread but man there are some ignorant people out there and I am not saying thats because they voted for one and not another.
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I dont think anyone deleted me nor did I delete anyone but I assume I was removed from some news feeds. I find myself trying to explain basic concepts to some people and really surprised how ignorant alot of people seem to be on even simple issues. I dont begin to think I know as much in depth info as alot of whats being discussed in the other thread but man there are some ignorant people out there and I am not saying thats because they voted for one and not another.


I dont think I lost any, but then again I have no clue how many I had to start. My wife and I actually voted differently for the first time. She's has to sleep on the couch for the next 4 years.


I've been doing a lot of teaching myself. I had a guy that really thought 40 cents on every dollar taxed went to welfare.

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I am starting to feel that my dollar carries more weight than my vote. If everything comes back to money and money is power then perhaps I need to start watching what I really choose to "support".


The all mighty dollar. Just by working I support things I dont believe in. It would be nice to have a choice.

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Unfortunately like now I have tried to fall asleep twice and my foot will not allow it. So I will fall asleep????? I will get up??????? When I do get up will it take me an hr before I can use it???? During the day at what time will sitting make it hurt, when will walking make it hurt and so on.


Can I show up when I can, can I leave when I need to, can I walk as needed, can I sit as needed. Thats alot of a company to consider when hiring me.


On top of that I need to make $60k to maintain what I have now.

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Unfortunately like now I have tried to fall asleep twice and my foot will not allow it. So I will fall asleep????? I will get up??????? When I do get up will it take me an hr before I can use it???? During the day at what time will sitting make it hurt, when will walking make it hurt and so on.


Can I show up when I can, can I leave when I need to, can I walk as needed, can I sit as needed. Thats alot of a company to consider when hiring me.


On top of that I need to make $60k to maintain what I have now.


As a new addition nope. Getting to the point that you can get fmla from any company is going to be the hard part.

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Thats what I say. When your car gets totalled theres a value you expect insurance to compensate you for. Whats a foot worth? Nobody can agree on a value so here I am forced to sit, 4 years later. I am proud that I only put on about 15lbs. But the downside is I lost 48lbs in the hospital, and the weight I put back on has all been fat.
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I have reached maximum medical and theres nothing they can do to improve it. My compensation can now be stopped tomorrow or months from now with no warning. In ohio there is only BWC and the industrial commission to prevent workers from going after their employer. It is very hard to go after an employer in Ohio and they would have to knowingly put you in harms way to be liable. They would have to give you cancer causing gloves on purpose knowing it would to be liable. Other than that you deal with BWC. I dont know where we go once they stop payment and we have not reached a settlement. As a precaution they have tried to sign me up for social security but my tender age prevents it. I am told to expect a sedentary lifestyle but I have restrictions as stated above no employer is going to tolerate. I am kinda stuck at this moment.


Then theres the Dr. who wants to amputate my leg and rock a prosthetic.

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I have been lucky compared to the other people dealing with BWC I have met. I always get everything approved right off the bat, I get great Dr's. Some people battle it all the way through. The worst part is blowing through my savings. Its great that I had it but man all the stuff I gave up to acquire it and now its gone. I have missed out on things with the kids like coaching their sports which I was looking forward to. We no longer have insurance and my wife has to have a complete hysterectomy soon, that bill is going to be great.
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Damn dude. I cant see any job paying $60k a year that doesnt in some way shape or form expect you to come in at full go. I think I heard of you talking about it, but starting your own company would be the only way to make that dollar amount with your limitations.


I couldnt see having to make that decision to keep my foot or not. Talk about a level of stress an average person wont have to deal with.. wow. Will you be better off if its gone? Have you considered it yourself?

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