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Obama wins. 20 states petition feds to secede.


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Misleading thread title is misleading.


A few people have signed petitions. The thread title would imply that the states have actually 'filed' the petitions, and that motion actually means something.


Less than 0.1% of the population in Texas has signed this petition. This isn't news.

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It is news. How important or significant is up to the reader.


Also, don't be so quick to pass on by the "all in good fun".


I am all for a United Republic States of America and a separate United Democratic States of America. They can have everything that voted blue, down to the precinct level, we get red. One catch, they get the blue senators and reps too.



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It is news. How important or significant is up to the reader.


Also, don't be so quick to pass on by the "all in good fun".


I am all for a United Republic States of America and a separate United Democratic States of America. They can have everything that voted blue, down to the precinct level, we get red. One catch, they get the blue senators and reps too.





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It is news. How important or significant is up to the reader.


Also, don't be so quick to pass on by the "all in good fun".


I am all for a United Republic States of America and a separate United Democratic States of America. They can have everything that voted blue, down to the precinct level, we get red. One catch, they get the blue senators and reps too.




This is not how 'MURICA the best fucking country in the world operates. 50 states exist not 30. Other then adding Puerto Rico to make it 51 there should be no changes. Insert random negative curse words here :mad:

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I loved reading all the facebook posts about people saying how to want to move to another country. I just thought to myself "Where do you fools think you're going to move to besides back to 1908?". Well I guess you want to succeed from the Union, even more brilliant. The loud minority never ceases to amaze me on just how stupid and ignorant they are.
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It is news. How important or significant is up to the reader.


Also, don't be so quick to pass on by the "all in good fun".


I am all for a United Republic States of America and a separate United Democratic States of America. They can have everything that voted blue, down to the precinct level, we get red. One catch, they get the blue senators and reps too.




You have lost your mind.

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I loved reading all the facebook posts about people saying how to want to move to another country. I just thought to myself "Where do you fools think you're going to move to besides back to 1908?". Well I guess you want to succeed from the Union, even more brilliant. The loud minority never ceases to amaze me on just how stupid and ignorant they are.


North Korea ? :dumb:

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Pay no attention, nothing to see here, all is well....




Good article, I've heard the same sentiments echoed at other non-biased & informative news organizations.


I also heard that wall street is pegging the likelihood of situations this way; Grand Bargain - 20%, Falling off of the Fiscal Cliff - 20%, Same Old Shit, kicking the can down the road - %60. :dumb: Ya for more of the same!

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Good article, I've heard the same sentiments echoed at other non-biased & informative news organizations.


I also heard that wall street is pegging the likelihood of situations this way; Grand Bargain - 20%, Falling off of the Fiscal Cliff - 20%, Same Old Shit, kicking the can down the road - %60. :dumb: Ya for more of the same!


Yeah, I think it will be more of the same and we all just suffer. How hard is it to just do what is right for the masses?

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Misleading thread title is misleading.


A few people have signed petitions. The thread title would imply that the states have actually 'filed' the petitions, and that motion actually means something.


Less than 0.1% of the population in Texas has signed this petition. This isn't news.


Yep, i state basicly the same thing on someone who posted it on facebook last night

Im sorry, but this article is so misleading.. the STATES didn't file, just random people creating petitions. I can make a petition right now to make Me the the Queen of Columbus and a get all of my friends to sign it.. and i can even file it... but that means nothing..

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Give the secessionists what they want, but don't allow them to take anything that has been afforded them via any kind of federal subsidies. Or if they do, make them pay heavily for it.


Texas wants to secede? Fine, then pay back the Union all the money, adjusted for inflation, that was poured into the Texas interstate system from federal coffers. Any oil rigs in Texas that belong to companies that have received federal subsidies or tax breaks must pay back all those subsidies, plus interest. Every Texas farmer who has received federal subsidies would be on the hook. All loans, business or personal, would be void and reposessions of merchandise would be immediate, since all banking laws would change. Oh, and all bank deposits would no longer be FDIC insured. I wonder what that'd do the the financial stability of the new nation-state.


And they say Obama supporters are entitled... Secession is pretty much the most entitled attitude anyone can have. "I didn't get my way so I'm taking YOUR ball and going home" is what it sounds like to me.

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Give the secessionists what they want, but don't allow them to take anything that has been afforded them via any kind of federal subsidies. Or if they do, make them pay heavily for it.


Texas wants to secede? Fine, then pay back the Union all the money, adjusted for inflation, that was poured into the Texas interstate system from federal coffers. Any oil rigs in Texas that belong to companies that have received federal subsidies or tax breaks must pay back all those subsidies, plus interest. Every Texas farmer who has received federal subsidies would be on the hook. All loans, business or personal, would be void and reposessions of merchandise would be immediate, since all banking laws would change. Oh, and all bank deposits would no longer be FDIC insured. I wonder what that'd do the the financial stability of the new nation-state.


And they say Obama supporters are entitled... Secession is pretty much the most entitled attitude anyone can have. "I didn't get my way so I'm taking YOUR ball and going home" is what it sounds like to me.


I have to say I completely disagree, it is the right of the state to secede, and I personally believe it must happen to fix the country (well, at least state-level nullification). The subsidies you discuss were stolen in the first place, so the federal government should pay back all income taxes, plus interest, collected since 1913 first.


Though signing petitions? You shouldn't be asking permission to secede, the colonies didn't ask King Georges permission.

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