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Drug Sniffing Dogs

El Karacho1647545492

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Cliffs: Drug sniffing dogs lead to seizure of counterfeit perfume/cologne.


My question for is for anyone more familiar with drug sniffing dogs than I.


I've heard that police dogs are not infallible and are occasionally proven to respond more to indicators given by their handlers than actual drugs. This would appear to be the case in this situation. I understand that "criminal indicators" is very subjective, but saying that a police dog that is trained to sniff for drugs indicated on a bunch of perfume doesn't say a whole lot about the actual credibility of these types of searches.



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Cliffs: Drug sniffing dogs lead to seizure of counterfeit perfume/cologne.


My question for is for anyone more familiar with drug sniffing dogs than I.


I've heard that police dogs are not infallible and are occasionally proven to respond more to indicators given by their handlers than actual drugs. This would appear to be the case in this situation. I understand that "criminal indicators" is very subjective, but saying that a police dog that is trained to sniff for drugs indicated on a bunch of perfume doesn't say a whole lot about the actual credibility of these types of searches.




Friend of mine and his father train most police dogs in the area. Most likely there was drug residue that the dog indicated on.

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A couple officers/deputies I've talked to and know said the dogs will act like they've found something when the cop gives certain signals to it


They don't train the actual alert to work on signals.

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my thoughts are bad guys got busted, no fucks given. besides, if they are dumb enough to speed while carrying a cargo van full of counterfeit anything they qualify to star in the remake of dumb and dumber.


I agree with this, I'm just saying this whole scenario reeks of creative interpretation of what is and isn't permitted and what constitutes probable cause for a search.


I'll never be caught carrying drugs but if an officer catches me speeding on the way to the airport and mistakes my frustration/arabic-sounding last name for "criminal indicators", I may very well have some cologne in my baggage. It'd be nice to know what I can expect should I ever be in such an unfortunate situation.

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I agree with this, I'm just saying this whole scenario reeks of creative interpretation of what is and isn't permitted and what constitutes probable cause for a search.


I understand. In today's climate society provides the bad guys with too many ways out so I tend to side with creativity knowing that the majority of the time it's appropriately applied.


I'll never be caught carrying drugs but if an officer catches me speeding on the way to the airport and mistakes my frustration/arabic-sounding last name for "criminal indicators", I may very well have some cologne in my baggage. It'd be nice to know what I can expect should I ever be in such an unfortunate situation.
Meh.......if you're real name and appearance are equivalent to those in this article I'm sorry but I'd side with a little creativity. I'll argue all day that profiling is effective and is applied more often than not in appropriate places. Nothing is fool proof, but I support creativity when LEO's are in the midst of properly stoppoing two guys named Ali Sobh, and Abraham N. Ajami.


If they are wrong and totally innocent, so be it they will get over butt hurt more than the families of dead people as a result of wrong doings.

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Meh.......if you're real name and appearance are equivalent to those in this article I'm sorry but I'd side with a little creativity. I'll argue all day that profiling is effective and is applied more often than not in appropriate places. Nothing is fool proof, but I support creativity when LEO's are in the midst of properly stoppoing two guys named Ali Sobh, and Abraham N. Ajami.


If they are wrong and totally innocent, so be it they will get over butt hurt more than the families of dead people as a result of wrong doings.


I am a tall fat white dude, but my last name is pronounced Kah-sheed. Not spelled that way at all, but combine it with a first name like Alex, and it's not a stretch of the imagination to call me al-Kashid.


My experience coming back to the country from the south of France (where they looooove Muslims) was creative but not unpleasant. I was basically interviewed 4 different times about my stay in France and the contents of my baggage in very pleasant conversation by well-spoken security agents, with a metal detector scan that seemed more a courtesy to American sensibilities than an actual method of detecting dangerous objects. Just before boarding my plane, I was informed that I'd been flagged for a random check (foreign passport, strange name, single male flying alone with a somewhat recently purchased ticket and minimal baggage RANDOM LOL) where they basically do the pat-down you'd get if you refuse to do that humiliating x-ray at an American airport.


So instead of having fucking EVERYONE humiliate themselves, they just have you talk to various people at different stages of check-in and boarding and then select a few people somewhat at random to show everyone else that yep, you might get searched too, so don't fuck around.

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Just fake alerts that still allow police to tear your car apart for no reason


This happened to a friend of mine.


Had my car searched once, damn dog wanted my beef jerkey. That is a true story.


I'm fug if I ever get pull over. Any given time I always have a bag or two of beef jerkey, and I have the good Amish ones too ;).

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Depends on the dog and handler. We trained both our dogs with accelerant for arson investigations and than cros trained her for narcotics. Dog could smell through a sealed tin can and would respond accordingly ( arson was more of a scratch or dig notification and narcotics was bark) and never rarely chose the wrong can out of 8. Most of the times she was wrong we where trying to confuse her.
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