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True Debt


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Obama is no real solid businessman. Just smooth talking fool. No surprise that "For years, the government has gotten by without having to produce the kind of financial statements that are required of most significant for-profit and nonprofit enterprises."


To expect him to lead the way of change is unfounded.


Why haven't Americans heard about the titanic $86.8 trillion liability from these programs? One reason: The actual figures do not appear in black and white on any balance sheet


Right in line with the aforementioned, they believe in out of sight out of mind reality. He wouldn't dare expose the reality as it would cost him the election and cost him his precious Obamacare Bill. Further proof he's looking out for just himself. He's a legend in his own mind. Unfortunately most politicians worry more about their re-election and office position than the people they serve.


Unfortunately slight of hand will burn the middle class and everyone and it's coming.


Neither the public nor policy makers will be able to fully understand and deal with these issues unless the government publishes financial statements that present the government's largest financial liabilities in accordance with well-established norms in the private sector


Wow....such a novel fucking idea. Without a business leader in office does the above really shock anyone? I hope not as people can't really be that stupid to believe it. Ooops.....we put him back in office so, yes I guess the majority of voters are that stupid, thus the reason they are bringing the collective bar of common sense down to their level. It's equivilant to the masses trying to climb into a sinking boat and drowning everyone. But hey at least they have their social issues at rest....


Off to insure me and my family have our own life preservers as we enter 2013.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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my feeling is eliminate social security(pay out what is owed), unemployment, food stamps, section 8, and any form of welfare. It's time to knuckle up and make the cuts necessary to get the debt under control.


Makes total sense,will not happen. An elected offical will not step in front of that bus at any time.

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This is not just on Obama, though the democrats/liberals and their love for entitlement programs are a root cause. Every elected official for the last 20 years has done nothing about it, and the writing has been on the wall since then. I remember being a child in middle school and the talk of social security draining our nation was going on then.


Social Security and Medicare need eliminated and/or completely overhauled. This statement has been said for decades... and it hasnt happened, because it is a kiss of death and the complaining of those effected would be a HUGE number as well. Just recently this was used very effectively against Romney and his 47% comment.... "ohh he wants to forget about all those people on social security and medicare, he doesnt care about them!!!!! ZOMG!!"

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Those programs keep you safe.


No, they delay an inevitable collapse of the nation. It is foolish to think otherwise. And when the nation collapses, that day will be MUCH worse than a planned, staged reduction in these life sucking programs.

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This is not just on Obama, though the democrats/liberals and their love for entitlement programs are a root cause. Every elected official for the last 20 years has done nothing about it, and the writing has been on the wall since then. I remember being a child in middle school and the talk of social security draining our nation was going on then.


Social Security and Medicare need eliminated and/or completely overhauled. This statement has been said for decades... and it hasnt happened, because it is a kiss of death and the complaining of those effected would be a HUGE number as well. Just recently this was used very effectively against Romney and his 47% comment.... "ohh he wants to forget about all those people on social security and medicare, he doesnt care about them!!!!! ZOMG!!"



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No, they delay an inevitable collapse of the nation. It is foolish to think otherwise. And when the nation collapses, that day will be MUCH worse than a planned, staged reduction in these life sucking programs.


Much agreed. Face adversity head on with a plan or be prepared to face it without a plan but either way, it's coming right dead-on at you.

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my feeling is eliminate social security(pay out what is owed), unemployment, food stamps, section 8, and any form of welfare. It's time to knuckle up and make the cuts necessary to get the debt under control.


The money we save from the programs would have to be put into additional law enforcement after the crime rate went up. The extra police making extra arrests would lead to additional court hearings. Additional court hearings would lead to additional people in jail. Now instead of "assisting" you are paying for everything they do. Not only that, their 4 kids would be cared for by the state because their single parent is in jail. Not everyone would turn into criminals, but the ones that did would cost enough to make up for a lot of the people that didnt.


I would like to see them drastically reduced, but still have them for the people that dont abuse it.

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Yea cut all that, might as well cut police and fire too, they will not be able to keep up. You better have a fortress too, don't care how many guns and bullets and knives you have. Be prepared to starve in the city.


Those programs keep you safe.


this!... honestly its really hard to understand the true number in the population that receive these benefits in some way.. world chaos for sure

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my feeling is eliminate social security(pay out what is owed), unemployment, food stamps, section 8, and any form of welfare. It's time to knuckle up and make the cuts necessary to get the debt under control.


You do realize as poverty rises so does the crime rate??? How about we get the top tier of people to pay the same % of there income that I pay?? I think its complete bullshit when a millionaire is paying 14% and I'm paying 28%...



If your house was on fire what would you do??


Call the fire department??? You fucking Socialistic bastid.

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You do realize as poverty rises so does the crime rate??? How about we get the top tier of people to pay the same % of there income that I pay?? I think its complete bullshit when a millionaire is paying 14% and I'm paying 28%...



If your house was on fire what would you do??


Call the fire department??? You fucking Socialistic bastid.


Scan and post your federal tax return.

If your effective tax rate is 28% I'll PayPal you $100 right now.

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Scan and post your federal tax return.

If your effective tax rate is 28% I'll PayPal you $100 right now.

I've only been at chase for a year so far, My prior year I worked @ IPS and made far less then I do now.


explain effective I just looked up the brackets on wiki to be honest. check your pm

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The people in this country that are in poverty still live better than the middle class of most of the other countries on this planet. They can live without cable TV and a big screen and cigarettes, that doesn't make them suffer.


I think this is where i get my cynicism from, in college, walking by a group of newly built section 8 housing, looking in and seeing big screen TVs, playing video games, their much nicer cars out front with expensive sound systems and 20+" chrome wheels.... but they couldnt afford housing? or food? And hearing the stories from cop friends about when their children are being taken away, they are screaming mad/upset about losing the PAYCHECK, not the child... My friend's sister in law who abuses planned parenthood to aid her in being lazy and immature.... and it goes on and on and on... The people that abuse these systems vastly outnumber the people who use them responsibly based on what I have seen...


Social security.... it was never meant to be someone's 401k retirement package. It was implemented to aid those who were too old to hold gainful employment any longer, and when life expectancy was mUCH shorter... It was designed to help elderly survive a few years until they passed away, as crass as that sounds....

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For the record, I dont agree with minimum wage either... as it actually hurts employment...


you know some walmarts give their new hires packets with everything they need to get on food stamps?


Maybe abolish minimum wage for small businesses, but say anything with over 250 employees...

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No, I tend to agree with a pure economist. It upsets the natural supply/demand.


Think if minimum wage is $10... Now an employer will hire less, than say he could have hired two employees for 5 an hour (or more like still two at 6-7 an hour)... Take that and put it in a macro scale... That's a LOT more employment, reducing the number of those that would otherwise be unemployed and collecting even more services... "But that's not enough to live on" you say... I would argue that the increased number of those employed would increase the demand for goods and services, the increase in employees allows for an increase in supply, both increases result in prices to drop, reducing inflation, or maybe deflation, now your dollar goes further... Everyone wins... (Not nearly that straight forward or simple in reality)

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