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Obama Goes on a 4 million dollar VACATION WTF!!!


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Plus the tax payers are paying for the same shit we always do. He and his friends are paying for their vacation, but his protection is what we pay for. Not different from any other day, just now it's a big deal cause he wants to get away and let his hair down.



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I have to agree with Phil here, if Obama weren't flying air force one, no fucks would be given about his vacation (due to the cost of the vacation without air force one being insignificant), however if he were using air force one to fly for business to the tune of the same charge, also no fucks would be given.
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Uhhhhh, YOU voted for him


being that I'm a rational person I accept that when i vote for someone I won't agree with everything. I just think this one is like putting salt in a wound since were working on this big issue atm.



I don't vote repub or demo I vote based on what I like.

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Where are you confused? Is it with how Obama's own record reflects careless illogical business sense or is it with the role of a leader and what they are actually supposed to do and how Obama does nothing in line with leadership?


no. you. I didn't say I was confused about anything with our president.

You make no fucking sense.



read this sentence:

yep...that's about how Obama has justified all his spending thus far and it looks that as predicted, he won't be changing his ways anytime soon.

Which you posted in reply to some figures I posted that had nothing to do with Obama. I was just making a point that 4M is NOTHING at all given the situation.

If you want to get your panties in a bunch do it over something that fucking matters.



I don't remember him ever making light of any amount of spending. Do you have a source? When did he compare an amount of spending to some other expenditure to show that the original amount was insignificant? This was the point I was attempting to make.


Who predicted? you/someone else/Fox News ? Use your words to convey meanings.



:lol: at this thread. You know Air Force one takes him everywhere that's just part of the gig so for that amount to be thrown in is just a way to piss people off. I don't have a problem with the man taking a vacation. If he wants to go on vacation then he's going to go on a vacation. He just spent the last 8minths to a yr getting bashed, and having to please everyone, and anything else. Let him live for a lil. You guys need to find a better topic at this point.

Yea. I think that 3.2M is reasonable amount to fly a fortress capable of commanding the country 10,000 miles round trip.

I'm not being sarcastic here. It sounds reasonable. I bet his limo gets shit gas mileage too. If someone tallied how much it costs for that thing to run I probably would not be surprised if it was expensive to run.


things cost money.

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no. you. I didn't say I was confused about anything with our president. You make no fucking sense.


Your statements and posts would be a lot more logical if they included some clarity vs just ranting statements.


Please clarify what I said that confuses you or where my points or statements don't make sense. I'll gladly clarify things where needed so you're not confused with ME or my comments as it relates to our dumb fucking President.


Your figures and facts posted are directly related to Obama and his spending and ways of conducting business while in his chair. Again, no surprise that he's not changing his ways at passing the buck and leaving on vacation instead of leading his people through the resolution of a crisis. He refuses to be accountable and hell, his whole position is to let the people under him take the heat if it doesn't work out. He distances himself all the time and then lies to cover things up.


Bengazi is a great recent example. He's letting others take the fall when in fact it's without a doubt he fucking covered that shit up until after the election. Obama is our new slick-willy. But hey, we can't blame him if he in fact covered his ears and avoided being "in the know".


Back on topic though, this fiscal cliff shit.....he's on vacation....can't blame him can we? .....or perhaps we directly and absolutely can. How about he fucking LEAD the country for once? Oh, my bad again, as anything with $$ or fiscal responsibility and Obama in the same sentence is just fucking moronic. He knows it too so he just puts distance and little finger pointing in the mix and all will be okay.


If you want to get your panties in a bunch do it over something that fucking matters.
Last I checked the situation our country is in and continues to be a something that matters.


I don't remember him ever making light of any amount of spending. Do you have a source? When did he compare an amount of spending to some other expenditure to show that the original amount was insignificant? This was the point I was attempting to make.
Obama spends money like he's printing it......oh, my bad....he is. :dumb: The fact that his planned vacations cost us money equates to such small comparisons, especially our debt at .003% of our national debt is actually filled with Irony. No shit his vacation is small by comparison, he's fucking put us in debt at the rate of over $1T per year. Fail.


Who predicted? you/someone else/Fox News ? Use your words to convey meanings.
Me, and many, many others.....Obama is a horrible businessman and yes, it's widely known by those of us that wish he was not President and by those that aren't deaf and dumb that he's not going to change or get better. He's going to drive this country further into the shit hole over the next four years. Proof is in his past actions and results. No need to rekill that horse though.
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4 million dollars is .003% of the outstanding US debt


about what 8 minutes of us being in Afghanistan costs


about 2.2 hours of the 'war on drugs'


Ofcoarse it's a small percentage. Just like every other controllable bullshit expense that all cumulatively add up to the major deficit we face today.


The only "large" percentages of spending are social security/Medicare (which we specifically pay into) and defense.


So since we mandatorily pay into social security and Medicare, lets forget about cutting them.


Now we are left with cutting either Defense, or the millions of absolute bullshit wastes of money we do every day. Personally I rather have defense.


Stop overlooking millions wasted as a drop in the bucket. Each individually may be insignificant, but together they are killing the country.

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:lol: He just chose to spend the last 8 months to a yr getting bashed, and having to please everyone, and anything else. Let him live for a lil. You guys need to find a better topic at this point.


As near as I can figure Air Force 1 used about $220,000 in fuel to get to Hawaii and back. Now the two to three C-17's that carry all his limos and support vehicles and the cost of paying all the secret service and security details I can't even begin to put a figure on.

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Yea. I think that 3.2M is reasonable amount to fly a fortress capable of commanding the country 10,000 miles round trip.

I'm not being sarcastic here. It sounds reasonable. I bet his limo gets shit gas mileage too. If someone tallied how much it costs for that thing to run I probably would not be surprised if it was expensive to run.


things cost money.


Then you are a fucking idiot. A 3,000 mile commercial flight costs roughly 30k to the airline. That's crew, fuel, maintenance, and all. So 10,000 miles should be under 100k

I could understand it being higher. Different plane, tons of security, a fighter escort,... but 3+ million.....No way

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I don't know where you came up with those numbers but $30k would buy enough fuel to get about 1500 miles in a 747 and that's just fuel.


Something I read quite a while ago. I'm sure costs have came up. And the article probably wasn't referring to a plane with 500 people on it. Double or quadruple the numbers, it's still a far cry from 3+ million.


None the less, if that's really what it cost,.. He shouldn't have went. Not on our dime anyways.

He deserves a vaca, but not at that kind of cost. My family deserves a vacation to. So I took one that FIT IN OUR BUDGET. Unlike the president who put it on a credit card,.... that he doesn't pay.... we do.

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A 3,000 mile commercial flight costs roughly 30k to the airline. That's crew, fuel, maintenance, and all. So 10,000 miles should be under 100k



a VC-25 costs $179,750 per flight hour alone in fiscal year 2012, Maj. Michelle Lai of the 89th Airlift Wing told ABC News.

That figure includes fuel, flight consumables, depot level repairs, aircraft overhaul and engine overhaul. Pilot and airmen salaries are not included because they are paid regardless of the plane's use, Lai said.

- source


DC -> Hawaii is 9 hours.

18 * $179,750 = $3,235,500



Then you are a fucking idiot.

Some fucking idiot I am indeed.

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- source


DC -> Hawaii is 9 hours.

18 * $179,750 = $3,235,500




Some fucking idiot I am indeed.




I'll try and find the article I had read and see what their numbers were based on. I fully agreed that $200,000+ for fuel alone would be believable. I still think 3+ million is ridiculous and if that truly is just what it cost to use Airforce One, that we should rethink how often we use it.

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so Obama goes on vacation, gets back and this is what he does:



If this lack of focus in dealing with important matters that can throw our country back in recession is par for the next 4 years, we are literally fucked.

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so Obama goes on vacation, gets back and this is what he does:



If this lack of focus in dealing with important matters that can throw our country back in recession is par for the next 4 years, we are literally fucked.


Speaking of lack of focus, if you're going to be outraged you might want to at least know what you're talking about.


He hasn't even gone on vacation yet, genius. His wife and kids are there, but he's in Washington dealing with Congress.


If this self righteous anger at the leadership of our country continues, unabated by actual facts and reality, we are literally fucked.


EDIT: How many of you can say you've ever sent your wife and kids on a vacation you'd planned on going to but you had to stay home and work?

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Speaking of lack of focus, if you're going to be outraged you might want to at least know what you're talking about.


He hasn't even gone on vacation yet, genius. His wife and kids are there, but he's in Washington dealing with Congress.


If this self righteous anger at the leadership of our country continues, unabated by actual facts and reality, we are literally fucked.


EDIT: How many of you can say you've ever sent your wife and kids on a vacation you'd planned on going to but you had to stay home and work?




This guy gets it

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Speaking of lack of focus, if you're going to be outraged you might want to at least know what you're talking about.


He hasn't even gone on vacation yet, genius. His wife and kids are there, but he's in Washington dealing with Congress.


If this self righteous anger at the leadership of our country continues, unabated by actual facts and reality, we are literally fucked.


EDIT: How many of you can say you've ever sent your wife and kids on a vacation you'd planned on going to but you had to stay home and work?


I was mistaken and can admit when I am wrong regarding the hawaii portion. Obama has still shown 0 ability to get this done, but at some point I hope he does because there is alot on the line.

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I was mistaken and can admit when I am wrong regarding the hawaii portion. Obama has still shown 0 ability to get this done, but at some point I hope he does because there is alot on the line.


What....what is this devilry? Mature discourse on CR?



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