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Energy Providers... input please.


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I literally had 3 pieces of mail today wanting me to switch from AEP to other providers for electricity.


I'll admit this confuses the heck out of me. If the power is generated at the same power plant and comes to me over the same lines, built by the same company years ago, how do we have all of these options? How can I buy power generated by AEP for cheaper from other companies?


Have any of you swapped electric providers?

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I have posted in several threads regarding this already, but you can always feel free to give me a shout and I can explain how all of this works for you.


Here is the most recent thread, for your perusal.




If you would like to chat, PM me and I'll shoot you my number. Ask around, I have helped several folks on here so far with this stuff. Also, the "Apples to Apples" chart is a really goos resource as well.

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I dunno but my electric bill just TRIPLED this month from last and I have GAS heat. Riddle me that? Fucking AEP, it's higher than it has been at all this year and both months were ACTUAL. Of course when I called they are closed. :fuuuu:
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Is solar an option back in Ohio?


I never looked into it when I was living there (renting)...but here in Denver it was the way to go. Cheaper per kwh, no tier system, anything I don't use the power company pays me.

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I've heard some solar panels don't require direct sunlight anymore (ie they still work on cloudy days). I'll check into it more and update with a link if I can find any info.


Edit: not as effictive without direct sunlight, but they still work.



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Not only have we been flooded with letters, but this weekend, solicitors flooded our street. On one day, a guy tried to pretend he was actually with AEP. You wanna solicit that's fine, but don't fucking misrepresent yourself. I sent him packing.


Anyway, I did my own research today and went with https://www.dom.com/. Only $.0599 until Dec 2013 and NO termination fees. Not only was it the lowest I found, but combined with no termination fees, that's hard to beat. The rate is also fixed and Dominion is with PUCO.


That seems to settle any fear I had of switching. If there was some kind of hidden fee or other issue (which I currently don't see), I can switch with no penalties.

Edited by ImUrOBGYN
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Orion have saved us thousands on our business accounts.


Thanks for the referral.


I myself personally am with FES, as at the time they were the lowest available. Even if you don't go through me, EVERYONE should really be looking into switching their generation services.

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Best advice is do a in-depth analysis of what you've paid historically and choose the best rate available. Keep in mind rates will be going up soon if you look at trends. Also if you buy from someone like IGS they are just buying the generation from AEP and marking it up, I'd stick with someone with generation not a marketer.
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Also if you buy from someone like IGS they are just buying the generation from AEP and marking it up


So, Dominion and Border, whom I'm sure buy energy from AEP, are marking it UP to sell it at .0599, while AEP is busy selling it at .0810, and AEP's RETAIL branch is selling it at .0649? Interesting business model you guys have over there. :-)


I will say this, you are not lying, as I'm sure they're actually paying something like .0380 for it right about now on the wholesale market. In fact, there are only 4 generators (FES, AEP, DP&L, and Duke) in Ohio, and everyone else on the PUCO list is essentially buying from the market. Market prices, obviously, are lower than what any of the consumers pay, as all of these companies have to turn a profit.


Chief, how long have you been working for AEP? I know a lot of folks over there, and one of our principals was a trader for AEP for something like nine years...

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I just re-signed up with IGS last week. .0500 or something stupid like that. My rate before that was .055?


Wow. Are you sure you aren't talking about natural gas? I know of NO ONE in Electricity offering a price that low for residential accounts.

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If I go with one of these companies will I get 1 bill from XXX for generation and another from AEP for transmission and distribution?


I like to keep my finances as simple as possible so I have to spend as little time as humanly possible with them.


Just about all of these providors have Utility Consolidated Billing in AEP territory, which is to say that you will get ONE bill, from AEP, with a line item on it regarding your generation services. You will then pay ONE bill, and AEP will see that your generation providor gets there share of the money. You will STILL contact AEP regarding any outages, or other disruptions in service. Easy Peasy.

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Wow. Are you sure you aren't talking about natural gas? I know of NO ONE in Electricity offering a price that low for residential accounts.


I just double checked the letter I got from them. It's 6 cents per kilowatt hour.


I can't remember what the gas is. I think that's 5 cents or something.

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