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Should we have an IQ test to be on CR?

DTM Brian

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This is getting a little weird.






I never claimed to be smart or witty, but at least this pic has decent side boob.

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Thorne's response will include at least two of the following:


-his actual IQ score

-how he was misdiagnosed as abnormal as a child

-an obscure reference to some car modification

-a misspelled word (the irony of which will not be missed by anyone)

-his disdain for Big Pharm/psychotropic medications in general

-how cannabis can be an effective mood stabilizer




abnormal is such a general term..

My spelling has improved because I leverage software now.

When I was younger I had a disdain, Meh.

I can't come up with a car reference To much XO tonight....

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abnormal is such a general term..

My spelling has improved because I leverage software now.

When I was younger I had a disdain, Meh.

I can't come up with a car reference To much XO tonight....

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Niggaz please!! How many languages do you speak? And how old did you graduate from college? 165 my ass!!

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Gump LOL.


I didn't go to college. That was back in high school when I was tested. I'm sure I'd score lower at my older age. I've traded some of that wisdom for things like tuning.


Go take the test again within the next month and score 160 and higher then I'll be impress. Better yet I'll pay for the damn test if you score 160 and higher.

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Go take the test again within the next month and score 160 and higher then I'll be impress. Better yet I'll pay for the damn test if you score 160 and higher.


You must have missed my post about scoring lower in my older age. Some of the things they test for I'm quite positive I'm not as polished on as I once was. For example Algebra and Geometry.



I'm really not trying to have a pissing match here..

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That's what the smart people tell the stupid people to make them feel better about their life.






One sided arguement much?


Depends on the test format. There are several types.


I was kind of being a jerk and somewhat flippant. What you're saying (or what you've heard) isn't without merit. There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical when it comes to IQ testing. And there is no consensus on what constitutes "intelligence" or what - precisely - we are measuring when it comes to an IQ test. It's an evolving field of study and certainly not without it's share of controversy.


P.S. When I'm on here, I'm not a professional. I'm just an idiot.


A IQ test is not something for which a person can study. It test does not measure the quantity of your knowledge but rather measures a person's general intellectual ability to understand ideas, as compared to the general population at the same developmental level. How well we reason, distinguish relationships and solve problems are the kinds of things the test aims to discern. An IQ test also measures how well we process information, particularly our ability to store and retrieve it. Except in extreme circumstances, such as diseases that affect the brain, a person's IQ tends to stay about the same throughout life.


Taken from: http://curiosity.discovery.com/question/what-an-iq-test-measure

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