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Didn't want to keep detracting from wonderboy's thread


If anyone else is interested come on out....












this blurry fuck is me





josh is trying really hard to not let his colon pop out, that's 565lbs




co-owner Graham Holmberg



Games competitor and mother of two, Heather Welsh


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damn, how do you get in on something like that?


contact the trainers, Brandon or Graham, set up a time for an Elements class on Monday. Elements are on mon. wed. and thurs. You have to complete all the elements classes before you go on. One of the coaches teaches you the basics during the class.

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Doesn't matter, the bar will flex and by the time the weight is off the ground because of how its spread out all you need to do is throw your hips in it and lock out.


Quit being such a fucking troll.


So you don't like what they're doing? Who gives a fuck what you think. Go do three sets of suicide, meathead.

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Oh look a bunch of people lifting with bumper weights claiming numbers. :dumb:


Doesn't matter, the bar will flex and by the time the weight is off the ground because of how its spread out all you need to do is throw your hips in it and lock out.




Quit being such a fucking troll.


So you don't like what they're doing? Who gives a fuck what you think.



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Didn't want to keep detracting from wonderboy's thread


If anyone else is interested come on out....



co-owner Graham Holmberg




The guy right behind him is Dan Bailey he was the anchor for my 4x100 team in college at OU.

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If anyone does decide to try this out, expect to be frustrated initially. i've been going for about a year and i'm just starting to figure things out.


The guy right behind him is Dan Bailey he was the anchor for my 4x100 team in college at OU.


Dan drops in every once and a while.

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This is what I would expect from someone who can't hack it. :lolguy:


Totally kidding since I don't really know you or your workout routine. Unrustle the jimmies sir.


Can't hack what? A crossfit workout? Yes, i've been through them at new albany, i used to workout with keith simon before he left urban active. Try again.




Jimmies are not rustled my friend, just can't stand crossfit and what it promotes.

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Can't hack what? A crossfit workout? Yes, i've been through them at new albany, i used to workout with keith simon before he left urban active. Try again.




Jimmies are not rustled my friend, just can't stand crossfit and what it promotes.


...missed the full message. ;)


Nice ninja edit. :lolguy:


Edit: That's fair. I can't stand treadmills and other forms of workouts. If it gets others active though what does it matter? Sure, we all have different personal styles/opinions. Having those is everyones right. Trolling others who don't necessarily agree with your particular methods is just silly though.


Such is "As CR Turns" though. :)


Edit #2: So. Many. Emoticons. And for that I apologize...but won't change them.

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If it gets others active though what does it matter? Sure, we all have different personal styles/opinions. Having those is everyones right. Trolling others who don't necessarily agree with your particular methods is just silly though.


This is what bigotry doesn't look like.

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...missed the full message. ;)


Nice ninja edit. :lolguy:


Edit: That's fair. I can't stand treadmills and other forms of workouts. If it gets others active though what does it matter? Sure, we all have different personal styles/opinions. Having those is everyones right. Trolling others who don't necessarily agree with your particular methods is just silly though.


Such is "As CR Turns" though. :)


Edit #2: So. Many. Emoticons. And for that I apologize...but won't change them.



There will always be a long standing hate between bb/pl and crossfit. We have 2 different philosophies on training and they way a muscle works during the movement.


Now to say i hate people who enjoy it? No by all means if thats what gets you off the couch and into a gym then go for it.

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