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So we have a ton of hawks by my house and I went out this morning to try to get some pics. This is the one that didn't turn out like complete garbage.


Anyway, this is for those of you that like hawks. I have always loved them since I was a kid.



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That is not an eagle.


There are some up in the hoover reservoir are. I have seen them off central college.


This hawk actually looks more like an Osprey than an eagle, but there aren't any large bodies of water around here and Osprey eat fish...

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That is not an eagle.


There are some up in the hoover reservoir are. I have seen them off central college.


This hawk actually looks more like an Osprey than an eagle, but there aren't any large bodies of water around here and Osprey eat fish...


We do have quite a few Osprey's around here as well. I have seen them at Alum boating and there are quite a few nest "Stands" at Hoover and the north-north part of Alum.


I actually have one that hangs out at the pond behind my house pretty regularly. I got VERY crappy pics (It was cloudy and they were pretty high in the sky) of it attacking an Eagle that was checking out its little fishing hole lol.


I will have to see if I can find them tonight and I will post a few.


Oh, and even though it is very light-colored that does look like a Hawk to me :)


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My bad, saw white head, and ASKED.....


Must be hard in life to know everything and do nothing with the knowledge.


Young Eagles don't "Look" like the White Head / White Tail Eagles everyone is used to seeing. They are very large obviously (Much much bigger than a Hawk) but are just a spattering of brown and white wherever. In other words, if it was far away you wouldn't look at it and immediately think "Eagle".


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The only Bald Eagle I have ever seen in person is at the Zoo, and they just sit there. As for that image, as the OP said it's not the cleanest image, nor do you have any reference in the image as to how big that "Hawk" is. It's not like any of us that live in columbus or burbs look up daily and say "wow look at that flock of bald eagles." They are pretty rare to see in Ohio as I read on the Internet. I do see "Hawks" but in person it is easy to have reference to see the difference in size. I have spent more time at Hoover around the dam than anyone else on this board I guarantee, and have never seen one there. I have spent a good chunck of my life walking and playing the frisbee golf course there, I helped install that course in 1990. I see turkey vultures every time I'm there. Had the pic been a Canadian Goose, I would have identified that fucker right away, fucking things are flying rats.


To the OP, very cool pic, I got a close up of a hawk on Columbus State's campus a few years back, it killed a rat and the rat was so big it couldn't fly away with it so it decided to sit there 8ft from me and let me take pics while it ate it, it must have been starving. Pretty cool to watch it rip apart the rat. The noises of the rat coming apart were awesome.

Edited by Benjamin
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Years and years ago I was hunting up at Dillon Wildlife Area and my dog went down into this swamp then I heard some barking. I run to the edge of this hill to see my dog about 2ft away from this giant owl that was guarding this muskrat it had killed. So this thing is standing on this muskrat, has its wings out trying to make itself look bigger, and anytime my dogs snout got within less than a foot of this thing, it would peck at him and try to take a chunk of his face off ha ha. I mean, this was a big owl. So run down the hill to get the dog and this owl just looks at me with this look like, "Listen here mofo, I aint leaving this muskrat, so get that mongrel out of here before I peck his eyes out."


I leashed the dog and we went on our merry way.


What I would have given to have had a camera with me then. Pretty neat stuff.

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That is not an eagle.


There are some up in the hoover reservoir are. I have seen them off central college.


This hawk actually looks more like an Osprey than an eagle, but there aren't any large bodies of water around here and Osprey eat fish...


It's an Osprey for sure. And they will fish in rivers and ponds, it doesn't have to be lakes. Dallas and Fort Worth have PLENTY of water to support them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Went to take our son for a walk this weekend and as soon as we walked out there door, there were 3 hawks flying over us relatively low. My wife was able to get a couple in focus shots of one of the redtails.





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