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Well I won't be able to sleep now


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Upstairs watching game of thrones online trying to relax and wind down when my lab starts going insane, barking like crazy, whining. Ran downstairs as fast as I can, she starts whining more, growling and shaking at the front door. I opened it ran on the porch and didn't see anything but she darted up the driveway with her nose to the ground.


Fairly certain some one either tried to open the door or was at least on the porch. As most people with dogs know, they have different barks and you can usually tell when it's nothing or she wants to bite some ones fucking head off.


/meaningless rant

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That's what I am hoping. My lab is a great guard dog and she's actually done this once before almost exactly as she done tonight. Some kids went through our vehicles, stole change and a couple packs of gum lol. This was like 6 years ago.


There's been some recent break ins here in town and like always, the village idiot doesn't do much to catch them. The way the house is it'd be easy for some one to vanish relatively quick. I moved to the room my son is sleeping in and will remain here tonight to be sure he's safe.

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