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the buster


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How old are you the buster and how many kids do you have.


how is any of this relavent? and who honestly cares about being infacted? i feel like using that threat is as useless as that flat spot where a dick shouldve been ken doll.


Dear "The Buster":

In the most recent of thread posts i have noticed 3 things about you.

A. you are as dumb as they come when it involves cars, and anything mechanical.


B. Either you have the knowledge power of a 3 day old turd, or your parents are brother and sister


C. Last but by no means my only oberservation, you are a product of meth infused water, and high poluted air.


As much fun as it would be to continue, i hope you take this in the most literal way becuase i would hate for you to reproduce. Please off yourself in the most efficent manner known to man.


KTHNKS, all of CR

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how is any of this relavent? and who honestly cares about being infacted? i feel like using that threat is as useless as that flat spot where a dick shouldve been ken doll.


Dear "The Buster":

In the most recent of thread posts i have noticed 3 things about you.

A. you are as dumb as they come when it involves cars, and anything mechanical.


B. Either you have the knowledge power of a 3 day old turd, or your parents are brother and sister


C. Last but by no means my only oberservation, you are a product of meth infused water, and high poluted air.


As much fun as it would be to continue, i hope you take this in the most literal way becuase i would hate for you to reproduce. Please off yourself in the most efficent manner known to man.


KTHNKS, all of CR


Don't mind him the buster, we all wish you the best. Have a happy holidays!

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Neither.. my last name is Scheidegger, don't know why you need to know but whatever. I am 26 and have, well going to have 2 kids come February.






you reproduced?

who had secks with you?

were their drugs involved?

did you hit her over the head with a blunt object?

did you have as many dumb questions when losing your virginity as you have about your shitty nissan?

will you teach your 2 kids everything you know about cars?

will they get mt dew tats ?

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