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Weapons ban proposal summary.


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So under this I would not be able to buy a savage 17 with the stainless barrel and thumb hole stock?


Please tell me how this gun makes someone a killer.


Ignorant Democrats.


It looks like they are looking for a generalization so the swath is nice and wide. That allows them to pick and choose at will what they want to be banned or controlled. It's easier to throw a HUGE net fishing than one line.

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Your reasoning and explanation sounds rather democratic


Dunno what that means, but I do know when you go in for negotiations you ask for everything knowing you will have to compromise.


I asked the wife if I could spend $120k on a Corvette ZR1 knowing she'd say "hell no" when in all reality I was angling for a nice $80k Corvette Z06. We all know I ended up with neither though.... :mad:

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Well they're taking everything away from me if this shit passes. Wish I hadn't sold my 870 so I would have something...


I don't think so, even if this passes as is, all your guns will just be registered as a NFA . I don't think what ever passes will be remotely close even if it passes at all. With the GOP holding the house, the bill should die at the house.

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Anyone else think that they made it so ridiculous they know the bill will fail, but it looks like they tried so they can appease gun control groups?


They made it ridiculous because that's the art of negotiation.


Ask for way more than you "need" so you can negotiate down to what you really wanted.

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Anyone else think that they made it so ridiculous they know the bill will fail, but it looks like they tried so they can appease gun control groups?


Some part of me would like to think this way.


But, I really think that's how the uninformed idiots think nowadays. They have sucked up the rewritten history for all its worth, are glad to throw our rights away if they feel it may make them seem popular at the moment.


The only good thing about them is their knee-jerk reactions are only good for a few days before they're off on some other BS tangent, so maybe the fiscal cliff will distract them long enough.

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Some part of me would like to think this way.


But, I really think that's how the uninformed idiots think nowadays. They have sucked up the rewritten history for all its worth, are glad to throw our rights away if they feel it may make them seem popular at the moment.


The only good thing about them is their knee-jerk reactions are only good for a few days before they're off on some other BS tangent, so maybe the fiscal cliff will distract them long enough.


Personally, I'm hoping we drop off the edge of this 'fiscal cliff'. The cost is worth it to me to distract the country away from gun control and it makes all of the politicians look like the idiots that they truly are.

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