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Investing for 2013


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I'll be playing on the current volatility and am hoping for lots of attention by both sides, but I'm sorta expecting the worst fears are mostly over.


That's what I'm gauging is whether or not this will continue to increase up to the negotiations or if its going to begin settling down.

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That's what I'm gauging is whether or not this will continue to increase up to the negotiations or if its going to begin settling down.


Its basically out of the news so I don't expect any "knee jerk" reactions that could have been had it been a leading story during a boring news period. I'm expecting some talk, but it will mostly go unnoticed and be forgotten.

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There isn't much risk involved when I make a trade. Typically I study a specific stock long enough to know its movements. The only thing left is buying in and selling at the best possible price points. Most of the time I get it pretty close and sometimes I knock it out of the park, but these days I rarely take a loss.
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Ya, I wish I had jumped on earlier right before the spike. I'm just assessing if there was still opportunity left. I'm also looking at purchasing shares of a small firearms company that produces assault rifles. If the craze continues there could be money still on the table. If it flatlines they won't see the volume necessary to make the roi I hoped for.
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Still too scared to get into trading...real estate is where I've found success and less risky (if you are smart about it).


When my Grandpa (RIP) owned 17 Burger Kings back in the 70's he tried day trading (he was a millionare for a short time)...he told me at one point he lost 100k in a month. That was enough to scare me away. He quickly learned it wasn't for him and went and did other stuff.


Some people are great at it, maybe I'll give it a shot some day.

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I wouldn't touch it right now. If you had got in before the scare that would have been the safe play. There is still opportunity to get in and see good results but you could still see it drop back down quickly. I expect it to drop back down and level out as I don't see Obama getting much passed as far as new gun laws or restrictions.


Do keep in mind that all of these companies are back ordered to the moon right now.


The best thing to get in was 3D Printers at the beginning of the year. I would still be looking at 3D Systems (DDD) and Stratasyss (SSYS). Both of these still have a lot of potential growth in a growing industry. DDD raised expectations last quarter, which I expect them to surpass.

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Still too scared to get into trading...real estate is where I've found success and less risky (if you are smart about it).


When my Grandpa (RIP) owned 17 Burger Kings back in the 70's he tried day trading (he was a millionare for a short time)...he told me at one point he lost 100k in a month. That was enough to scare me away. He quickly learned it wasn't for him and went and did other stuff.


Some people are great at it, maybe I'll give it a shot some day.


There is a big difference between being a trader and an actual investor. One isn't necessarily better than the other but you need to know what you are if you start playing the game. Also, if you do not have the time or knowledge to put into research it's better to have a professional do it for you.

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I am on a computer all day and follow quite a bit of stocks to track progress, my problem is not knowing the small ones. I follow stupid shit like Ford and Apple.


My biggest mistake in my life (investment wise) is not buying Ford the day I logged in and saw it at $1.11. My dad was going to loan me 10k to buy it with a 20% profit share (all risk on me, I was 17 or 18, something like that) and I chickened out. I remember Ford topping out well above $14/share.


I have been eyeing a few, SMFG and 'Herbalife' were identified a few months ago as top stocks to invest and I've been tracking. My money is tied up in a house in Canal right now. Until it sells I can't buy shit.

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I am on a computer all day and follow quite a bit of stocks to track progress, my problem is not knowing the small ones. I follow stupid shit like Ford and Apple.


My biggest mistake in my life (investment wise) is not buying Ford the day I logged in and saw it at $1.11. My dad was going to loan me 10k to buy it with a 20% profit share (all risk on me, I was 17 or 18, something like that) and I chickened out. I remember Ford topping out well above $14/share.


I have been eyeing a few, SMFG and 'Herbalife' were identified a few months ago as top stocks to invest and I've been tracking. My money is tied up in a house in Canal right now. Until it sells I can't buy shit.


Dudes right there is a big difference between trader and investor. Your Granddad could have at least been an investor with his million and made a killing up through the `70's.

A trader has to put serious time into reading charts. Whether its a good company or not is irrelevant to me as I look at the charts and time the in's and out's on an intra-day basis. I also don't typically trade stocks above $10 per share and look for ones that move 4% or more a lot.


I feel ya on Ford. I've had those mistakes too, but now established a rule for myself that if I ever see an obvious stock at a stupidly good price I drop everything and go in hard. I've been burned by reluctance to many times.

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I like to buy stocks when they are cheap. aapl is still on sale right now and has a fantastic balance sheet. Although the smart money was buying a couple of weeks ago. As for me, I purchase looking to keep for at least 9 months and they need to pay a dividend.
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The best thing to get in was 3D Printers at the beginning of the year. I would still be looking at 3D Systems (DDD) and Stratasyss (SSYS). Both of these still have a lot of potential growth in a growing industry. DDD raised expectations last quarter, which I expect them to surpass.


If your looking to get into DDD, its in a downtrend and might be at a good price. Hard to say though this soon into the new year. I'd see how it is shaping up in the next couple of weeks.

It could turn out to be a nice longer term hold than I'd normally be doing myself.

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I really wish I would have paid more attention to accounting/finance in college. I forget so much stuff.


Real estate is easy.


1. Find house for cheap that needs work, do a comparable search on what has sold in that area in the last 7 months.

2. Take cost of house+Rehab costs and if 20% lower than comps-real estate fees, buy.

3. ?????

4. Profit


Depending on cost of next house I'd be willing to invest 5-10k in something you guys feel is solid and let it sit.

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When I say DDD is in a downtrend remember I am a trader so I'm thinking short term. Here's a 10 day chart. Looks like its about to make a reversal and continue climbing.



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  • 3 weeks later...

My biggest mistake in my life (investment wise) is not buying Ford the day I logged in and saw it at $1.11.


of all my buys, Ford will go down as being the best one I've ever made :fuckyeah:


aapl is still on sale right now and has a fantastic balance sheet. Although the smart money was buying a couple of weeks ago. As for me, I purchase looking to keep for at least 9 months and they need to pay a dividend.


How are you feeling today? :gabe:

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I made a ton on F too

That being said, we all need to quit acting like it was a risk free no-brainer. They were very close to reorganizing also. Their only saving grace was a couple moves Mulally made a year before, leveraging assets for cash before they took a dive in value. At the time it made no sense at all. He either knew something that no one else did, or got lucky as hell.




Never ever invest more in a single stock than you are willing to lose.

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I was just telling Mike the other day that Apple is on the way out due to competition. They only came back due to a few innovations that were starring everyone in the face which they happened to pull the trigger on.


My DDD call was spot on and I made some nice in/out profit a couple of times in the past weeks. Looks like its ready for another one. Maybe I'll look into it again tomorrow. Also pulled off a little profit from URI.


I just heard big news from a competitor of DDD, Makerbot, they are signing with Ford to use 3D printers in their R&D.

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Since we're back on stocks again. Anyone use Global Star Satellite Phones or other systems? I've been day trading them for almost a year now and have made some heavy profit from it. They got delisted from the NASDAQ so they are on the OTC now which I believe to be temporary. Unless someone knows something I don't, I see them as a great buy and hold stock which will someday make a nice pay day. Symbol is GSAT.


I've considered getting one of their sat phones due to my hobbies taking me far from verizons network. Right now their data capability is very limited and wouldn't really be the reason I'd have their phone anyway. If I need data where only their phones work then slow is the fastest in the world:-)

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