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Investing for 2013


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... Makerbot, they are signing with Ford to use 3D printers in their R&D.


That.is.fucking.awesome on so many levels. :fuckyeah:


I've considered getting one of their sat phones due to my hobbies taking me far from verizons network.


Unless you would use it often just rent. I will probably rent one the next time I do a big hiking trip.... just so I can call/text someone from the top of a mountain where I have no business getting cell reception. :lolguy:

I guess it's supposed to be relatively cheap, especially if you don't actually make a call.

I guess the real question is why do you need it? IIRC the new ones have bluetooth and you can send text with them... maybe included in the rental cost? That would be enough to send an "I'm safe or not" text every day

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That.is.fucking.awesome on so many levels. :fuckyeah:




Unless you would use it often just rent. I will probably rent one the next time I do a big hiking trip.... just so I can call/text someone from the top of a mountain where I have no business getting cell reception. :lolguy:

I guess it's supposed to be relatively cheap, especially if you don't actually make a call.

I guess the real question is why do you need it? IIRC the new ones have bluetooth and you can send text with them... maybe included in the rental cost? That would be enough to send an "I'm safe or not" text every day


The unlimited talk/text plans are comparable to anything most major cell carriers have now, the drawback is the phone is at least $500 to get you started. If I happen on some cash I don't care about I'm seriously thinking of dropping my verizon phone, picking up a sat phone and just getting a tablet added to my wifes plan for my DATA needs.

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I was just telling Mike the other day that Apple is on the way out due to competition. They only came back due to a few innovations that were starring everyone in the face which they happened to pull the trigger on.


My DDD call was spot on and I made some nice in/out profit a couple of times in the past weeks. Looks like its ready for another one. Maybe I'll look into it again tomorrow. Also pulled off a little profit from URI.


I just heard big news from a competitor of DDD, Makerbot, they are signing with Ford to use 3D printers in their R&D.


I'm glad to hear DDD has been treating you well. I stayed in for a decently long ride with it and it's nearly doubled from buy in.


All of these 3d printing companies have a lot of room to grow. There were only 3 major companies at the beginning of last year, I know two have nearly quadrupled.

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3D printing took a nose dive today. I don't hold over night so I just watched the pain. Was looking for another buy in point, but doesn't look good today.


Did you see DDD today? Fuckin massive volume the last 2 trading sessions. Im personally a lil bearish on it but all that means for me is to stay away from it.. the price action doesnt make much sense to me lately...


i played it when motley fool sent their newsletter, i figured DDD would be the first one I would play bc of that newsletter. It was easy to play 20-40$ range then i stopped at 55 bc i think its getting out of hand atm.

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I did notice the huge volume. Probably everyone's stop loss orders being tripped;-)


I concentrated on IRDM today for some profit. I typically buy things that are headed down for the day and get them on the mid day rebound for .25-2% per trade. Doesn't seem like a lot to most, but it adds up done every day for a year. Maybe someday I can do this for a living. For now I just keep saving for the "day."

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What do you guy think about AAPL right now? I bought some when it was ~$200. I still more than double my money if I sell it now. Should I hold and wait until it go up to $600?


My thoughts on Apple, as a non-trader. The last phone they came out with (iphone 5) was a huge step up from the previous phone, but it was so "too little too late" that it didn't hit their targets. The next device they come out with will probably be the 5s, which will be a slightly refreshed version of the same thing. I wouldn't expect big sales numbers. At this point the tablet market has so much saturation that anything new they put out there will no longer be much of a splash. The mp3 player market has been replaced by cell phones, and therefore is just in autopilot now, never to return to its former glory. This means that short of them magically creating an entirely new niche product (without Steve Jobs coming up with it) they will continue to lose market share to the other companies that would rather create a new phone every time there's a new new feature to add to a phone rather than just stick with Apple's one phone a year plan. The iPhone 5 has comparable specs to the now 3 year old HTC Evo 4G. When they come out with a fully redesigned phone in late 2014, how far behind will they be then? My guess is they have peaked and will either maintain or slowly sink.


I think "When in doubt - pull out" could just as easily apply to the trading world as it does other aspects of life.

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My thoughts on Apple, as a non-trader. The last phone they came out with (iphone 5) was a huge step up from the previous phone, but it was so "too little too late" that it didn't hit their targets. The next device they come out with will probably be the 5s, which will be a slightly refreshed version of the same thing. I wouldn't expect big sales numbers. At this point the tablet market has so much saturation that anything new they put out there will no longer be much of a splash. The mp3 player market has been replaced by cell phones, and therefore is just in autopilot now, never to return to its former glory. This means that short of them magically creating an entirely new niche product (without Steve Jobs coming up with it) they will continue to lose market share to the other companies that would rather create a new phone every time there's a new new feature to add to a phone rather than just stick with Apple's one phone a year plan. The iPhone 5 has comparable specs to the now 3 year old HTC Evo 4G. When they come out with a fully redesigned phone in late 2014, how far behind will they be then? My guess is they have peaked and will either maintain or slowly sink.


I think "When in doubt - pull out" could just as easily apply to the trading world as it does other aspects of life.


Thank you for your insight. The funny thing is every time I go pass an Apple store it's always pack, but what you say make a lot of senses.

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My thoughts on Apple, as a non-trader. The last phone they came out with (iphone 5) was a huge step up from the previous phone, but it was so "too little too late" that it didn't hit their targets. The next device they come out with will probably be the 5s, which will be a slightly refreshed version of the same thing. I wouldn't expect big sales numbers. At this point the tablet market has so much saturation that anything new they put out there will no longer be much of a splash. The mp3 player market has been replaced by cell phones, and therefore is just in autopilot now, never to return to its former glory. This means that short of them magically creating an entirely new niche product (without Steve Jobs coming up with it) they will continue to lose market share to the other companies that would rather create a new phone every time there's a new new feature to add to a phone rather than just stick with Apple's one phone a year plan. The iPhone 5 has comparable specs to the now 3 year old HTC Evo 4G. When they come out with a fully redesigned phone in late 2014, how far behind will they be then? My guess is they have peaked and will either maintain or slowly sink.


I think "When in doubt - pull out" could just as easily apply to the trading world as it does other aspects of life.



I don't play with stocks at all but I 100% agree with this, I don't see Apple going anywhere unless they create another unique product like the Iphone or Ipod was in it's heyday.

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I don't play with stocks at all but I 100% agree with this, I don't see Apple going anywhere unless they create another unique product like the Iphone or Ipod was in it's heyday.


From what I hear, they are coming out with the iPad-pro. It will come with 128G and USB port. This will replace the air laptop.

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Debating on shorting DDD, or going long VXX


One of those are getting my bear money, just not sure which one yet


really like your VXX call, ive been stalking it YTD. im starting an entry position soon. Also looking at FAZ as I think the financials have run to fast in the short term

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My thoughts on Apple, as a non-trader. The last phone they came out with (iphone 5) was a huge step up from the previous phone, but it was so "too little too late" that it didn't hit their targets. The next device they come out with will probably be the 5s, which will be a slightly refreshed version of the same thing. I wouldn't expect big sales numbers. At this point the tablet market has so much saturation that anything new they put out there will no longer be much of a splash. The mp3 player market has been replaced by cell phones, and therefore is just in autopilot now, never to return to its former glory. This means that short of them magically creating an entirely new niche product (without Steve Jobs coming up with it) they will continue to lose market share to the other companies that would rather create a new phone every time there's a new new feature to add to a phone rather than just stick with Apple's one phone a year plan. The iPhone 5 has comparable specs to the now 3 year old HTC Evo 4G. When they come out with a fully redesigned phone in late 2014, how far behind will they be then? My guess is they have peaked and will either maintain or slowly sink.


I think "When in doubt - pull out" could just as easily apply to the trading world as it does other aspects of life.


I've got to chime in here even though I wasn't asked, lol. My perspective comes from a person who knows nothing about how to use an iphone or ipad and has no intention of buying one, I am just an investor.


1. Apple isn't and shouldn't be concerned with concerned with iphone as far as the perspective of leading in market share. What's important for apple in the segment are: 1. margins and 2. Sales growth over seas. When you pay Verizon $200 to upgrade to your iphone5 or whatever apple not only gets the $200 you paid but also another $400-$600 from the phone carrier. The concerns here would be carriers not paying their costs on the phone vs the much cheaper fees they pay to Samsung, Nokia, etc... on their phones. The other concern would be that people in developing markets would not see the value in paying a premium for an apple product over another brand.


2. As far as tablet growth I do not see the market as being over saturated at all yet, especially not overseas. The danger here in my opinion comes from the new generation of Windows 8 machines that can be true desktop replacements in the form of a tablet, but even these haven't proven themselves to be widely accepted yet.


3. I know that no Aapl product has better specs than any other brand out there for a cheaper price. Aapl's secret to success has been making products that are easy for stupid people to use. Products that "feel" good and that make technology less intimidating.


Something that you need to realize is that the earnings miss they just had wasn't a "bad" earnings result. They grew by 19%, which is huge, compared to the 20% that "analysts" had guessed they would make.


I think the real reason for the selloff in the past few months is 2 reasons: 1. Aapl was very very over owned by both individual investors but mainly by funds and a correction was due. 2. Aapl went up so much in 2012 that a lot of the selling was simply people taking their profits.


In this short term owning Aapl is going to be like living on a roller coaster, but the long-term investor should see this sale as a buying opportunity.

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really like your VXX call, ive been stalking it YTD. im starting an entry position soon. Also looking at FAZ as I think the financials have run to fast in the short term


2/1/13 VXX $25.50 Call option did well at the end of the day. And were next to free.....


If you really wanna roll the dice and don't play options you can look at TVIX.


It did 12% yesterday. Not a bad day at the races.

Edited by 2highpsi
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I would stay away from Apple. I haven't looked at them in a while though.


I was watching solar a lot and it did go up after the election results. SPWR in particular was one I played around with. These types of companies have a tendency to make big jumps and they have an extremely low buy in cost.


I personally wouldn't short DDD. It's rather regular for them to run extremely strong, hit a heavy drop for a little and then make another big climb. The 3D printing industry is still climbing and there aren't a lot of big competitors out there right now.

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DDD was trading with a 90+ PE.


It reminds me of a lot of computer companies of 99-00


Computers were becoming more affordable and everyone was buying them. Problem is when prices go down so do profits. And the companies that pay big bucks for the higher end 3d printers will really start to question the disparity of pricing between them and average consumers.


It is just a gut call. I could be wrong. But I buy companies for one of three reasons. (talking long term... short term stuff is a whole different convo)


A. they do something no one else can

B. they do something BETTER than anyone else does

C. it makes financial sense (think P/E ratios... dividends etc)


DDD fits none of those and I think all the people seeing this a long term winner are going to be wrong

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I would be looking to short SSYS if I were going to pick a company in the 3D printing field.


I don't like SSYS, but I dislike DDD more.


At DDDs current price, the market values the company at 3.5 Billion dollars. Even though SSYS has a higher price, they have far less shares outstanding. It is only valued at ~1.5 Billion.


If you think DDD is worth more than 3.5B, I agree you should go long it.



But I hear what you are saying. Like I said, this one is just a gut call. I'm not claiming this one to be spot on. I typically take a contrarian view on investment picks anyways. Which is why I am seldom vocal about them on forums also, lol.

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I don't like SSYS, but I dislike DDD more.


At DDDs current price, the market values the company at 3.5 Billion dollars. Even though SSYS has a higher price, they have far less shares outstanding. It is only valued at ~1.5 Billion.


If you think DDD is worth more than 3.5B, I agree you should go long it.



But I hear what you are saying. Like I said, this one is just a gut call. I'm not claiming this one to be spot on. I typically take a contrarian view on investment picks anyways. Which is why I am seldom vocal about them on forums also, lol.


i have very similar logic and like to compare market caps to make direction decisions. my favorite was comparing yhoo to aol. i think AOL is a short of the century play. I hit it once 30$ down to 9-11$ now that its back up and getting a crazy valuation im thinking of shorting it again.


Another easy one was AAPL at 650-700+ when GOOG was at 490-525. Went long goog, and wish I would have shorted aapl but didnt have the balls at that time.

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2/1/13 VXX $25.50 Call option did well at the end of the day. And were next to free.....


If you really wanna roll the dice and don't play options you can look at TVIX.


It did 12% yesterday. Not a bad day at the races.


just bought the VXX April 20/25 call spread

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just bought the VXX April 20/25 call spread


Looks like a good time to get in today. Hope it isn't the start of a down pattern.


Curious, VXX looks like an exchange traded fund? Is that something that can be traded like a stock or is it subject to rules similar to mutual funds.

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