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Xbox 360 cyber cafe


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Are there any of these around Columbus, if so has anyone attended one?


If not, what kind of interest would there be for a place that would hold tournaments, open gaming online, have new games, multi user matches etc, etc...


Would you be most likely to


  1. Never attend
  2. pay by the hour
  3. pay a day rate
  4. join with a small monthly fee


My kids keep telling me there is nowhere for them to go "hang out" and I know they like playing video games more than anything else it seems. I hear there are a bunch of gamers out there, but would this be a waste since everyone has the console at home?


I guess it would be kinda like a hangout for lan parties and such.


Just a thought, it may suck, but figured I'd see what everyone thinks...

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Agreed, the ones I've seen go out of business. There was a large one off of SR256 a few years ago that did exactly what you described, Mark, and they lasted a couple of years.


People are more prone just to stay home and play. Why go spend money when you can do it for free?

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Before broadband internet was widespread and before online console gaming, this was a viable business. Now, not so much.


The only place I could see it working would be in student union at a large university campus, and I still think that is a big risk.

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One of my friends parents used to own a place like this on bethel by the DMV, but i cant remember what it was called. Theres was mostly computer stuff from what i remember (Use there Everquest accounts etc, starcraft/d2 lans/bnet) but it adventually went under like all the others.


I do remember going to these things though on fri/sat nights and paying $15-$20 and staying up all night with friends just playin games and havin a blast. Especially when Rallys was at the corner of bethel and sawmill, could just walk to rallys and get some amazing cheese fries or somethin and go play games. Shit was fun as a kid.

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The younger kids will end up bring dropped off and parents no where to be found. Not something I would like to deal with parents so sue happy. Most gamers are older 16-35 or so that have the money to just play at home and into the late hours where you wouldn't want to be open or staff that late.
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