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2013 Road Cycling Thread


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I guess this can officially get started, and hopefully annoy Jones and Paul in the process :gabe:


Finally decided to pick up some cold weather gear, got out saturday (1/5) for a chilly 37 miles. Average temp 39 degrees, average speed was 16. Had some "fun" battling some snow drifts covering the road out towards Johnstown, about wiped out a couple times, but was only doing a walking pace through it, and wasn't clipped in, so I was expecting it and caught myself. Amazingly stayed warm all day aside from the tips of my toes.





So what are everyone's goals this year?


For me -


5k+ miles (actual, I don't count miles on the trainer)

6 or more centuries.

Get at least one of those centuries done in under 5 hours moving time.

More climbing. I know it'll make me stronger. I maybe did 100k feet in ~3700 miles last year. I just gotta get out east and south east more to get this.

do RAIN (Ride Across Indiana) one day, 160 mile ride from about the IL border to the OH border.

TOSRV down and back (I'll admit though, being that it's a ride known for shitty weather, if it doesn't look good, i'll skip it, or maybe just do day 1)

Tackle Starner hill down towards Lancaster. I still haven't gotten a chance to ride it and have heard it's a good challenge

Get my average HR down. This will come with time and getting stronger


I also want to try to get into mountain biking a little more this year, but im still trying to get my road bike up to where I want it to be, THEN i'll see about buying a MTB. it's a hell of a challenge and quite fun, but right now, road comes first for me.


Now onto the cycling haters. Let's hear it.

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My plan as of now is to just find the time to get out and ride. I'll most likely ride in the evenings after work and try to get in about 20+ 5 nights a week until I get back in the groove. I loved the Saturday prospect rides last year but I'll most likely be working most Saturdays this year. I plan to ride pelotonia if I'm still in Ohio and the tour de donut was a blast last year so I'll try to train better for it and should be able to easily break last years time.
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My plan as of now is to just find the time to get out and ride. I'll most likely ride in the evenings after work and try to get in about 20+ 5 nights a week until I get back in the groove. I loved the Saturday prospect rides last year but I'll most likely be working most Saturdays this year. I plan to ride pelotonia if I'm still in Ohio and the tour de donut was a blast last year so I'll try to train better for it and should be able to easily break last years time.


what's your work schedule look like? theres weeknight rides i usually do - tuesday - dublin (avery park), wednesday - westerville (hoover dam), and sometimes if im feeling fast, i'll try to jump into the new albany ride (from the elementary school).


then with that theres usually a weekend ride every week thats a bit longer.

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what's your work schedule look like? theres weeknight rides i usually do - tuesday - dublin (avery park), wednesday - westerville (hoover dam), and sometimes if im feeling fast, i'll try to jump into the new albany ride (from the elementary school).


then with that theres usually a weekend ride every week thats a bit longer.


Right now I work 6-4:30 Mon-Sat so I would be able to make the evening rides depending on the start location and time.

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Right now I work 6-4:30 Mon-Sat so I would be able to make the evening rides depending on the start location and time.


for sure. i'll send you the information once it starts up again. thats a hell of a schedule.


and thanks for the safety comment. that's always the #1 goal. the guy at the bike shop was trying to get me into a black/gray winter jacket on friday when i was shopping for some winter gear, but i made sure to go with the loud as fuck neon green. people expect us on the road more in the summer, not when theres snow covering most of the ground. we had about 10-12 people ride saturday, we split into a few groups, and didnt have any issues. most people are pretty respectful.


and buck, dont hate. its your own fault your fat ass cant even get on a bicycle or probably even fit inside the car in that .gif :dumb::gabe:

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guess you're gonna have to wait :gabe:


i had someone behind me on central college from almost cubbage road up to sunbury. 95% of the roads we were on were clear, shoulders included. it actually started to annoy ME that he/she wouldn't go around me, even when there wasn't traffic coming the other way. oh well. im sure the whole minute delay in his/her trip wasn't going to make or break anything and they thought about my safety. im fine with that.

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Nice. Ive enjoyed mtb when ive gone, but fuck, 60 miles would be rough. i I know that you posted about it before, but how long did you say it takes to do that? I think the only way I could do something like that, is if it was at a course like John Bryan where it was kind of flat. I know you said mohican has a metric shit ton of climbing.
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Nice. Ive enjoyed mtb when ive gone, but fuck, 60 miles would be rough. i I know that you posted about it before, but how long did you say it takes to do that? I think the only way I could do something like that, is if it was at a course like John Bryan where it was kind of flat. I know you said mohican has a metric shit ton of climbing.


I did it last year on a bike with gears in 7 1/2 hours. The course has roughly 8,000 ft of climbing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

well, i've been on a streak of getting out every weekend this year...last weekend was pretty shitty weather wise, but i had monday off work and got out, so im counting it as a 3 day weekend. got out for two rides this weekend. saturday was chilly, today was a bit nicer.


1/19 - pretty harsh cross winds ALL day - http://ridewithgps.com/trips/1099185

1/27 - almost 80 miles, average temp around 32* - http://ridewithgps.com/trips/1101488

2/4 - should've trusted the weatherman. got caught in the first hour of the snow storm that hit, which sucked - http://ridewithgps.com/trips/1122799

2/9 - 40 miles around hoover. kinda chilly, but good ride - http://ridewithgps.com/trips/1128337

2/10 - 44 miles, decent pace, pretty good ride - http://ridewithgps.com/trips/1130059

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Your either a troll or an idiot, when will people realize that the 30 or less seconds you have to slow or wait behind a cyclist makes no difference in your MOTOR powered vehicle.

For that matter, disregarding cycling all together, when will people realize that the few seconds you speed ahead of someone just to stop at the next light and have them roll up behind you and maybe not even stop as the light turns green again also will not matter in the scheme of things.

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Your either a troll or an idiot, when will people realize that the 30 or less seconds you have to slow or wait behind a cyclist makes no difference in your MOTOR powered vehicle.

For that matter, disregarding cycling all together, when will people realize that the few seconds you speed ahead of someone just to stop at the next light and have them roll up behind you and maybe not even stop as the light turns green again also will not matter in the scheme of things.


sounds like we got another retarded cyclist that will be in my way this summer....




on topic umm sweet miles bro

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sounds like we got another retarded cyclist that will be in my way this summer....




on topic umm sweet miles bro


I have been a "retarded cyclist" all my life, and have never been in anyone's "way" so much that it has affected their life significantly. My main point was that it's sad people actually get mad over cyclist being on the roads.

Why can't we as a society be more respectful?

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I have been a "retarded cyclist" all my life, and have never been in anyone's "way" so much that it has affected their life significantly. My main point was that it's sad people actually get mad over cyclist being on the roads.

Why can't we as a society be more respectful?


Its 2013 not 1950 bro

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Well im glad i could get that clarified for you.



So whats the retail on some of these bikes out there?


If that's an honest question, more than most used cars. The bike I ride was about 5k in 2001, the new Trek Madone Models can go above 7k easy if you customize. Whats cool is that bikes guys are a lot like car guys when it comes to saving weight and upgrading parts. We just talk in grams, not lbs.

My dad just bought one of these,





He also has the 2007 and had the 2001 that I have.

Basically like in motorcycles, these are the same bikes (minus some extra customization) that the pros ride.


Also please don't think I am just bragging about price and buy these bikes for show pieces, my dad rides 20 miles round trip to work each day for the last 25 years, year round as long as no snow and ice on the ground.


When I inherited my first car, and 1982 Toyota Cressida in 1998 it had less than 80k miles, my parents bought it new and it was the primary of two cars.

I do less riding than him but still ride a few times a week and on weekends when its nice out.

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